buzybee (Stranger)
12-14-03 19:47
No 476898
      larger crystals     

first i would like to say wutz up to every1 here at the hive.....now bout my question. i was curious about recrystallizing. how would 1 get the large crystalz..i cant seem to get mine to come out bigger than this. ____ . but i have seen the larger ones.....is there a certain alcohol used or a different method? i always dissolve my m in denatured alcohol then bring to boil...and then put it in icebox till i have crystals...then filter and wash with tone.....any info in my hunt for the big crystal would b great....
(Hive Bee)
12-14-03 19:55
No 476899
      What's the appeal of larger crystals, are you...     

What's the appeal of larger crystals, are you just saying you want bigger crystals because that generally means pure, or because you want to fool the local junkie into spending more money?

Regardless if you would have UTFSE you would find, the faster you cool them the smaller they are, or in other words, If you cool the solution slowly you will get larger crystals.

i always dissolve my m in denatured alcohol then bring to boil...and then put it in icebox till i have crystals...then filter and wash with tone

Acetone should be unnecesar, recrystallisation should be the last step tin the yellow brick road. Obviously you are just chucking them in the freezer, if you add another hour onto your schedule you will get what you want, let it cool on it's own, prefferably on the heat source and then on the counter, then in the fridge, then in the freezer.

--Word on the street is, You Reap What You Sow
12-15-03 00:42
No 476950
      There's a better way     

Dual-solvent or other proper recrystallization techniques may be used to effectively increase the purity of a drug and the size of its crystals, but the ones you desire may be easily and effortlessly grown in the same manner that rock candy is.  Search engines will show several sites that explain how to grow rock candy; instead of a supersaturated solution of sugar in boiling water, make it meth.  Practice with rock candy first (using sugar), and then try growing the meth crystals.

It's so easy, and I'm surprised it hasn't really been discussed that much.  I have tried (unsuccessfully) to post pictures of meth crystals grown in the rock-candy fashion, but Wareami was kind enough to post the pictures for me!  The crystals in the pictures below were grown in about 5 days.  The days required to grow crystals are always the longest days of my life, but well worth it!

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Addict)
12-15-03 05:10
No 476977
      Jackhole pics
(Rated as: good read)

Here ya go bro....

12-15-03 10:08
No 477017
      Is bigger better?     

If you are tryin to make something thats good to look at then you will find your answer in time and patience.Youll also find your answer ITFSE.Try this post 425671 it works!

                      Got Meth!
(Of Counsel)
12-15-03 10:38
No 477022
      Info available     

Busybee... you really should check the newbee forum sticky threads, and the digest thread in the stimulants forum. Dual solvent recrystaliation has been discussed here and just happens to be the subject of a sticky thread.

You are new here, and welcome to the information available. Do take the time to find out what is here first, spend a little time reading, and realize that there is no reason to start a new thread about something that is very well covered already.

I do not mean to sound critical, I just want to impress on you that the Hive is far less of a message board than you may be used to, and more a discussion board. If you will take to time to find your way around, and learn what is available for you here with a very simple search, I think you will find you experience here more rewarding and friendlier. I did. smile

mostly harmless
12-15-03 10:47
No 477023
      thanks geez and since my post i have used tfse     

thanks geez and since my post i have used tfse and think now i might try again....iam happy with my current crystals...it is just that if i can have bigger and better then i would like to get them..
12-15-03 19:14
No 477125
      Wareami: thank you for posting the pictures!     

Wareami: thank you for posting the pictures!  I have many more if you or any other bees are interested.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
12-16-03 18:08
No 477301
      thats what im talkin about!     

Wareami.Now thats what i call eye candy!Nice work!

                      Got Meth!
(Hive Addict)
12-16-03 20:12
No 477321
      Lost in the translation     

In order to give credit ware it's due...
Ware posted the pictures for our beefriend Jackhole!
The handywork shouldn't bee confused with the eyecandydisplaycase(Nutcase in this case!....well okay...In everycase!hehehehe)laugh
Got Tequila?

Peace of the RXN
12-17-03 22:38
No 477556
      the quickest     

what i was tought was to always keep your tone in the freezer so that its frezzing<<<the most importantant part.after redisolving shiznit in methyl hydrate and once it reaches the pont where due to concentration starts to slightly formlittle spec's    at this point u take your tone and put it in a glass jar etc.  and pour in concentrate into tone almost instantly u see results.putdown and watch go to work.  but if your not after big crystals u can use isopropyl alch. wich reduces your want content in productsmile
(Hive Bee)
12-17-03 22:51
No 477560
      Huh? Yes, that is the quickest way to ReXtal     

Huh?  Yes, that is the quickest way to ReXtal: using frozen anhydrous acetone.  You are incorrect by thinking that IPA produces smaller crystals.  I have grown crystals of identical size in several different anhydrous alcohols.  I have also grown somewhat large crystals using room temperature acetone.  Recrystallization from room temperature acetone wasn't as fast as from frozen acetone, but the crystals were larger and the product was purer.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Bee)
12-18-03 01:10
No 477584
      Re Rock candy re-crystalisation...     

Re Rock candy re-crystalisation...

"...instead of a supersaturated solution of sugar in boiling water, make it meth..."

So does meth has different solubility levels in hot and cold water?  Could this work with dry alcohols? Eg hot alc, put in scaffold (string), cool slowly and sit for days, perhaps with atmospheric evaporation as well?. 

HOWEVER, are the advantages of dual solvent recrystalisation (with acetone) that great; that its always better to do it that way?

Also, do u use a crystal-scaffold eg a string...Is cotton or natural fibre string ok?? (for cleanliness, yield)...or would a non-porous nylon band be better (although 'slipperier')

Just curious...and only speculating, not suggesting or advising

<<playing with string is fun for cats and cooks>>
(Hive Addict)
12-18-03 06:42
No 477617
      Hot water     

Will dissolve more meth than cold water as will any of the alcohols.  This is what makes recrystalation possible.  The best solvent is the one which will dissolve alot of the salt being recrystalized when hot but when cold dissolves the least.  The wider the range the better the solvent.

As far as the string, i have never used it nor have i seen it mentioned on any other site than this one. 

I would think it would be a bit frustrating to have my crystals stuck to something which probably won't taste very good when heated.

It wasn't Me!
(Of Counsel)
12-18-03 08:21
No 477629
      notes on crystal growing     

There are some excellent discussions on growing crystals.
Post 45545 (Worlock: "Re-crystallization via Dual Solvents -Leap Ahead", Stimulants)
../rhodium /equipment/recrystallization.html

There are a number of other threads which discuss crystal size and growing large crystals.
Post 207694 (Jacked: "Eye Candy", Stimulants)
Post 453219 (Jacked: "Crystal purity, An indicator", Stimulants)

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
12-18-03 11:11
No 477660
      Tastes like any other ReXtalized meth     

SHORTY: I would think it would be a bit frustrating to have my crystals stuck to something which probably won't taste very good when heated.

That is why you pull the crystals off the string.  The crystals in the picture were grown on a string, and I just pulled them off. Only about maybe 2-3% of the crystals remain on the string and cannot be removed because they are contained within the cotton fibers. tongue

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
12-18-03 20:41
No 477771
      growing crystals     

If I mentioned growing crystals on a f**king string , I would be flamed for sure. But not you. There must bee a double standard around here. Anyways, Swim has seen many methods that nobody mentions around here. Like the old scratch the glass trick, and also adding a very small amount of  an impurity that is already crystalized, believing that crystals culture crystals.
12-18-03 22:15
No 477789
      growing xtals     

Hey Livid - Swix's done those same xtal tricks himself and loves to have fun with large candy.... In the middle of a party right now; matter of fact.  No flames here.  Personally, Swix likes (for large amounts) to dissolve semi-pure sparkle in a minimum amount of dH2O and then take the whole mass up to 118C (pot temp) before placing the whole thing in an insulated chest so that the temp will ramp down slow as possible over a 12 hour period.  Xtals are a bit like goldfish: the bigger the pot, the bigger they get. When the batch size is bigger than 500g the little buggers get the size of swix's middle finger.  Details uppon request....got friends over and gotta get back to the party. See Ya!! Post without regard to other's opinions: facts is facts and all experience has merit (IMHO).
(Hive Bee)
12-19-03 02:38
No 477805
      Crystal scaffolds - idea     

"...Like the old scratch the glass trick, and also adding a very small amount of  an impurity that is already crystalized, believing that crystals culture crystals..."

MMM, this triggered a thought about crystal scaffolds.  Its obvious they serve an advantageous purpose.  However,   could a scaffold bee shaped in a particular fashion and added to the mother liquor to aid in the production of particular crystal shapes. 

That is, perhaps a 3-d star shape will make sharp jagged crystals; or a dimpled dome will make little ball crystals

These little scaffolds could bee added into any mother liquor to make your chosen shape quicker and more predictably.  At the end of crystalisation, the scaffold is removed and the crystals gently cracked off. 

This brings me too the question of scaffold material; it has to be 'grippy' but not porous so that it causes yield loss and difficulty in removal.  Perhaps a perspex or quartz or crystals from a hippie store?  Not sure, has anyone heard of such practise or is Swix smokin too much crystal scaffold himself?
12-20-03 11:25
No 478018
      Growing spikes     

Jadked once made mention of recrystalizing in a test tube or anything with a small surface area to grow crystal spikes. I assume that once the small surface area is full with crystal formation that it can only grow up and down. Is this correct and any bees have experience with this? What a sight it would be to have a massive crystal shard that looked like an ice sickle!
12-21-03 06:49
No 478180
      i have seen the larger crystals appear by...     

i have seen the larger crystals appear by taking your tone pour off (make sure you have at least 1 inch of tone at the bottom of your pan) in a glass preferably, and placing it in a cool dark closet/drawer/whatever and LEAVE IT ALONE for at least 24 hours (if possible).  last time done, I had crystals the size of toothpicks.