Dim_Bulb (Stranger)
12-13-03 17:05
No 476675
      HPO3 Question     

SWIM was wondering about the usefulness of HPO3. He was looking through a chem book and saw a procedure for the production of nitric acid anhydride from nitric acid and P4O10 producing N2O5 and HPO3. Was wondering if HPO3 is a useful sub for rp or if it can be turned into something useful, as all precursors are readily available.
(Hive Bee)
12-14-03 00:22
No 476728
      Hydrogen Phosphite     

Seems interesting enough, this is what your talking about right? It could probably be titrated to phosphorous acid, with hcl, I am not sure at all on that though, I was under the impression that all of the alkyl HYPOphosphites were useful for hypo reactions, calcium hypophosphite, sodium hypophosphite, potassium hypophosphite, etc. Maybe the same could be applied to all phosphites and titration, if so maybe even the same could be incorporated for this compound, couldn't find much on hpo3 in a web search, although I have to use my AOL search today, and I haven't used this FSE yet, have you tried there. Maybe this compound is even more widely aavailable, just what we want, another RP substitutelaugh

--Word on the street is, You Reap What You Sow
(Chief Bee)
12-14-03 08:18
No 476782
      HPO3 = meta-phosphoric acid     

HPO3 is the formula for meta-phosphoric acid, which is simply a dehydrated form of ordinary phosphoric acid

H3PO4 - H2O -> HPO3

It has the same oxidation state as phosphoric acid, so it cannot be used for HI production

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders