Martian_A (Stranger)
12-13-03 16:21
No 476670
      pseudo waxy looking once cleaned?     

Is it normal for pseudo to look somewhat waxy once scraped from the glass dish after extraction? *extracted from sudafed. It has also turned a light green. Any ideas/comments?

- Martian crazy
(Wizard Master)
12-13-03 16:36
No 476673

Freebase pseudoephedrine is a solid, waxy looking substance when the solvent is evaporated.
12-13-03 16:59
No 476674

yep if its freebase e then just like wizardX said, it will be a bit waxy/oily.
however if its supposed to be pseudo-hydrochloride, and its waxy like you say, then it may have gunk in it. wax can be removed by dissolving the scraped pseudo into water, and then chilling it (which makes any wax go hard), and then filter it through a filter. The filter will remove any wax if there is some in there. (dont forget to pre-wet the filter to stop it soaking up all of your pseudo-water!)
Then evaporate the water to leave the clean pseudo behind.

However all of this depends on your extraction method; e.g you may have just dissolved in metho, or you may have done a full blown acid/base extraction, (i dont know but you may have allready done a water dissolve).

If your goal was to make freebase crystals, and you are a newbee, well it is difficult to cook freebase, you would be better off to work with the pseudo hydrochloride form, instead of the pseudo freebase form (freebase=oily&hard to react, hydrochloride=dry crystals&easy to react (with the rp&io)).

well that was a bit confusing but if you have anymore questions thats cool.

We're off to smoke the whizzer, the wonderful whizzer from Oz
(Hive Bee)
12-20-03 18:52
No 478106
      The freebase tends to react hotter and more...     

The freebase tends to react hotter and more quickly than the salt so it can be more difficult to control if you aren't familiar with the rxn.

...."desire can make any fool a professor"