LoW_JacK (Hive Martyr)
10-01-03 12:51
No 462121
      Phoshorus phucked.....or is it...???  Bookmark   

I usually refrain from starting threads in this forum unless the nature of the post is harmless in nature. So this will be short and sweet.

A fuckin greenhorn scum up on a two 5 gallon buckets from a mexican national dump site. Now in the 1st bucket contained what was thought to have been a NAOH (lye) solution. The 2nd was a mass of murky red phosphorus slurry and alot of phos at that.
Now this is what made me want to smack the shit out of this fuckin' portegee. He doesnt know what he's looking at or what to do so this dumb shit dumps bucket 2 into bucket 1 and totally fucks this 4 or 5 some odd pounds of phossy up by mixing it in the lye solution.
I mean this shit is stinking of ammonia by the time swim sees the greenies blunder and was told that it had the ammonia odor from the get go, so I told him that he fucked the red beyond recovery and to let me see what I can learn about phosphorus and lye and if they form any bonds and if they can be seperated with any known steps besides just boiling in hot DH2O, cuzz that shit aint crackin'.

So can anyone think of any links or info to thwart the lye tainted red back to a reactable state of being? Because there aint no way in hell any amount of I2 will form any HI with lye present in any amount. This is known. Help out bees?
(Hive Addict)
10-01-03 14:49
No 462140
      Boiling in water should do it  Bookmark   

When i was still using rp i based the post rxn solution without filtering out the rp.  I then proceeded to steam distill with the rp still in the solution.  After that i filtered out the red phosphorus and washed with water and acetone and recycled the iodine from the filtered solution.  these would bee added to the next rxn.

It wasn't Me!
10-01-03 17:01
No 462172
      Alcohol  Bookmark   

One method of purification used by Boettger in Jour Prakt Chem 12 361 (1837) was to wash phosphorus with potash-lye in 75% alcohol, that may bee a good alternative to boiling in water smile

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Martyr)
10-02-03 12:23
No 462310
      Thats it? 75% alcohol solution?  Bookmark   

Thats it?  75% alcohol solution?  since it's already tainted with the potash-lye, I'd assume several alcohol washes followed by several acetone boilings maybe.

I just cant understand why anyone would do something as stupid as mix two buckets of unknown dumpsite chemicals especially when one of them has red floating in it up to a foot deep. I fucking hate lye.