suss (Stranger)
11-11-03 03:16
No 470174
      PE, RP, paracetamol and gluten extraction     


I'm new to this list, and have had a mighty fine time perusing the archives for the last few days. Some of you guys seem to be really accomplished chemists!! Anyway I have some quick questions:

1. Why is it necessary to "prefire" matchbook red phosphorous?

2. I have been looking at the PE containing medications on the market. I have found three main types:

a) 60mg PE - straight
b) 30mg PE - also has 500mg paracetamol and some gluten
c) 60mg PE - also has 2.5 mg antihistamines

It is obviously desirable to use the "a" variety, but one advantage of the "b" variety is that it does not require identification to purchase. So I figure if I can cleanly extract the PE, I would use this variety.


1. Will non polar solvents dissolve gluten? If not, how can I get rid of it?

2. Can I simply dissolve the paracetamol using acteone or toluene? EXACTLY how soluble are PE and paracetamol in these solvents? I know PE is "slightly" soluble in acetone, but what is "slightly"? I'm trying to figure out how much PE I would lose with a acetone soak to remove the paracetamol.

I realise this has been discussed extensively previously, but I have not found a simple complete answer to my questions. Any help would be great.

(Hive Bee)
11-11-03 03:32
No 470181
      "Why is it necessary to ...     

"Why is it necessary to "prefire" matchbook red phosphorous?"

it's not. MBRP will still reduce pseudo as it is. just be sure that you have cleaned it as best you can.

go for the a) or c) variety of pills- egull or STE extraction methods should do the trick. the b) variety only contain 30mg pseudo, and correct me if im wrong, but you recieve the same amt of pills as you would with the a) or c) packets, so you only get 1/2 the psuedo for your buck. not really worth it if others are readily avaliable. whats this about requiring ID? where SWICs from, ID is only required if one purchases 2 or more blisters per visit. not sure about paracetamol solubility in acetone. as for pseudo, at room temp you will lose little as long as the acetone is anhydrous. i hope this has answered some of your Qs

The shit we go through to get high...
11-11-03 03:40
No 470182
      Are those the only ingedients?     

Are those the only ingedients?
what about inactives?,if there aren't any your very lucky.
the inactives are as imporntant or more to the extraction procedure chosen as actives.
(Hive Bee)
11-11-03 04:24
No 470191
      the innactives are as imporntant or more to...     

the innactives are as imporntant or more to the extraction procedure chosen as actives.

can you elaborate?

which innactives would make you rule a certain procedure out?

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!
11-11-03 06:43
No 470205
      Chewbacca, Thanks for the info on the RP.     


Thanks for the info on the RP. You are absolutely right about the financial advantages of the "a" and "c" varieties. Here in Oz, if you buy a pack of these you require an ID and they record your details. If you are known to be buying significant quantities over a period of time, they will get you. obviously, you can use a fake id, but it just seems less risky to use the weaker, no id required varieties, despite the higher cost.

11-11-03 06:50
No 470206
      Un_chambered, These aren't the only inactives,     


These aren't the only inactives, I'm sure. But most inactives seem to have been discussed on this forum. However, I've never seen gluten discussed, and i'm not sure how it can be removed. One advantage of the pills containing 500mg paracetamol, is that they probably have less "other" shit in them, and I'm guessing that paracetamol is pretty easy to remove compared to most inactives.

(Hive Bee)
11-11-03 08:13
No 470219
      Monograph number: Title: Gluten .     

Monograph number:  Title: Gluten . Literature references: Protein substance of wheat which is intermixed with the starchy endosperm of the grain. Causes the carbon dioxide produced during dough fermentation to be retained by the dough in a manner which provides the por ous and spongy structure of bread. Prepn from wheat: Rist, Sugar J. 11, no. 9, 26 (1949), C.A. 43, 9505c (1949); Christensen, U.S. pat. 2,583,684 (1952 to Gateway Chemurgic). Amino acid composition: Pence et al., Cereal Chem. 27, 335 (1950). Reviews: M. J. Blish "Wheat Gluten" in M. L. Anson, J. T. Edsall, Advan. Protein Chem. vol. II (Aca demic Press, New York, 1945) pp 337-359; Meredith, Cereal Sci. Today 9, 33, 54 (1964). Properties:  Yellowish-gray powder. Practically insol in water. Partly sol in alcohol, dil acids; sol in alkalies.  USE: As adhesive and as substitute for flour

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!
11-11-03 11:21
No 470255
      Halfkast inactives that would influence ...     

inactives that would influence extraction tech.
Micocrystalline cellulose
and quite a few others i don't want to take the time to recall.
if you dont' have many/any inactives your job becomes exponentially easier imo.
Several extraction procedures in TFSE won't remove providone for example and then theres dry matrix formula that can't bee used in some procedures.
But as long as one of the "universal" procedures is used and care taken nothing i've said matters much.
Btw thatnks for the foliar extraction write-up swic says he digs it.
(Hive Bee)
11-11-03 22:36
No 470401
      SWIC is from OZ too     

SWICs from Oz, and has been buying pills for quite some time. only once has he been asked for ID, and that was over a year ago. i believe that you will only bee required to fill out a form and present ID if you buy "sudafool", which has the reputation for being a speed precursor. that "acti-fool" product containing 60mg pfed HCl and 2.5mg tripolidine has been purchased many times and extracts no trouble. (EGULL) no ID required either.

good luck mate, need tips then just ask.

The shit we go through to get high...
(Hive Addict)
11-12-03 06:05
No 470470

Chewbacca: Are they serving OrangeII gaak with those varieties over thare yet?
Bees know it when they find themselves floating in suspended animation during final work-up.
It bypasses the Original Egull Method so be prepared to put a slant on the extraction if and when it gets there.
Ibee's herd no complaints with OII gaak when utilizing agreich's tetratrap either so both are viable options if and when the time comes.
Bees helping bees bee Prepared!wink
Peace of the REaction