JUMPER (Stranger)
11-27-03 15:42
No 473519
      Don't need local friends, need help!     

SWIM was dreaming with a so-called experienced friend in chemistry.  There was approxiamately a calculated yield of 110gm of mixed 25mgEph/200Guff/Prov.,120mg 12hr. psuedo generic, 240mg psuedo sudafed, and 60mg gen. psuedo w/trip.
  This friend had SWIM grind everything to a fine powder and was suppose to wait for SWIM before advancing so SWIM could learn.  SWIM woke up to see everything sitting in a pan on stove. Friend had supposedly put PM in Klean Strip Acetone first to boil away some shit.  He said he boiled it for 3-5 minutes, turned off the stove, and then fell asleep.  The PM sat in acetone for approx. 5-6 hrs.  Friends ass was then kicked out of the house instead of killing him.  SWIM was going to do the IDEA method for the PM, so after filtering off the excess acetone and saving it, SWIM added TCE and 10%Iso to the mix.  Stirred into a frenzy and filtered quickly as IDEA says (didn't have any de-nat alco and little Iso).  Well since SWIM didn't think that filtered fast enough and the powder was damp from acetone, he dried completely and filtered PM to dust. Did just TCE wash again in smaller PM quantities to stay under 60-90 seconds filtering and dried again then filtering to dust.
  This is where SWIM is at and doesn't want to go further and ruin or waste RXN.  Questions!!
1. Is a lot of my product in the acetone that boiled at first which would have to be dirty as fuck with other shit? 
2. I know that Acetone is used to wash final product, but it is polar so doesn't that take up initial product before A/B?
3. I put the Acetone w/salts to freeze thinking maybe this would show me something. Question three is; if it pulled goods how can I get it back for RXN?
4. Can I now do the De-nat Alcohol pulls on PM and use the Petro ether after the RXN to separate Guffy?  Or will it ruin RXN like Providone?
5. Did IDEA do anything with the Guffy already that I don't have to worry about it, or do I have to do the A/B before RXN.
  Oh yeah, my first batch of IDEA juice never separated with the later addition of De-nat. and the Acetone has now been sitting cold for two days why I've been trying to learn shit from Erowid vaults, Rhodium archive, and the Hive sites. I know there fucking here somewhere, so now I ask!! Help me even though I'm not a woman! Wait no, help me because I am a woman!

Don't need wasted precursers if I had any!
(Hive Addict)
11-27-03 16:17
No 473525
      Woman or not....     

Procedures aren't to be half-assed....period!
Okay blame it on SWIM if ya want...but SWIJ is the one responsible for proceeding...so from now on...lock down the goodz until ya get therewink.
Evap and dry everything..... separately of course.
The acetone used to boil..
The Pillmass that was gang raped....
Yourself if the Holiday Spirits are involvedtongue
If SWIJ doesn't have all he needs to proceed with the IDEA Method...then put it off til he does.
First off....never should one mix such a variety of different pillstocks....
And Why mix Goofey pills with the easier extractable ones?
That's asking for failure.
At least til skill levels indicate a success point for working with that formulation.
At this point...Ibee suspects dry matrix to be involved some where. He could be wrong. The only way to know is activation with h2o and ya don't want that.
The tetra should never been mixed with iso alone.
That tetra will have pfed in it.
It needs evepped as well but at room temp with plenty of ventilation!
Tell the stove lovers to unplug the goddamn thing until yer through...or ya might be threwwinkohh....about 30feet or so is all!tongue
There should be plenty of left over turkey to GO round without adding to the doggiebag!
Once everything is dried and ingredients in place...proceed with The IDEA method as written and then Ibee can help some more when that stage is arrived...

Peace of the RXN
11-27-03 17:55
      Capiche! Thanks and I can't do anything myself
(Rated as: off-topic)
(Hive Addict)
11-27-03 18:19
No 473536

Ibee wasn't talking to you....he was talking to SWIJlaugh
Boyyyyyyy....these teasers can sure dish it out...but they just can't take it!smile

In extractions of this sort...it's important to let the pillmass dry completely when using acetone....tetra....and the like in between stages. Solvent carry-over can bring with it gaaks that the solvent was suppose to remove.

If Ibee seemed a little harsh with his reply....he meant to bee! Bees either get pissed and try something else or they get more determined to succeed by taking a good look at what they might bee doing incorrectly!
Just teasinwink
Happy Bird Day!

Peace of the RXN
11-28-03 16:25
No 473700
      frozen powder in acetone     

SWIM just cut the top off of the frozen acetone from above mistakes and there is a shit load of white hard powder in the can.  Upon drying it doesn't have much of a bitter aftertaste at all.  By the amount of powder it looks like it could be the goofy shit.  Since the goofy shit is practically insoluble in pet ether, can SWIM use some to try to see if anything good is there also?  There appears to be a few crystals in there also.  SWIM doesn't want to add all this powder back with other PM done with TCE if it is gaak!  Any thoughts Wareami or someone else?

teasee or teaser! I can do both by the way!
(Hive Addict)
11-29-03 07:23
No 473772
      Now it's dry...     

Ibee says put the unbitter stuff to the side for now.
Concentrate on the area ware the known goodz are.
If it's dry....do a tce wash of it all! Squeeze off the excess and spread to dry.
Since it's not known if drymatrix is in the mix...Take 1/4 of the PM and put in a tall jar then pour 75% the PM volume either iso or denat alky over the PM. Let settle til clear (if it doesn't clear after 3 hours, it's probably a DMF and can stand some further cleaning after evap) and pull the alky. Put the Alky/pfed through fine filtration(charminplug) and collect liquid on evap dish. Let evap at room temp and see what SWIJ has.
If it's DMF...Ibee suggests doing the IDEA verbatim on the other 3/4. If not DMF follow through with above procedure.
Because other variables exist with Goofy and OrangeII gaak....expect to use lots of acetone in the end to wash.
If Not DMF Optimally....Ibee would substitute the Tetra wash with a tetra/japandrier mix.
100ml tetra
10ml JD

While waiting for the evaps of the good stuff...play with the goofey stuff.
Ibee never messes with goofey so it's anybodys guess as to the best way to proceed.
A/B it???
Let us know if this helps some....

Peace of the RXN