psilocin (Stranger)
11-24-03 18:16
No 472982
      The list of various stimulants     

This is intended to accumulate a list of potential stimulants.

The following is a list of stimulants, please input any opinion on use/synthesis etc of such substances.

Please input your opinion regarding amphetamine  induced downregulation of neurons [withdrawal effect]

What is your knowledge of safer alternatives available.

[I can  refer to my experience with methamphetamine. Intake occured only 2 seperate times -  the body seemed to develop extreme urge for the substance afterwards for long term.

Ritalin seemed to produce obvious stimulant effect initially, later with some calmning effects.

Effexor - obvious stimulant effect, too much agitation, social withdrawal. ]

Unfortunetly, there seems to be a lack of pharmaceutical stimulants that have less of the addiction potential. ]

Here is a short list i was able to come up with using
[sorted non specificly]

modafinil - alpha 1 agonist [adrenergic receptor subtype]

Focalin - contains only the more active d-isomer. [Dexmethylphenidate]


strattera - atomoxetine - Atomoxetine is a potent inhibitor of the presynaptic norepinephrine transporter with minimal affinity for other noradrenergic receptors

[meth]amphetamine - high potency [chronic amphetamine use decreases DAT expression]

ACh agonist/ inhibitors: huperzine  [motivation & nACh receptors on VTA DA neurons cause depolarization and increased DA release in

Amineptine is a tricyclic antidepressant agent with a  capacity to reduce dopamine uptake selectively

Aminorex - aminorex are qualitatively similar to those of amphetamine and unlike those of fenfluramine.

Benzphetamine 50 mg, but not 12.5 mg, increased ratings of drug liking and activity level and produced a profile of subjective effects qualitatively similar to, but weaker than, that produced by d-amphetamine. For both caffeine and benzphetamine, a close relationship was observed between their subjective effects and their ability to substitute for the DS effects of d-amphetamine.
The discriminative stimulus (DS)

cathinone is the main psychoactive constituent of the khat leaf and that, in fact, this alkaloid is a natural amphetamine.

methcathinone - toxic

substituted amphetamines: anorectic.

Methoxylated amphetamines

Nomifensine, like methylphemidate, d-amphetamine and apomorphine, induces strong, intense stereotypes behaviour in the rat. Withdrawn from market -  immunologic complications

Selegiline is a type B monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) that is metabolized to amphetamine and methamphetamine.

Effoxor - Venlafaxine : [S]SNRI [norepinephrine] [edit]

Methyxanthines -Mild stimulant : (theophylline, caffeine

phosphodiesterase inhibitors [cAMP increase]
11-24-03 19:35
No 472993

Effoxor - Venlafaxine : SSNRI [norepinephrine]

Just glanced at this real quick before bed, and this caught my eye.

Effexor (Venlafaxine) is a Serotonin / Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor or (SNRI)

Your extra S would more than likely denote  "selectivity" to a single neurotransmitter.  If you are dealing with actions upon multiple neurotransmitters it can not be referred to as "Selective".


     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
11-25-03 10:17
No 473126
      There isnt any need to ask these questions.     

There isnt any need to ask these questions. All you are looking for and more is on Rhodium's site, Erowid, links below, and the search engine here.
11-28-03 22:17
No 473729
      It wasn't a questions if it did appear as a...     

Modafinil seems to be limited to be limited to wakefullness effects, obviously non recreational.
The stimulation is limited after 30 hours of wakefullness [in my experience]. It does enhance one's reaction time.

There isnt any need to ask these questions.

It wasn't a questions if it did appear as a question.
You seem to be offended by me asking opinion.
I wanted encourage opinion regarding the listed chems.
Your suggestion to visit the sites listed is useless.
Apparently our opinions do not match as you think that this forum is only limited to whatever you think it is limited to.
There isn't a need to refer one to nonspecific sites you have suggested as it was not asked for.

driven by serotonin induced halliucination