Moff (Newbee)
11-02-03 23:56
No 468457
      A dream of I : Woke up smiling     

Swim has had nice dream. Short, and sure to pick up on other nights, but sweet.

In this dream, swim could he see himself, as though slightly above and to the left of himself.....

The ghostly figure took a brand name of water,which was sold in soda-bottle (20 fl. oz / 591 mL) sized container, read the label, and made a sad face. The water contained therein trace amounts of magnesium sulfate and potassium chloride. Dumps water and rinses w/ dh20, then proceeds:

Container filled w/ 180 mL Iodine Tincture
        (6 X 30 mL : 2% Iodine, 2.4% Sodium Iodide, 47%
         Denatured Alcohol)
Added 45 mL Muriatic Acid, shook, let sit for 15 min.

Added 85 mL Hydrogen Peroxide 3% soln. Shook, let sit 15 min

Added 315  mL Dist H2O. Shook, let sit 15 min.

Crystals could seen to be falling and gathering at the bottom of container.

After 15 min, poured soln. through 2 coffee filters, immediately understood why pantyhose is preferred. Also, the ghostly figure grasped how woefully inadequate the 591 mL container was; a 1L would be marginally better, 2L would be perfect. A lot of crystals remained in the bottom of the container, so dist H2O was used to ferret them out, and used that to wash what was in the filters. After all was removed from container, and all was in filters, the figure squeezed and applied more dist H2O two more times. Filter squeezed, and main mass put into a glass jar w/dessicant, jar placed int freezer for circa 90 min. Upon removal, H2O crystals were seen to form around the mass, and the dessicant's wrapping was severely stained. Dessicant and wrapping were discarded, and new dssicant/wrapping placed much further away, sealed in w/ the mass, an stored in cool dry place.

SWIM came to these conclusions:
 -Mechanical losses were high. Another sized container is definitely needed, and pantyhose are hypothesized to work better (for filtration/washing).
 -Iodine is every bit as staining as was promised. SWIM was impressed with Nitrile-impregnated latex gloves' ability to not only absorb I2 stains, but also to protect hands from Muriatic acid.

SWIM observed that the mass was gray, somewhat needle-like crystals, as promised in the spell.

The ghostly figure used the ratios and method outlined by Curbside, scaled down to his amounts available. The ultimate conclusion? The spell worked. The element may return in following dreams.........

Before SWIM woke up, marauding Klingons disruptored the reaction vessel(note 1), the gloves, tincture bottles, and first dessicant/wrapping.

Note 1 : The only reaction taking place, AFASK, is between the sodium iodide and hydrogen peroxide; the rest is physical separation of Iodine from alcohol.

"This bickering is pointless. Vader, release him." -Tarkin
(Hive Bee)
11-03-03 05:03
No 468484
      "Dumps water and rinses w/ dh20, then...     

"Dumps water and rinses w/ dh20, then proceeds:"

Whicha who ha wha?

--Word on the street is, You Reap What You Sow
11-03-03 06:54
No 468485
      Dumps water...     

The water in the bottle containing trace amounts of magnesium sulfate and potassium chloride; I somehow thought that water from a vending machine would be as good or equivalent to dist. water. Reading the label promptly assured me otherwise. So I dumped the Dasani, rinsed w/ distilled, and continued.

"This bickering is pointless. Vader, release him." -Tarkin
(Of Counsel)
11-03-03 08:40
No 468492

Any yield figures to share with us?

I suspect adding the water first, before the H2O2, would actually be a help as it thins out the alcohol, which is your enemy here, so to speak. I also think you could get by with considerably less HCl and with considerably more rinses with water, but that's my experience with tincture.

11-03-03 13:52
No 468548

SWIM owns no apparatus (yet) capable of being accurate to the gram, but from bouncing and jiggling in the jar, would guess about 4-6g. From numbers gleaned from other posts here, 180 mL of 2% I = 3.6g , and since I is much denser than Na, I don't think it a stretch to say I liberated 1.4-2.4g of I from the 2.4% NaI. (Need to hit the book some more...). The weight feels like a U.S. nickel, but the volume is more (for obvious reasons). Best guess remains at 5g. The ghostly figure indicated he would treat it as 3g for a nano ala Curbshot (not Curbside as prev. written crazy).
Mainly, the dream was about being able to reproduce results by trying the spell as written, and the ghost getting his hands dirty (figuratively!) w/ expedient field alchemy.

SWIM has a feeling the lack of proper appartus will bite him in the ass when the ghost tries to extract sudo...where's D'Arsenval when you need him...

"This bickering is pointless. Vader, release him." -Tarkin
11-03-03 17:44
No 468585
      More yield + some math     

Post 251000 (Osmium: "Re: Iodine Tincture", Newbee Forum)
% of soln expressed as weight.
.02 x 180 = 3.6g I2
.024 x 180 = 4.32g NaI
g-mol weight of NaI : ~150, as (23 Na : 127 I)
4.32g / 150 = .028
.028 x 127 = 3.6g I (at this point, my knowledge of moles breaks down)
3.6g + 3.6g =7.2g theoretical yield; thus an estimate of 6g of yield doesn't seem unreasonable; given that "jiggling the jar" is an inaccurate method at best, and not considering the sample to be totally free of water or NaI, 5g seems to be a better estimate of total I2 present.
Feedback is welcome and always appreciated.

"This bickering is pointless. Vader, release him." -Tarkin
(Hive Addict)
11-03-03 20:54
No 468617
      A homemade scale is easy to make     

Why don't you make a homemade balance to use until you can get a real one?  I used a homemade one for at least a year before i finally got a real one and didn't really notice any difference in my rxns using the real one.

I used one of those hanging file folders that have those metal strips running through them. Take one of them out and then you will need one of those black paper clamp things (the smaller size), some thread or fishing string, 2 old cds or similar disks shaped plastic or wood for the 2 platforms, a piece of plywood about 12 inches square, a 2x4 about 12 inches long and an old radio antenna.

The only tools you will need are a drill, hammer, a few screws or nails and a hot glue gun is very helpful.
First build the base by attaching the 2x4 to the plywood so that it is on one of the edges in the middle.  The front view would look kinda of like this:
               |      ||      |
               |      ||      |
               |      ||      |
               |      ||      |
               |      ||      |
              _|_     ||     _|_

The paper clamp is clamped onto the middle of the metal strip with the long toothpick pointing down at aproximately a 90 degree angle. The antenna is stuck into the 2x4 by drilling a hole and inserting it into the wood then the metal strip is hung on the antenna by putting it through the 2 holes on the clamp handles.

Now make the platforms by drilling or melting 3 holes around the disc at equal intervals.  connect a piece of string to each hole by sticking it through and then using a little bit of hot glue on the opposite side or just tie it.  Bring the three strings up and tie them together at equal lengths and then tie them to the ends of the metal that they will hang about 2 inches from the base when the strip is level.

To use the scale you will need to make a mark on the middle of the 2x4 where the point of the toothpick is and then place a container on each of the platforms and adjust to make the side that you want to use for weighing a little heavier.  Then with your containers in place the container that you will be adding your iodine or rp or pseudo to should be sitting on the base or close to it.  Then you will need to add water using a small plastic syringe to the other container until the toothpick is pointing to the mark.

Now, using the syringe, add 1ml of water for every gram you would like to weigh out. So if you needed 5 grams then add 5ml of water and then add your substance to bee weighed to the empty container until the toothpick is back to the mark again.

I know this sounds complicated and i can't beleive i sat and typed all this,(just completed a long wet hypo reflux) but its actually very easy and there are many subsitutes for all the materials i stated above.  Water can bee replaced by weights or whatever.

Just remember that the weights are really not important, its the ratios that matter.  As long as you use the homemade scale to measure all the ingredients then the ratio will be accurate.  When i used to use mine i made a set of weights for my nanos so that i wouldn't have to use water everytime.  I just used small containers of sand.  The possiblilities are countless but hopefully you get the idea.

It wasn't Me!
11-05-03 06:25
No 468920
      A weighty subject     

That's just the thing I as looking for. Oddly enough, I'm not all that paranoid about obtaining precursors (solvents, medicines, tinctures, etc.), but am wary of buying/obtaining any sort of lab equipment, apart from ph indicators.
Thanks, Shorty!

"This bickering is pointless. Vader, release him." -Tarkin
11-06-03 17:57
No 469280
      Addendum: Yields/Identification     

When broken up, the ghost's material looked *exactly* the same as the sunstance seen here:
Elsewhere on abovementioned site, yields of 1g/30mL were stated as the average for this extraction.
The ghost feels certain that if spells are perfomed to the letter, the results will be rock solid every time, with two exceptions:
1) The liberation of pseu;
2) The summoning of MA;
both of which require much intensive study of the proper incantions, magic hats, et al. So it's back to the crypt (No wonder so many alchemsits wear spectacles. It's all the frippin reading they do.......)

"This bickering is pointless. Vader, release him." -Tarkin
(Hive Bee)
12-04-03 13:15
No 474689
      Updated Yield Report     

Some time in the not too distant past, in a galaxy not too
far away, the Imperial Shuttle Dagger arrived with research
apparatus here at the Maw Cluster Research complex.

The ghostly figure in SWIM's employ weighted the now
thoroughly frozen chunk of I.
(Sublimation is no joke newbees. Unless you have a hermetically sealed storage chamber, freeze this stuff in whatever you do have. A spice jar isn't enough, trust the ghost)
3.5g +/- .1g

The ghost will take Geez's advice on the next extract.
Once the technique is perfected, will post comprehensive
ghetto extraction technique for the inept.

50%? The ghost will refine his lab technique well before
attempting any sudo extraction or MA synth's.

No sir, not embarassing, because you're gonna spot 'em, and you're gonna air 'em out!