hellman (Soothsayer)
11-03-03 01:03
No 468461
      Iodine Ticture Mechanics     

For Newbies: Who want to understand the fundamentals of the Iodine tincture Business:

I was just walking down the sweet street, yeh, you know the one,in that golden brown evening sun, when i thought, shit this would be good,

The principle concept of getting iodine out of tincture solutions is to make the iodine insoluable in ethanol,.
Since Iodine is soluable immensly in ethanol, we have to dilute the ethanol, with something that Iodine won't dissolve into,.

Sounds hard to do, no, not really, It's been covered here many times,

Its theory lies in adding copious amounts of water, to make the iodine crash out of solution,
Since Ethanol and Dh20  mix nicely, the water wins, as the iodine refuses to go back into the mostly water/small part ethanol azetropic mixture,.
The hcl, works as a preventative aid, incase the iodine, wants to go back into solution, because of the vast amounts of water, which iodine is soluable in, but not alot,

A good way to understand what is happening here is to do this,.

Get a 1 litre Jar, seriously, and add 1000ml DH20,and chill to close to 0 degrees as possible, Celcius that is, not kelvin, what that other one,, oh yeh, Fahrenheightical(Ever wondered why there is 60 seconds to a minute, not 100,
- sorry,!- not the place,.)

iodine has less chance dissolviong in colder water, so this is why we chill it, ok.

So get this cooled water, in the jar,
And just dump in your Iodine tincture, well say 100ml 3'ish percent,
Doesn'realy matter that much, you can always add more,.

Straight away you will see the crystals crash out, wow, huh!,

Then to make sure there are none in solution, just drop in HCL drip by drip,.

You will notice ALL the iodine collecting at the bottom,

Just add plenty of HCL, Use the faq for the amounts, and don't be afraid to use a little more,.

Just keep pouring of the top, and then adding more water, and you will have very, very, very
 pure I2 crystals,.

Why did I write this,

So we can understand the mechanism,
And make it less of a precise art,
Unfuckable even,.

Also this is good when you get those 1 litre 15% bottles, you can take out the worry,

Heaps of water, lil hcl, lil h202 for the KI crap, oh shit, yes if there are KI salts in the tinct, still follow the old methods, still the same though, can't really over do it,.


I went down to the depot of evolution, and ordered the man to supply me enough, to last a lifetime..