weaz1dls (Stranger)
10-28-03 09:37
No 467319

SWIW has been warning fellow bees about the expiration dates on a certain pill. These pills had disappeared locally, long ago, or so SWIW thought. 

                                         (Edited out , gibberish)

 Anyway, (will there ever be a point to this post?)It occurred to SWIW that he never shared this info.  So here it is.

               SWIW was titrating an experimental rxn’s set of NP pulls when SWIW noted the usual smell, colors and visual sights were all a little different. Figuring it was due to the “New” way SWIW baked the PIE.  However, SWIW decided to cut back a little on the hcl first added just in case.  Well as soon as the hcl was added the aqueous layer began to turn a yellow color.  Streams of yellow instead of the clear ribbons usually witnessed. Ok so it could be something left even after the np wash before basing. Mixed as usual and there it was. Shit forming fast in the water layer. Looked like huge amounts of snot crashing out.  The np layer lost all color returning to its original clear state. Swiw dripped a bit out and noticed a smell SWIW can not quite describe. It hits the sinuses with the same body of eucalyptus and menthol or mentholated, yet has a chlorine smell to it.  It smelled identical to a particular smell one would encounter entering a new house. A mix of resins, carpet and carpet pad…blah.  The trusty pills that had yet to cause serious issue were overlooked as the problem. All was neutralized and prepped for disposal. Disappointing yes, as this was the first failed rxn encountered in a long while and much depended on its expected success, however experience teaches us to have a backup plan right. So moving on to plan B still attributing the failure to some side reaction of aluminum and hcl present a traditional long wet PIE was prepared and started. Well of course arrogance has a lovely tangent often entered when least expected and 26 hours later, SWIW commenced to breaking shit and acting like a 3 yr old.  What the Fu@#?  And then it began to sink in…All those unfortunate bees fighting the Gaakk war.  Post after post SWIW read wondering when it would be a problem here.  Well this was it.  It was mearly undetectable pre rxn.  SWIW checked the dates on the pill stock and sure as shit the 08/05’s were now all 01/06. 

Testing Began;
                       SWIW set up for multiple  .50 gram micro rxns in modified conical bottom ½ drams. SWIW would set two categories.  The 08/05 set and the 01/06 set.  The 08/05 was to be certain the experimental rxn of  (RP, I2, Phosphoric, NaI, Alluminm shavings, and HCL aq, and Pseudo), wasn’t to blame.  No that was far from the truth.  SWIW would have been right on with his observations and tweaks up till then. . Set 1 (08/05), would test pills from a diff store but same manufacturer w/ exp 08/05. Set 2 (01/06), with the recent pills exp 01/06. The December exp dates were only encountered locally one time. Have not seen them lately and can not recall if they were suspect. 08/05's have been slowly depleting. The "Failed" result Swiw was looking for has a distinct smell. After the second run in with it SWIW is able to detect it immediately. It was present in all of set 2 rxns so swiw concluded that the change in exp date would be a guide of what to steer clear of till these were cracked. All of set 1 gave candy in of course, varying amounts. The first rxns, 1a and 2a were to see if aluminum turnings were to blame. Rxns 1b,1c and 2b,2c were to see if hcl residue, hcl + aluminum were to blame. In all three of the set 2 so far the beast was encountered. Test from then continued only with set 2 (01/06) to include almost every variation of extraction here as well as SWIW secret combo (then, Tweak minds think alike) the tce,tone,jap pre pull clean. These last tests  2k and 2l can't really be called rxns, hell it's been in the pill extraction that the scrutiny has been placed. From there on combine em in the 1/2 dram, seal, initiate, burp the rxn, let die down, then nuke in short spurts. temp was taken externally w/modified digital thermom taking into account that the rxn inside was pushing the energy out to the glass to the thermom so on so SWIW figured in this reverse order and reading of 95C was roughly 105c inside. When the temp outside dropped to 95 SWIW would zap again, listening to the start of the magnetron, count 2-3 seconds, stop micro wait 8 seconds then remove dram place on temp reader, and so on for a total of 10 zaps with 2 more pressure relief’s. From there the reactants were transferred to modified drams. These drams had been heated at the closed end slightly blown out then forced from within to a fine point (instead of flat) makes for more efficient separation of layers with pipette. Any way  as the filtered rxn juice was based just after the pale yellow began turn cloudy/milky the beast could be smelled. Further np pulls and basing through the colors of milk, purple, orange, brown, and so on three np pulls each aprox 1/10 cc of np, resulted in the same product. White powder w/green to yellow tint. Follows the same characteristics of the candy it replaces. Slightly soluble in acetone and MEK.  Non soluble in pet ethers, TCE, and non polar. ( This is after its titrated post reaction in the hcl form. If re-disolved in water or arch of choice the based pulled and re-titrated it shows every time.  The smell was familiar to a smell in a newly constructed house of office. A chloro-poly smell. Reminded SWIW of carpet seam glue, or maybe carpet pad, or dry-wall or something.  Pre rxn you will not smell it in the pseudo, not even if a/b both dry and wet. Steam distilled w/or w/out salt or left in the np to fall out as fb xtls. The pseudo burns clean leaves a slight now, slight faint brown-to black residue. SWIW can taste a slight difference in the pseudo between the 08/05 and the 01/06. That is the only indicator thus far pre rxn. During the rxns set 2 always displayed an rxn resembling one w/dirty precursors. ie. Heat required to initiate the rxn w/low HI levels, etc.  The reactants were combined the same way in all except 2. Pseudo, I2, rp, steam blast to provide moisture, seal it and in all the Set 1 rxns no heat was required after removal from the crushed ice bath.  Set 2 however required no cooling cause it didn’t want to start. Beginning to think it reacts with the I2, first thought it was the HI, but SWIW country friend (Birch'r) reports same post issues. Post rxn rp is coated.  Cleaned with tone then drop tone in h20 produces a milky substance that if left will float to form a skin like stagnant water. If the titration is pushed low a precipitant forms that if left to settle will rest at the interface. The lower water if drained  even after sitting for 5 days will still have this shit in it.  It seems to be impossible to get rid of as it mimics the meth. SWIW has yet to try gassing either pre rxn w/pseudo or post to get meth.  Also waiting out the results of a 24 hr long wet, but SWIW is pretty sure they won't be any diff.  Prior to this Best yields were coming from the long wet, or a semi wet mod of rp,psudo.hcl,I2,NaI,phosphoric instead of water at aprox a 75% dilution on the phosphoric. Sublimed I2, scant moisture in the NaI. Ratios of .75:1:.9:.4:3 drops. on a nano 10g to 14g scale. And yes aluminum turnings are most often added 2hrs into the game on the semi wet. Although it makes for an ugly emulsion when basing the yeild consistently showed aprox a 5% increase as compared without. Just give it time to separate. Could just be the VOODOO!
tongue  Good God this is a novel! SWIW seems to remember Geez or Wari.. Or someone believed a Gaakk to be ridding attached to the pseudo. And recently Seem to remember reading possibly the Gaakk was riding with the antihistamines color male ate or trip. Not sure about the later on the pills cause tce then a/b and distilling in between would leave behind the antihist's. If burn tested in larger amounts say .04-1.0g that slight residue takes on a diff look and is more noticeable pre rxn. It will turn yellow to baby-shit greenish brown to amber all the while smelling like a mixture of pseudo, antifreeze and a sheetrock. If extremely heated it will turn faster and spit out mini fireballs while popping.  Ok this is probe way to much info and swiw could probe go on for hours about observations and comparisons. The pills are white non-shell 60's. And if ya don't know em by this point don't bother asking some stupid fuckin question about the pill source unless you are one of the elders here asking for clarity for some reason. All else flames or comments as always welcomed and solicited.

 Next, SWIW will work on acid h20 extraction then gassing maybee ??? From there will back track 10 yrs into other syths beside pie and
catch up from there.madmad

must sleep!

The more I think I know, the more I know I don't!
(Hive Bee)
10-28-03 09:55
No 467325

polypovirolidone is the name of the chemical *swibb thinks*. he has encountered and dealt with it oh so fondly. ahem. or not. a faint greenish tint, and a very distinct smell. kinda turns your stomach when smoking the finished product. through his own research swibb has found a recent mention of the chemical polypovirolidone and knows for sure that is found in atleast 1 version of white 60's with chlor.  don't know any details about the chemical as of yet, but swibb's working it.
10-28-03 10:00
No 467328

Anyway, (will there ever be a point to this post?)

No... are you a relative to Uncle Fester by any chance?laugh
10-28-03 10:07
No 467333

I'm sure we share the same psycosis. And at least he can spell and proof read his ....blushlaugh
10-28-03 10:21
No 467338

did you mean polypyrrolidone or polypovirolidone?crazy

Granulated Poly-karaya
Shortened descriptive card of the drug: Granulated Poly-karaya


Form: granulated

 by sach
sterculia gum  4 G 
polyvinylpolypyrrolidone  2 G 
Excipients: shellac, gelatine, gum arabic, talc, titanium dioxide, composed flavour, saccharose.

Pharmaco-Therapeutic Classification VIDAL:
Gastro-intestinal antiacid and bandage (Polyvinyl polypyrrolidone)
Digestive functional disorders: antiacids and bandages (Polyvinyl polypyrrolidone)

Drug not registered on a list: possible delivery without ordinance.
AMM: 3227046
Granulated Poly-karaya: 30 sach
Refunded to 35 %, Counsel with the communities
Lawful information supplements on our professional sites vidalpro.net , vidalip.net
Information general public is available in the VIDAL of the family and on minitel 3617 VIDAL (0.843 € the minute)


Also interesting http://www.pharmcast.com/Patents/060600OG/6071536_Capsules060600.htm

PVPP  seems to be used in wine production.
(Of Counsel)
10-28-03 12:54
No 467371


I contribute the above useful grammatical devices to you for your appropriate use for the general cause of better understanding what the hell you are writing about. tongue

10-28-03 13:46
No 467380

Swiws will post a shortened gramatically correct sumation,when he slows down. 

Thanx Gees, SWIW overlooked his nonfunctional gramar keys today.  Nobody move! My Contact.  I can't see....smile
(Hive Addict)
10-28-03 16:58
No 467401
      Yeeee Haaaaaaaa!!!!     

Luckily...or Unluckily...for ya'll, All this is right UP Ibee's Owl-E Cats!smile

The dates are certainly Key as well as lot #'s! This hasn't changed since the daze worlock first began advising on the waze to steer clear of povidone!
Since it's not known EXACTLY when they decided to start incorporating OrangeII gaak, one would be wise to treat them all the same!
The trick to ridding orangeII is the ratio of solvents and the ending amount of tone washes if using japtetratone on the frontside!
Ibee's run many many experiments since he posted the killer combo ratiowise, so it escapes me right this minute!
It can be found in the Newsflasher blew UP streaker thread however!
It's for each box of 48ct white 60's!
This is good confirming novel weaz!
Ibee thinks he knows what the opposition has done but he's reluctant to relay it just yet.
Some more experiments will confirm however!
This gaak does mimic meth or let's say it rides side by side property-wise except for the sympathomimetic ones.
It gums UP cystals when allowed to sit but at first it's hard to spot!
Good Observations weaz!
Since it(OIIgaak) can be found in 120's with no antihisamines, Ibee must retract his first thoughts about it beeing included with either the chlorphen or trip as a trick to sidestep the "Consumer Right To Know" policy.
It does have a color of blue however, Ibee is almost certain!
The pH is the target for this nasty crap! It moves through base or acid, however it behaves different in each as well!
It cannot be sidestepped in rxn! Regardless of the cook style, temp or runlength!
The only way to battle it is to ghet it out pre-rxn.
If it's suspected to bee present...get the polys first then neutralize the Gaak (all frontside with japtetratone) and then tone it out after evapping the alky filtrate. The blue will not scrape UP dry! The Blue is the gaak! Depending on the pH, the orange shows! Acidic Blue! Strong Basic Orange!
Dilute basic solution will turn rootbeer colored!

The amount of pillmass compared to pfed in the 120's makes it difficult to remove completely with the ratio's used on the white 60's but it is effective if the japtetratone batchsize is doubled and the tone washings after evap remove every last trace of blue!
If the slightest trace of blue is present...keep tone washing! Don't do like Ibee did and assume that a tinyist bit wouldn't hurt!
The orange Beast will crush yer spirits in the end when ya get that wiff of something afoul!
And it will make yer RP look like snowflakes!wink
Weird Shit indeed!

Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.
10-28-03 17:53
No 467412

During all of the testing in the area of the pfed cleaning pre rxn, forgot to mention the 08/05's and the 01/06's both showed a teal-to-bluish color. While in the jap-tet-tone, the color went from shimmering purple to a deeper greenish purple. Now this was interesting to swiw at first because combined, one would think the purple would overpower the green, and form a black color, which it does eventualy, so why then can 2 separately swirling colors be seen?  Is it a clue as to the original miscibility of the gaakk?  For those first moments is it possible for each solvent in premixed jap-tet-tone bath to split up with respect to who is soluble in what?
Like say first the solvent mix hits the gaakk and the Jap breaks the gaakk loose and pushes it out where it slips into the tone by way of the tce. Farfetched cave drawings of what is really going on I'm sure. Also SWIW noticed when using vaccume filtration through sham-plug rather than coffee filter not only were the colors of the filter-cake different, but it proved to be a wrong move with the 01/06's stopped up the filter every time.

 The 08/05 had more greenish tint to it. The 01/06's more of a bluish tint.

SWIW recalls mixing the jap-tet-tone and spilling it once on some coffee filters. One filter was wet in a spot from acetone...when the spill absorbed to that acetone the color changed from purple to teal in a pattern marking where the acetone was. Could be totally wrong here, as no tce currently onhand to check.

Isn't it the salts in the jap that originally start the coloration...I mean compared to plain naphtha which is clear.

 How many times during post reaction experiments, has swiw seen the np layer flip-flop from a green or bluish hue to a pink, red or magenta when titrated to the max?

 Point in case...post rxn work up used camp/fuel from the metal can...had a very slight teal to it before cleaning it with water wash. Then as used for post pull it turns a kind of yellow color. or Yellow + Teal = greenish or piss yellow. As the combined pulls are titrated after a good rinsing, the np loses its yellow taking on that blue green again.
After all the goods that it seems to give come out, SWIW Dangerously combined the np/h20/4drops hcl into a jar that a blender base fits perfectly on. A few shakes, burp, tighten slightly, (cause to tight and the np+rubber seal= no seal), So after confirming the seal is good the jar is placed on the blender and pulsed a few times. This mixed the rat-piss out of it and also introduces air. as you guessed a milky emulsion resulted. Allowed to run through a pre-wet (H20) cotton plug allows the aqueous layer to pass first crystal clear. This leaves behind an np layer with a pink-to-magenta color. Could this not be due to population changes in the np? From one charged blue-green to a pink magenta as we go from acid to base. Seen it in many variations depending on the rxn chosen and the np etc....HMMM?