Atropos (Hive Bee)
12-12-03 05:38
No 476399
      0-acetylephedrine, alternative reductions.     

After Rhodium poste that excellent PDF about the high yeileding conversion to the acetylation of the alpha hydroxy group on ephedrine, I found myself wondering if there would be alternatives to elimination besides catalytic hydrogenation.  The hydrgenation is facile, to be sure, but are there other ways to eliminate theat functinoal group without using those oftentimes difficult to obtain metal catalysts?

I have been searching though scifinder and my own texts and files, and have not found much in the way of alternatives.  I am going to spend some time this weekend, and see if I can dredge anything up, but are there any references that somone may have laying about, or even ideas that may facilitate my search?

If I strike gold, I will post them here, prolly on Sunday, but in the interim, anyone else have any good ideas or search terms beyond the overobvious?