10-26-03 20:30
No 466952
      Birch-Novel Modifications Nail It
(Rated as: good idea!)

OK, as the one who first (or secondly...which is it Dwarfer?) suggested melting the metal & adding the solution of ions to the "wet" solution of E & NH3, I'd like to share an even more successful METHod of combining these reactants (IMHO).

First, get several bags of ice & place your rxn vessel in the ice, add acetone to drop temp, then put the desired amt of smelly in the vessel.  (Dry Ice is better, and works nicely for recycling just in case you find NH3 hard to get).  Add the metal (3g for Li, 6g for Na per oz) to the smelly.  During this time, the E has been immersed in the ice, but be sure to double or triple up on the ziplocks, you don't want the E to get wet.  Once the metal has fully disolved, if it's black & thick you don't have enough NH3.  Add more, until the solution is deep blue & the solution is somewhat thinner.  BTW, you probably won't have enough NH3 anyway, so be ready to add to the solution, especially if the mixture turns black during the reaction.  Black is a sign that the ions are turning back to metal.  The fix for this is NH3.  The longer it takes you to reblue the solution, I theorize the more molecules are destroyed. 

Once the solution is thin enough, quickly sprinkle the COLD E into the solution.  Constantly stirring (a lab stirrer is a killer investent, and I suggest a Lightnin' Labmaster... it kicks ass), the reaction should be over in 10 to 15 minutes.  If it takes less time, don't worry.  However, be cognisant of any environmental factors which might eat up some of your precious ions.  Anyway, you'll know that your rxn is through when the blue disappears leaving the white byproducts behind.

HERE'S THE KICKER:  Give it at least 15 minutes, then hit it again.  That's right, melt 1/4 of your original amount of metal in enough NH3 to keep it thin & blue. Add a little at a time until the blue holds. (Beware of the black syndrome, it's especially prevalent here.  Be extra ready to add the NH3 right here).  Once the blue holds for several minutes (remember, you only add about 1 tablespoon at a time once the blue holds for a couple of seconds, until it holds for several minutes) then your done.   YOU DON'T NEED TO ADD H20 OR ICE (sorry Jacked).  YOU DON'T NEED TO ADD LYE H2O (sorry Dwarfer).  You haven't used enough too many ions this way to worry about quenching the reaction, and you've used enough NH3 to freebase ALL of the METH.

Remove from the ice.  Add Wally World Camp Fuel (not xylene, not NAPHTHA, although Camp Fuel is actually NAPHTHA, its just a quicker dryer and much nicer odor, however this is merely personal preference) about 1/2 gallon per 8 oz of gogo. 

Stir vigorously & remove from the waste.  Here an old pair of panty hose comes in handy.  Pour through the panty hose & then squeeze the shit out of it.  That in and of itself will add 10%-20% to your first gassing's yeild.

Rinse w/ H2O about 20% of volume until the NH3 is no longer detectible in the Fuel.  You'll know, just take my word for it!

Filter using 2 quart tea pitchers and Me@ita #6 Coffee Filters, separating the H2O out.  Titrate or gass, and enjoy some of the best gogo you've ever bioassayed.

Just try this one time.  You'll get slightly higher yeilds, and a complete reaction.  You'll use slightly less NH3 than traditional methods, and you'll nail that motherfucker every time, guaranteed!

Make It Simple, Teach The Masses
10-27-03 14:03
No 467099
      nice job     

Although I never said nothin' bout lye additions":<)

I never knew about the black indicating metal reformation??

good work!

10-27-03 19:56
No 467193
      Wouldnt the black just be a concentrated blue?     

Wouldnt the black just be a concentrated blue?
E.g less diluted, more concentrated.
How did you come to the conclusion that it represents metal reformation?

Just curious.
Nice work.
10-28-03 02:41
No 467246
      Fade to Blue     

All you have to do to prove the point is the next time your solution turns black, observe the tiny specks.  Thats reformed metal.  Add more smelly & the solution will turn blue.  Also, with the extra metal that you melted for the final addition, add a small bit of NP.  As the solution evaps off the remaining NH3, the metal will turn black, and then back to its natural form.
(Hive Bee)
10-28-03 19:14
No 467423
      You done it, Again!     

As usual, Smellium, sweetheart, you've come through.  It's a great write-up and I hope to see more from you.wink

Hi, BOS!smile

Oh and, Dwarfer.......SHUT UP!mad

Dwarfer is a troublemaker!
10-29-03 02:38
No 467488
      Let Me Clarify     

Some time ago, well over 7 years at least, SWISII noticed that there was a significant change in the sheen of the NH3 solution which seemed black but was merely concentrated metal and the solution which was, through evaporation of the NH3, turning back to metal.  The method employed invariably left a little bit of blue solution unused, and to recycle this SWISII would merely add NP to the liquid blue & it would revert back to metal as the NH3 evapped off.

However, it isn't uncommon for the solution to appear very close to black and there still be enough NH3 to keep it all in solution.  When the sheen on the surface lessens or goes away that is the ions unable to stay in solution because the NH3 (or lack thereof) can't hold it.

Oh, and thanks Jade.  You're the REAL sweetheart here!
10-30-03 14:50
No 467878
      moose, Jade, nike-ajax, auroras, and etc..     

Jees: I’ve been So nice to Jade
and and <snif> i can’t imAgine
 she’d tell me to shuddup “:<(

which of COUrse inspires me further... “:<)

So Mr. Smellium, this is interesting,
 although I don’t have the experience
of adding NP to black ammonia, so am
at somewhat of a loss in that regard.

As regards the practicality of the information
for Marvin’s occasional production efforts,
however, it seems that it would make
little or no difference. 

I think you or I or both synchronously
discovered the utility of pre-dissolving
the metal in it’s own ‘monia some time back,
and enjoyed the benefits of the pre-treatment effort.

One benefit is that there is not a
“localized oversupply” of
(semi)free electrons buzzing about
a bit of dissolving metal which might
“overcook” any alcoholics (HO’s
as seen from another perspective..);
 and another is the rapidity of the
reaction and getting to an “end point” quicker.

The third bennie is the reduction in crap
load in the reaction vessel...

Anyway, Marvey says yeah, he’s notice that an
oversupply of metal in the dissolving chamber
does definitely cause an iridescent blackness
there, with rainbow colors darkly seen arising
 from god knows what diffracting film.  But,
even though the metal may in fact be there as
the element, it gets finely subdivided, and is
 not the gross chunks otherwise flung into the
basin with the HO’s to be reduced, and thus the
 localized over-reduction potential is obviated
 or at least greatly reduced.

When dripped thru a filter into a mag-stirred
 reaction vessel, the black drops dissipate
rapidly into the excess ammonia contained
therein, and when color comes to stay it is the
royal blue.

Though Marve has thru binoculars noted only to be
cackling over vessels with maybe 300 ML of smelly
in them, and not large 5 gallon buckets as do some
of the True Afficionados of the art, “:<) for some
reason, once barely  blue, the stuff stays that way
 until the moisture in the air condenses and quenches it...


I know for a fact that Marvey has taken about
 5 lbs of ephedrine and an old surplus
Nike-Ajax rocket up to Vancouver:

he read that the Aurora Borealis is
essentially free electrons, so he’s going
to launch the pre-go into the ‘lectron cloud,
and explode it so it can get birched over the
birch forests located there, and vacuum it up
as it drifts back down.

I’m only saying this because I figger that
there may be a hazard in the forests up there,
(based on the deplorable filthy squalid
living conditions that he lives in)
he sure ain’t no expert at using the vacuum,
(or broom, or garbage container....) 
and there’s likely to be some
real fast moving PORCUpines moving around,
 and i wouldn’t want nobody to get stuck.

(Likely to be some horned-up moose, too,
Jade: so Y()u better stay outa da forests TOO!)


11-01-03 11:27
No 468153
      Further Clarification/Updates     

although I don’t have the experience
of adding NP to black ammonia, so am
at somewhat of a loss in that regard.

Yessir, that would facilitate the black NH3 to be less effective at keeping the ions in solution thereby further reversing the metal to ions effect.  It would also cause the NH3 to evap more quickly by reducing the temperature of the solution.  This method would ususally leave the chemist with a LITTLE blue liquid, which can be reused if converted back.  The safest way to do this is to immerse the metal in NP, thereby eliminating it's exposure to the elements.

When dripped thru a filter into a mag-stirred
 reaction vessel, the black drops dissipate
rapidly into the excess ammonia contained
therein, and when color comes to stay it is the
royal blue.

Precisely what these mods are intended to eliminate.  Instead of shooting with a pea shooter, we gatlin gun the motherfuckers by pouring the E into the blue solution.  As you aptly put it,

for some
reason, once barely  blue, the stuff stays that way
 until the moisture in the air condenses and quenches it...

I say that whatever it is that finally uses up those ions will have less effect when using the Nail It mods.

But, what if it wasn't condensation that quenched the blue?  What if it was molecules of E which were slow?  Why can't you get some of your product out of the post reaction crap for days/weeks?  Why is it that the longer it takes for the product to come out the more likely it is to be E instead of meth?

(Likely to be some horned-up moose, too,
Jade: so Y()u better stay outa da forests TOO!)
And finally, is there something going on between you two that we shouldn't by privvy to, or better put, "GET A ROOM!"