the_happy_chef (Stranger)
12-18-03 17:53
No 477726
      Precursors for Ozzies (RP/I2/E)     

Due to many recipes being written in the UK, EU or US, this chef is currently compiling some info on ingredients for the more southernly rotated isomers of the human race.

I've included below some things that I've noticed in the last few months, feel free to jump in if you think of something better or have something to add! laugh

1. I've tried 5 different brands of matches and so far only the 'premium' brand has the kind of adhesive that dissolves in acetone. (hint: she's got a carrot top, nuff said)

2. I2 is easily extracted from a certain brand of iodine tincture by adding equal volume water, 5% v/v of 40% HCl then dilute bleach until crystals precipitate (hint: sold my soul to get those purdy crystals)

3. The pseudo pills I use are 120mg, come in a box of 10, and need to be crushed with pliers to get the powder from inside the plastic coating (hint: 12-hours of fun for the whole family)

Someone please let me know if I can 'name names' and if so I'll not be so coy in future! cool
12-18-03 18:29
No 477737
      Oz Precursors     

No, naming brands is not allowed!

That said, if you UTFSE you will find ALL sorts of precursors available in australia.

Regarding the specifics of your post - Yes, I2 is easily obtainable from tincture, and in Oz 1L, 2L & 5L containers are not that hard to come by.

Regarding the RP - Matchbooks have never been SWIMS thing, but perhaps H2S04 would dissolve the paper? - There are easier ways to do these things down under. RP CAN be come by and hypo is everywhere in the great south land.

Regarding the pseudo - the pills you use are far too much work! considering non plastic coated pills are widely available, and ones compounded with APAP dont require ID!
12-18-03 18:48
No 477741
      Thanks Belial ;-) I2: where on God's beautiful     

Thanks Belial wink

I2: where on God's beautiful earth can someone get a 1L bottle?? maybe I shall PM you in regard to this

RP: I have dreams about hypo but alas, am in the dark about where to find it also. hardware stores??

Eph: The non-plastic ones are so widdle tho, like 30mg! They never ask for ID to buy pseudo, at least not in NSW

thx laugh
(Hive Bee)
12-18-03 19:37
No 477755

RP: I have dreams about hypo but alas, am in the dark about where to find it also. hardware stores??

Hypo (and its hypophosphite salts) are list 1 chems in oz; u are required to fill out an EUD and can only legally aquire it from large chem companies (not the local little lab supplies joint).  Alternatively, black market sources can be pricey, unclean, and unreliable...but AVAILABLE.  But finding a source is near impossible with all the smart cookies keeping their mouths shut for once.

Eph: The non-plastic ones are so widdle tho, like 30mg! They never ask for ID to buy pseudo, at least not in NSW

No ID! Swix cant even buy cotton buds without getting harrassed by store clerks.  ID is always required in the sunny region for pill purchases; and they quiz you hardcore and their computers databases are good.  Swix never travelled down this route though, and unlike his silly friends, is yet to be black listed or even on their  database.
12-18-03 21:33
No 477780

Happy - Pet stores carry the 1L variety. if u look in the search engine, others have mentioned the exact brand name and concentration!!! dosnt get any easier than that. It was behind/under the counter last time SWIM checked.
12-18-03 21:45
No 477783
      bulk iodine procurement     

Thanks Belial. sounds cool, and definitely better than buying those rip-off 100ml bottles from the pharmacy (they were going to get hip to my jive soon anyway!) blush
(Hive Addict)
12-19-03 04:33
No 477815
      Sodium Hypophosphite     

The Sodium Hypophosphite I get is from Auburn, Australia.  It cost about 14USD for 500g.  The country i live in doesn't have it listed yet.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
12-19-03 12:36
No 477876
      Sodium Hypophosphite     

Sodium Hypophosphite (NaH2PO2), is a list II(2) chemical in australia. Available OTC to account holders only. Without an account, you will need to fill out an end user declaration (EUD) which will more than likely get you a visit from your local criminal investigation unit(CIU).

Hypophosphorous acid (H3PO2), is a list I (1) chemical in OZ and requires an EUD for each and every purchase.

Iodine b.p (raw), is a list II (2) chem but is much easier
to come by than other list (2) chem's. If you cant find it and have to get it from tincture, then just have a day out at your next horse race meeting and at the track (near the boxes where they keep the horses), you will find a guy in a small truck selling all sorts of goodies. Tincture etc.

Swibn has always wondered why OZ bee's choose the rp/i2/e method when NH3 and Na are so easy to come by here in Oz.

../rhodium /law/chem.anti-diversion.train-prg.pdf

12-19-03 13:58
No 477882
      Lack of NH3/Na     

I would actually say that hypo is the prevalent method in Oz. These people's knowledge is simply that you put the hypo,i2 and eph in together, reflux, then distill and add epsoms till they get a shitty paste. I doubt such people would survive very long if they fucked with NH3!
(Hive Bee)
12-19-03 14:24
No 477886
      you put the hypo,i2 and eph in together, reflux,     

you put the hypo,i2 and eph in together, reflux, then distill and add epsoms till they get a shitty paste. [blue]

Are you serious?

(arrogant bee of the day)
12-20-03 02:26
No 477975
      Belial is on the money.     

Belial is on the money.
99% of cooks in Oz have no knowledge whatsoever, they only know what they have been shown, not what they are doing.

NH3/Na, (Belial shouldn't have even mentioned it) would kill them. But it leaves things wide open for some of us.

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
12-20-03 03:25
No 477978
      >>they only know what they have been...     

>>they only know what they have been shown

that'd suck, 60+% are probably doomed from the start because they are networked with criminals.

how do they rationalise the ratio of the reagents they use?

placebo NH3 has been in the australian media for years, i know you know that so im wondering what you mean?
or do you mean specifically using Na instead of lithium?
(Hive Bee)
12-20-03 13:05
No 478042

>>how do they rationalise the ratio of the reagents they >>use?

A meat head doesnt rationalise. SWIM has seen all sorts of obscure ratio's. With the most common fixation being that
  "mate, ya just chuck equal amounts of hypo, pseudo(which invariably amongst such dickheads has just been extracted in metho) & I2".

Another interesting twist SWIM has noticed is the old line:
"And when that big cloud of gas comes you wanna get rid of it, you wanna add everything quickly so all that gas escapes real quick"!

Sadly it happens this way. And yes, i guess a lot of those who are being sodomized by bikies have access to large amounts of eph, indeed this is a shame that it only ever becomes a half reduced brown goo.
(Hive Bee)
12-20-03 14:46
No 478064

Belial - Couldn't of summed it up better myself...good work
(arrogant bee of the day)
12-21-03 01:32
No 478146
      Re: Sadly it happens this way.     

>>they only know what they have been shown

that'd suck, 60+% are probably doomed from the start because they are networked with criminals.

how do they rationalise the ratio of the reagents they use?

Read, or structure questions clearer.

]>>they only know what they have been shown

Sadly it happens this way. And yes, i guess a lot of those who are being sodomized  by bikies have access to large amounts of eph, indeed this is a shame that it only ever  becomes a half reduced brown goo.

Touche' Belial, it has become my personal endeavour to fix the problems in this country.  Problem has always been,
A. You don't know what you've been missing out on until you've tried better.
B. That we have the knowledge but they (the cowboys) have the sources/bulk pfed etc.

At least once every week I help other cooks in this country with problems, with no return. Fuck I'm a legend. But seriously, I'd like to fix the situation here, but cooks can't strive for better product if the demand for it is not there.

Fuck, I don't even know how they produce the crap they do, I mean I have an idea how, but I'd never think about doing what they do.

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
(Hive Bee)
12-21-03 02:40
No 478154
      >Read, or structure questions clearer.     

>Read, or structure questions clearer.

Develope better comprehension skill. I already got my response thanks to Belail. tongue

That's ambitious. Please, it's rare that you offer anything at all of any use. Yes, you are a legend placebo. wink

Don't worry about answering the second question. It's clearly bullshit anyway, the Birch is commonplace.
12-21-03 14:46
No 478259
      this much I know is true     

there is massive demand for speed here but I agree that most cooks don't have a clue. that's why the aussie stuff all too often contains iodo-amph and tons of other byproduct that is produced when the rxn is fukked up. and why people get headaches and swollen thyroid and the worst come downs ever.
my aim is to make the cleanest product available in the country. and no, I couldn't care less about the money. me and my friends are just sick of bad quality chems
(Hive Bee)
12-21-03 15:22
No 478264

Personally, i think the focus needs to shift back to P2P.
(Hive Bee)
12-21-03 17:05
No 478293

I agree. With pills becoming increasingly harder to extract and precursor's increasingly harder to purchase, P2P would almost be a more viable option. Most precursors for P2P can bee made from reasonably OTC products.

Benzyl alcohol/touene -> benzaldehyde
Benzaldehyde -> phenyl-2-nitropropene
Phenyl-2-nitropropene -> P2P
Al/Hg reductive amination P2P -> meth.

Fuck yeah!!!

And a lot more fun than scraping match books/tincture->i2!

12-21-03 18:47
No 478310

I know I could UTFSE but anyway.. are u sure it's that simple? I think u need more than benzyl alcohol and toluol to make P2P..
(Hive Bee)
12-21-03 20:13
No 478320
      Off topic     

I guess this thread has digressed somewhat, but, anyway, why even fuck with making benzaldehyde, bitter almond oil is readily available in oz.
12-21-03 20:30
No 478325
      belial > it is a little OT but interesting...     

belial > it is a little OT but interesting nonetheless. does the almond oil need to be distilled to get the benzaldehyde? or just proceed to next rxn step?

beez_neez > can you supply a link or reference for this rxn chain you are describing? I don't believe I've seen it before

thx smile
(Hive Bee)
12-21-03 21:16
No 478330
      Personally, i think the focus needs to shift back     

Off topic??? You started it!

Benzaldehyde is a list II(2) chem. in oz.

Benzaldehyde is easily prepared from toluene/benzyl alcohol(utfse)

../rhodium /phenyl-2-nitropropene.html
../rhodium /phenylacetone.html
../rhodium /meth.louisfreeh.html

12-22-03 19:09
No 478582
      The future...     

hehe beez smile

it would be a nice, clean synth but it's hard to get the chems here. it's a police state, remember? wink

i think RP/I2 with Ephedra powder is the way to go. extracting ephedrine from the powdered ma huang is as easy as a methanol wash and evaporation. 'swim' did it.

the resulting tarlike substance can be refluxed directly to meth in much the same manner as eph crystals can be.. see: ../rhodium /ephedra.html

the resulting hurdle is to find a reliable source for ma huang powder. i dream of planting some in my backyard
(Hive Bee)
12-24-03 00:57
No 478800

Methanol soak on ephedra - may as well bring back the vicks inhaler fable

TRUST SWIX - IT DOESN'T WORK - solvent extractions give very low shitty yields of meth - there are many other good ways to achieve smooth white alkaloid salts.  Did i hear someone whisper steam...

stick to the pills while u can...

<<i wanna keep quiet but i cant!>>
12-24-03 23:59
No 478951
      pills are shit     

The reason I'm getting sick of pills is because in my area they are always that lovely dry matrix type, usually with povidine and every other polymer you could imagine, included for good measure. In my state the pharm companies don't make pseudo, the cops do.

Granted, if you are trying to get 'purdy white crystals' from the ma huang powder, you've got your work cut out for you. But if you can accept the oily extract as an intermediate on the way to meth, I think you'll get better yields.

I'm currently investigating different solvent combos for better ephedrine yields. Stay tuned for the results. That is, if you want to know how to make piles of crystal cool
(Hive Bee)
12-25-03 00:15
No 478953
      As im sure at least one other has put it,...     

As im sure at least one other has put it, "Shit in = Shit out" NEVER settle for an oily extract as a starting material!

In response to whomever asked about the bitter almond, i cant believe i have to clarify it, BUT of course the benz needs to be distilled out!
12-26-03 17:53
No 479194
      the bottom line..     

Belial, of course crystalline precursors are going to give optimum yield. Swim just completed a nano synth with 1.5gm eph in oily extract, yield was close to 55%. But there's two reasons why he's not unhappy with the results:

1. Ma huang power is very cheap, even if swim gets it imported from the usa it works out at about $7 per gram of ephedra alkaloid (not per gram of powder) - cheaper than pseudo pills

2. Extraction is easy and quick. Just a wash, filter then dry out the solvent. No dangerous solvent boiling.

..I know it's great to get 80% yield but who cares when this way is so much easier. The product is still good quality - swim still makes sure the rxn is complete so as to eliminate nasty iodine byproducts. All swim needs to do now is scale up from the nano version of this synth.
(Hive Bee)
12-27-03 01:48
No 479264
      Speaking from your bottom line??     

"...1.5gm eph in oily extract, yield was close to 55%..."

55% yield is (almost ubelievably) good if reacting the black crusty/shiny methanol extract (see, Swix knows..).  Post reaction, did u base and extract using a np solvent?  If so, Swix believes u may have some iodo-intermediates or just plain pseudo.  So you may have managed to pull 55% of 'powder' into the np and then pH/evap... Or was this 55% yield was of clear meth crystals?

"...even if swim gets it imported from the usa..."

GOOD LUCK...ephedra imports are banned by customs in Oz.  Do you wanna test your luck against the Feds??  U may get lower grade (max 3%) through if you plan to import in bulk for a liscensed herb business.  Under a very heavy watchful eye...

Swix is just very curious with your good results as he uses smooth snow white steam distilled alkaloid salts and has managed 50% yield (in HI/H3PO3) of clear diamonds at the end.

If you have some secrets about the plant that Swix doesn't know about; please share...cos he is very friendly with the plant and was an oz bee in the identical mind-set less than a year ago...and only wishes to help :)
(Hive Bee)
12-27-03 20:35
No 479405
      GOOD LUCK...ephedra imports are banned by...     

GOOD LUCK...ephedra imports are banned by customs in Oz.

Exactly. Help him bio, but both of you should consider that the biosynth route is a much safer route legally than extraction, when pills do become unviable.
Well legally is the wrong term, but security wise, and covert wise. I'd never fuck with customs, because as soon as it's sent it's out of my control.
12-27-03 23:37
No 479430

well I cant say for sure it's 55% but swit got 700mg of something, and it made swit high smile lol

it was a basify, dissolve in non-pol-sol then bubbles of hcl gas. my fav method

there is one drawback to the powder I think.. swit probably gets more of the dex-amph and other less-potent variants in the mix, than would be produced from pills

swit already 'tested his luck'! laugh I mean if he makes fucking schedule 1 gear in his bedroom why is he going to give a shit about those brainless customs kids?

just declare it as 'vitamin c' or 'fibre supplements' etc etc and chances are they wont open it.. unless it weighs 50kg wink. I think they trust packages from the states

as for low yield, maybe it was the h3po3? I trust red-P more. did u only extract once? there's so many variables dude. theoretically I think the max yield is 90%. try leaving the reflux for a full day and see what happens..

that's me for now. have a nicely fucked-up nye! laugh
(Hive Bee)
12-28-03 00:29
No 479436
      Last Comments     

"...well I cant say for sure it's 55% but swit got 700mg of something, and it made swit high  lol..."

Yield was constant for hypo/rp/H3PO3 methods...Gear was gently steam distilled and a/b'd and cleaned thoroughly post distillation and the 50% obtained was transparent crystal meth. 

So perhaps if Swix a/b'd his post reaction mix directly his yields would of increased, and his purity decreased.....but he would of still got 'high'.

And Swix has extracted large quantities MANY MANY times using different methods.  HOWEVER, Swix believes the main difference is the specie and origins of the plant; that dictate the balance of alkaloids present.  This inturn dictates its reducable products eg eph/pseudo = meth, other alkaloids = crap.  This also explains our differences in yield.

"...just declare it as 'vitamin c' or 'fibre supplements' etc etc and chances are they wont open it.. unless it weighs 50kg . I think they trust packages from the states..."

Swix knows Custom's procedures very well; maybe that's why he's so cautious and unwilling to go down the import path.  Furthermore, Swix would only bee interested in 50+kg's so although you may have got lucky; Swix may not. 

Chances are they won't open it; but chances are they will.  Feds aren't going to storm your residence because of 1kg of plant; they will sit tight (gathering info) for years before acting. 

Lastly, they may not open it because they are suspicious of you; it's cos some other fucker (smuggler, terrorist etc) is bringing shit in on the same flight or from the same destination that fucks you (and they search everything!!...).  So really you are not taking a chance yourself, you are taking a chance in others.

Swix doesn't want to discourage anyone an wishes everyone the best of luck.  Swix wishes shit loads of the god-blessed plant can flood our country.  But as an educated bee on imports he feels others deserve balanced information. 

P.S. @the_happy_chef - although my tone has been mother-like; i'm fuckin stoked you're going hard!! Stay happy
(Hive Bee)
12-28-03 01:51
No 479446
      >>just declare it as 'vitamin c' or...     

>>just declare it as 'vitamin c' or 'fibre supplements' etc etc and chances are they wont open it.. unless it weighs 50kg

They didn't open a security-test shipment of fake ecstacy tablets either.
Playin with fire dude, at least if you order a weight training stack you'd have a believable excuse.

Now you'll probably swap over to that, but the feds probably know you've ordered both and smell your coffee...

So the excuse available to you before is now known in fact to AFP to bee a blatent lie.
01-04-04 22:31
No 480452
      thx spectral & biotech..     

Swim did some more cooks over the holidays. And one 'oh so beautiful' extraction. Have you tried the brand that 'soldiers on' (non-dry matrix)?? Here it is:

1. crush pills into fine powder
2. wash with 2x vol of ethanol (metho), collect wash
3. wash with 2x vol of ethanol (metho), collect wash
4. combine washes and dry to form crystals
5. wash crystals in acetone twice, discard washes
6. dry crystals until acetone smell is gone

This gives about 1.5gm of shiny eph crystals (and a bit of codeine) plus a pile of paracetamol if you keep the acetone washes and evaporate them (48 tab pack).

The non-actives included only a starch binder that fell out of the ethanol wash and a bit of waxy stuff that came through with the acetone.

Swim is so totally turned-off the time-release formulas now. All the gakk makes him think it's just not worth it. I have a question though.. would codiene interfere with the RP/I2 reaction in any way, or produce nasty byproducts?

Also, is it true that eph is degraded under sunlight?
01-05-04 07:54
No 480508

This seems like too simple an extraction for any modern pill. (not from swims experience, just what he has read on the hive). Can any other oz bees confirm that this extraction is suitable? BTW, couldn't the codeine be extracted by basing and dissolving the eph in non-polar solvent. As far as swim knows, codeine is not soluble in NP solvents under basic conditions. Can anyone confirm? Does anyone know if an acetone soak (then discard the acetone) is OK for removal of paracetamol? If so, why all the recent talk about using cold water? Seems a waste, having to filter cold water and stuff, when acetone can be used. Swim recalls a post about using acetone to remove paracetamol, but seems to recall the poster being flamed.
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 10:58
No 480539
      Each to his own. I'm sure it's still stacked...     

Each to his own.

I'm sure it's still stacked with paracetamol, anything above r.t. and acetone starts dissolving a visible amount of pfed.
I think it's a horrid solvent choice to remove paracetamol while trying to leave pfed behind.

cold/10c water pulls will get all the pfed, and leave much of the paracetamol behind.
When the water is evapped. the cold water pulls are repeated to remove all of it...the pfed that is-with the paracetamol to dispose of.

paracetamols good, cause it weighs half a gram of an easy gak per pill.
01-05-04 14:38
No 480593
      Brand variation     

there is so much variation between brands it's not funny. swim must have tried every brand available in oz, and there doesn't seem to be any hard-and-fast rules regarding presence of pill binders
true there is probably some para left, but it's of no great concern since swim only needs to reflux 1.7gm of material for his nano as opposed to 25gm if the para was still there (unless para hinders the rxn?)
btw does codeine taste salty? there was a separation during evap of the acetone and the crystals at the top tasted salty
also I heard that pure acetone will not dissolve eph at all but if you are correct then this is good info to have.. are you sure its not just when the acetone is 'wet'?
maybe next time cold water is the way to go. as long as the starch is removed thoroughly with the alcohol first. or what if swim cooled the acetone in the fridge?
anyway once swim has done the cook he will let you know about yield & bioassay, etc.
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 16:55
No 480628

An A/B will completely remove paracetamol. Codeine will come through an A/B.
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 17:00
No 480629
      Your a damn nice bee THC.     

Your a damn nice bee THC.

Yup I'm quite certain on the eph soly in tone. But if it's at the start of a procedure the tone wash, less will dissolve (but still some).
To demonstrate this pour a boiling wash thru a filter, you'll see fragments of crystal when you look at the filter paper from various angles.

when convinced bring the wash back up to boiling and throw it all back in the main pot as this is unacceptable and was only an experiment. smile

actually now im fucken confused, the merck only has an entry for paracetamol for the freebase, ill just paste all of it so you can look through it too:

Monograph number:  Title: Acetaminophen. CAS Registry number: [103-90- CAS name(s): N- (4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide; 4prime-hydroxyacetanilide Additional name(s): p- hydroxyacetanilide; p- acetamido phenol; p- acetaminophenol; p- acetylaminophenol; N- acetyl- p- aminophenol; paracetamol Trade name(s): Acamol (Teva) ; Acetalgine (Streuli) ; Alpiny (SS Pharm.) ; Anaflon (SKB) ; Anhiba (Hokuriku) ; Apamide (Bayer) ; Ben-u-ron (Bene-Arzneimittel) ; Calpol (Warner-Lambert) ; Captin (Krewel) ; Dafalgan (UPSA) ; Datril (Bristol-Myers Squibb) ; Dirox (Sanofi Winthrop) ; Disprol (Reckitt and Colman) ; Doliprane (RPR) ; Dolprone (Bottu) ; Enelfa (Dolorgiet) ; Feb rilex (Raven) ; Gelocatil (Gelos) ; Hedex (SKB) ; Momentum (Much) ; Ortensan (Cimex) ; Pacemol (Gemballa) ; Panadol (SKB) ; Pana leve (Pinewood) ; Panasorb (SKB) ; Panodil (SKB) ; Paraspen (Fisons) ; Pasolind N (Stada) ; Salzone (Wallace) ; Tabalgin (Berk) ; Tapar (Parke, Davis) ; Tempra (Mead Johnson) ; Tylenol (McNeil) ; Valadol (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Molecular formula: C 8 H 9 NO 2 Molecular weight: Percent Composition: C 63.56%, H 6.00%, N 9.27%, O Literature references: Prepn from p- nitrophenol: Morse, Ber. 11, 232 (1878); Tingle, Williams, Am. Chem. J. 37, 63 (1907); from p- aminophenol: Lumiegravere et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. France [3] 33, 785 (1905); Fierz-David, Kuster, Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 94 (1939); Wilbert, De Angelis, U.S. pat. 2,998,450 (1961 to Warner-Lambert); Bergmann, Ger. pat. 453,577; Chem. Zentr. 1928, I, 2663; Frdl. 16, 238; from p- hydroxyaceto phenone hydrazone: Pearson et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 75, 5907 (1953). Toxicity data: G. A. Starmer et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 19, 20 (1971); D. C. Dahlin, S. D. Nelson, J. Med. Chem. 25, 885 (1982). Evalu ation of renal effects: D. P. Sandler et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 320, 1238 (1989). Comprehensive description: J. E. Fairbrother, Anal . Profiles Drug Subs . 3, 1-109 (1974). Review of pharmacology: B. Ameer, D. J. Greenblatt, Ann. Int. Med. 87, 202-209 (1977). Review of acetaminophen-indu ced hepato toxicity: J. A. Hinson, Rev. Biochem. Toxicol. 2, 103-129 (1980); idem, Life Sci. 29, 107-116 (1981); and proposed protective agents: M. Davis, Sem. Liver Dis. 6, 138-147 (1986). For proposed toxic metabolite see Acet imidoquinone. Properties:  Large monoclinic prisms from water, mp 169-170.5degrees . d 4 21 1.293 . uv max (ethanol): 250 nm (epsi 13800) . Very slightly sol in cold water, considerably more sol in hot water. Sol in methanol, ethanol, dimethylformamide, ethylene dichloride, acetone, ethyl acetate. Slightly sol in ether. Practically insol in petr ether, pentane, benzene. LD 50 in mice ( mg/kg ): 338 orally (Starmer), 500 i.p. (Dahlin, Nelson) . Density: d 4 21 Melting Point: 169-170.5 UV Maxima:   USE: Manuf azo dyes, photographic chemicals.  THERAP CAT: Analgesic; antipyretic.
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 17:54
No 480645
      Freebase a No-No     

>actually now im fucken confused, the merck only has an >entry for paracetamol for the freebase, ill just paste >all of it so you can look through it too

Thats because paracetamol is not an alkaloid and doesnt exist as a freebase or salt, its rather like YHWH, it is what it is.
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 18:31
No 480654
      oh okay, thanks for the info, it was just i...     

oh okay, thanks for the info, it was just i was sure i read it on medications as a hydrochloride salt, but i must bee mistaken.

That makes things easier, and yeah the A/B sounds perfect.

YHWH, what's that?
01-05-04 19:18
No 480662
      What about MEK?     

Well, if acetone is dissolving too much pfed, what about MEK? Pfed is insoluble in MEK, but one would guess that paracetamol is not, as it seems to have similar properties to acetone. Swim is happy to go buy some panadol to see if this is true if you guys think it may work. BTW, before you start complaining that MEK is too hard to get, go to your hardware store and check out some CLEAR PVC priming fluid (will be beside the PVC pipe cement). It says "contains methyl ethyl ketone, 1000ml/l". Nice and easy to get, even for Oz bees, not like fucking VM&P :)

BTW, para will be removed by the tetra trap or straight to e right?
01-05-04 20:03
No 480666
      Aww shucks!     

Thanks Spectral smile

Suss, I guess MEK is worth a shot. But it might not dissolve para..

The thing I like about acetone is that it can do nifty things like dissolving waxes and breaking down polymers. But if another solvent is more suitable swim would be happy to use it.

The drawback is that it costs $18 a litre
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 20:26
No 480667
      BTW, para will be removed by the tetra trap or     

BTW, para will be removed by the tetra trap or straight to e right?

Tetratrap yes, on the basis that it is a A/B as Belail prescribes, but filter the decanting as there won't bee enough water.. straight to E may not work on anything in Auz man.

Hey thanks for the tip on mek, i don't mind that you were a rude bastard, first class info. cool

Hey laquer thinner by them is a bloody killa fb crystallisation solvent man, you get long shards...but wash the LT with water before you use it, killed yields ones leaving the propanol or whatever oh is in it in 10%. the cunt.

Fuck naptha. Get enamel paint thinner. I think its enamel i forget (im pissed lol) the digging one thats hydrocarbon based, its naptha like. but dont use it as prescribed because u can never bee me man us bees dont even know what vm&p naptha is, if it works as stated its secondary to pure luck.
us bees have it exponentially easier man, they REQUIRE a innactives list to give you a clean that will work...doesnt that crack you the fuck up?

Actually I remember me and Ware or gees had an argument about which was best, ware said A/B, I said water extraction. (paracetamol)

don't say i never point out when im wrong ware tongue
(Hive Bee)
01-05-04 20:50
No 480672
      'The drawback is that it costs $18 a litre '...     

'The drawback is that it costs $18 a litre '

Whats that THC, acetone?

I agree with that, acetone is a powerful solvent.
The best of it's kind. We need a post by rhodium but hez busy the bastard, with the more advanced things i bet. Rh we need you to explain to us how solvents like acetone and MEK dissolve different things....i bet your not smart enough.(cool)

how acetone became the biggest puller of them all to only a crystal clean up i do not know...

you guys know how to get DCM right? if not ill do0 everything but buy it for you myself.
01-05-04 22:36
No 480690

lol "propanol.. the cunt" haha laugh

the only DCM I've seen is paint stripper, but it's mixed with other stuff to make it a thick liquid

where do u get it?? isn't tetra better?
01-06-04 01:16
No 480713

THC, spec,

Swim can say from experience, though not with extracting sudo, but other hobbies that require solvents, that MEK "should" remove waxes and other shit better than acetone. This stuff is one hell of a solvent. It will dissolve most plastics (so swim would figure waxes and binders too). You can put a peice of PVC pipe in a beaker of it and it will completely dissolve. Really tuff stuff. Swim will see if it dissolves panadol soon. Don't forget that this almighty solvent is the last step of the str8 to e extraction procedure, and if you read that thread, you will find a post somewhere saying why it is better than acetone for that application. Besides, a MEK boil before an extraction is probably a nice pre cleaning stepcool

Spec, thanx for the info on the thinners. Swim had suspected these would work after looking at the CAS numbers some time ago, but was unable to get someone to confirm. You are right, that lacquer thinner, or was it the acrylic thinner, can't remember, contains a lovely mix of toluene and xylene, and the enamel thinner is indeed an aromatic naptha. Cheers dude.
01-06-04 05:15
      Why fuck with all that shit?
(Rated as: ALL CAPS)
01-06-04 15:13
No 480809
      Alternative approach     

suggested translation of the obusted2 post..

"Hi guys.
I see that you are all discussing various solvents and pseudo extraction methods. I personally use and recommend "Mr Cleans' Complete Birch." It will save the hassles of messing around with matchbox strikers, and the dissapointment of yielding 50-70%.
01-06-04 16:01
No 480817

Hahaha smilelaughsmile What a hoot! This is much more fun than my chem labs at uni ever were.

Birch is the 'Nazi' method, right? Sure it might give a great yield, but as I'm sure many people have said in the past.. finding anhydrous ammonia is harder than taking apart an omelette and turning it into eggs again!
(Hive Bee)
01-06-04 18:12
No 480839
      lol "propanol.. the cunt" haha the...     

lol "propanol.. the cunt" haha

the only DCM I've seen is paint stripper, but it's mixed with other stuff to make it a thick liquid

where do u get it?? isn't tetra better?


That's right, it's yellow tin paint stripper.
Very easy to distill, look in the chemicals and equip forum.

But don't distill it out of the can, find an erlenmier shaped ceramic vessel, grab some teflon tape while your at it, you'll find it so useful for making air tight seals. for tube-to-hole and also for threads of screw on lids..all sorts of stuff, real cheap too. A ten pak of rolls is on special at the moment for 4.50 and bunnniez! laugh
copper tubing sektion man!

recycle DCM, and acetone, there's no excuse for not doing it really. Ice + a one hole stopper + appropriate tubing + a ceramic flask to fit the stopper + a bucket for ice +teflon tape == ghetto solvent distillation/recycler == rarely need to ever re-stock.

The thin HDPE + teflon tape works great and no need to drill a larger hole in a store bought stopper. you can have 500ml of DCM in a lazy evening no worries.

Tetra is much stronger yep! But DCM is still a killa, and it has many solvent uses.

suss: no worries, thanks for the MEK info, it sounds like a killer!

Besides, a MEK boil before an extraction is probably a nice pre cleaning step

Hell yeah! with all the plastics and glues etc.

With the laquer thinner, it's a good slow recrystallisation solvent for fb because the MEK actually slows down the evaporation rate, well the combination seems to.

yeah swim couldnt find the acrylic finner, so he got the LT.
i think your right its the acrylic thinner that has toluene and a bit of xylene and something else i think.
01-06-04 20:06
No 480854
      DCM and tubing     


Some quickies if you don't mindsmile

1) How are you proposing that the DCM should be used for pill extraction? Are you suggesting it be used in place of tetra in the tetra trap, or pre boils/soaks, or what?

2) Are you suggesting to use HDPE tubing for these distillations? (Sorry, kinda confused from your last post, you mention tubing, but then seem to call it HDPE, just verifying)

3) You mentioned earlier somewhere that the ste extraction would not work on practially any aussie pill. Does this mean that aussie pills are even harder to extract than US pills?

Thanx spec. you've been a big
01-06-04 20:38
No 480856
      Sorry spec one more.......     


Swim has been following, with great interest he might add, your posts in the tetra trap (and others) thread. You have made some interesting points lately. Swim is curious to know what you would call the "ultimate/universal" extraction procedure (ie what do you use). Obviously you may wish to keep this secret, and swim totally understands if you do.

Swim has often wondered why no one has succesfully used dilute acid/base soaks and stuff. Some say that this activates gakks, but surely there is a way of getting a gakk away from the sudo, we just haven't found it yet.

Swim feels that current pill extraction techniques use defensive as opposed to offensive techniques. We try to prevent gakks from being "activated" and try to extract the sudo around them. We live in fear of so called "gakk attacks". We avoid using alcohol and water to remove sudo, which could give much higher yeilds, because of fear of gakk attacks, so we grind our pills and use NP solvents that don't dissolve the pill mass, and get low yeilds.

Swim says "fuck that". Lets find a way of obliterating the gakks, not avoiding them. Lets find a way of dissolving/attracting/distilling/nuking/whatever the gakks, even once "activated". He is sure there is a way, though clearly not an easy way. Surely, with the wonderful solvents available to us these days we can find a way!
01-06-04 20:56
No 480858
      yeah, fuck that!     

I feel ya brother.. there must be a better way to defeat gakk attakk. I'm gonna shrink myself down then strap on the VR module and my ion beam rocket and personally shoot the gakks down next time wink

But seriously, I've heard that solvent boils are the best method of all. The problem is they are so damn dangerous. If you are brave enough then a few non-polar solvent boils would probably cut through just about any gakk out there.

Swim isn't going there until he has more real lab gear. The ghetto stuff won't cut it for this level of sophistication
01-07-04 00:12
No 480880
      The ulitmate para removal tool??     

Swim thinks he has it. He doesn't know why he didn't think of this before! He was looking at the options for removing para: cold water, acetone and maybe MEK. Cold water - OK, but will dissolve some sudo, so will acetone. MEK might work, but have had no time to test. So he began thinking, and here is what he came up with:

You have just tetra trapped your sudo, and the sudo freebase is locked in the NP solvent of your choice like tolly, xylene, naptha, etc. Technically, the para should not be in the NP, but there is so much in the pills that some may be in suspension. So what can you do?? WELL, what about washing the NP (after decanting from the tetra soaked pill mass) with basified (Na carbonate) water. Simple!! The para is soluble in the water, but the sudo is in freebase form and will stay in the NP provided the water is basified. Then decant/sep funnel the NP from the water and gas/evaporate/chill/whatever method you normally use. Can someone tell me why this won't work?? Take that denaturant cunts!
(Hive Addict)
01-07-04 01:56
No 480885
      Yes that is called an acid/base extraction     

Just like the one that is carried out after the HI rxn. 

However, it is not necessary to use basified water.  If you do then you might end up with alot of salt when you acidify.

Once the pseudo is in the np its not gonna leave until you add acid. Just make sure you use dh20.
You may also want to alternate the washes from cold to hot.

It wasn't Me!
01-07-04 03:15
No 480896
      R U sure shorty?     


Why does geez say this in the post reaction workup:

"Cautions in washing.   You can wash with water alone. Conventional wisdom is to never let the ph of the wash water fall below pH 9 or 10 while doing this, as you supposedly start losing product. Geez thinks this is nonsense, but never tosses out his rinse water until he finishes up and determines he did not, in fact, throw the baby out with the wash water. And he has done an A/B extraction of the rinse water alone and recovered more than a gram of meth from it (one ounce reaction). This says you can in fact wash out some of the goodies. So don't toss the wash water until you are through. Note that the use of NaOH solution wash will avoid the problem with the pH of the water falling, will rid the mix of NaOH residues and excess sodium ions, and make the washes more complete."

Can you clarify? Have you found this to be untrue? I hope you are right, cause it means one less step. Your advice is much appeciated!

BTW, don't forget we are potentially trying to dissolve "reasonable" quantities of paracetamol here, so the water volumes involved may be quite large, even for a smallish 10g extraction. (10g of sudo from these pills will also need the removal of ~160g of paracetamol as there is 0.5g of para in each 30mg sudo pill) Obviously there wouldn't be this much para in the NP, but there could still easily be a couple of grams swim would imagine.

Maybe the answer is a high volume basic wash to remove para, followed by a small volume distilled water wash to remove sodium ions.

01-07-04 03:58
No 480899
      try going to a paint supplies and asking for...     

try going to a paint supplies and asking for methylene cloride i bought 20 litres today no problem it removes hardend paint  DCM is just another name for it
(Hive Addict)
01-07-04 05:55
No 480907
      Well, I can't say for sure because i have     

Never done an a/b on the rinse water.  But as long as you don't throw it out then it won't bee lost.  Why don't you check the ph of each wash and see how far it drops.

I would experiment on a small amount and see what the yeild is.  If it is really bad then i would a/b the rinse water to see if its in there.  If not then, it must still bee in the pill mass.

I wash my meth np with dh20 and usually do at least 3 washes but on average i will do 5.  I don't think i am losing any yeild cause the ph after the washes is never less than 10 but like i said i have never done an a/b on the rinse water so i can't say for sure.

Just give it a try and keep notes on the results for future reference.  I wish i would have kept notes on all my past experiments.

It wasn't Me!
(Of Counsel)
01-07-04 09:08
No 480930
      Washing nonpolar with NaOH solution     

Washing the nonpolar meth-laden solvent with a NaOH solution helps clean the solvent of sodium ions quickly, and is of great help if you over-based the reaction fluid or added NaOH dry. Both seem to load up the solvent with sodium ions. Water washes will feel slick and oily, even to a rubber-gloved hand. It often takes many water washes before they no longer have that feel. oNE WASH with a solution of NaOH will remove the "slick" from the non-polar, and a warm water wash followed by a cool water wash will usually be all the washes needed. The reason for washing with NaOH solution is not so much to prevent losses of meth to the water washes as it is to remove sodium ions from the nonpolar to limit salt production. Finding meth in the rinse water is more the exception than the rule; it does happen on occasion, at least to me. The value of the occasional half gram to gram of meth is worth taking the time to save the water washes until the yield from a reaction is known, and the NaOH solution used to wash keeps the pH high in the wash water. I add xylene (usually some that was previously used, but washed) to the collected wash water and let it sit. I collect "last corners" such as these in a quart jar as a hedge against rainy days, running out, or having nothing better to do, and is part of my "scrapping" routine.

mostly harmless
01-07-04 13:52
No 480983
      losing eph/meth     

it's only going to get washed out with the water if:

- there's not enough solvent to dissolve all the freebase so some of it is trapped and can't move into the solvent

- u didn't base it enough, needs to be at least ph 12. or just lock the fucker, doesn't make any difference

- u separated when the two fractions were emulsified. now that was a dumb idea wasn't it?

(Hive Bee)
01-09-04 21:59
No 481566
      2) Are you suggesting to use HDPE tubing for...     

2) Are you suggesting to use HDPE tubing for these distillations? (Sorry, kinda confused from your last post, you mention tubing, but then seem to call it HDPE, just verifying)

High-Density polyethylene. Black irrigation tubing.

3)You mentioned earlier somewhere that the ste extraction would not work on practially any aussie pill. Does this mean that aussie pills are even harder to extract than US pills?

It's just not a thorough clean at all imo man. A xylene boil, a boil in the VM&P out of VideoEditors pantry will achieve identical results as far as I can see. As a clean I think doing the boils separately is actually better.
When the solvent used is saturated it precipitates any further gak, and that's it.

This is how that clean works, simultaneously: the pfed is extracted in to the isopronal, gak is dissolved in the two solvents, xylene and the temperature rises, the isopropanol is boiled off and the pfed precipitates..the gak remains solvated in the naptha/xylene.

But here's what this description doesn't discribe: In the first instance: No where near all gak is solvated, it just doesn't happen in these times, so what the solvents don't dissolve, they precipitate obviously.
(Whether it be that the solvents are saturated with gak, or if the solvents just don't dissolove a particular gak)

In the second and final phase of boiling, the propanol has evaporated, the pfed is precipitated, along with any gak which has been solvated.

About Auzpills, here is what makes our task more difficult (blessing in disguise), we don't have innactives listed on boxes, they are more expensive, we have less brand options, less pills per box. The main problem is that Auzbees can't run as many tests because of all those factors.

Swim has often wondered why no one has succesfully used dilute acid/base soaks and stuff. Some say that this activates gakks, but surely there is a way of getting a gakk away from the sudo, we just haven't found it yet

The reason for this is undeniably beecause Geezmeister & Wareami have taught generations of newbee's to stay well away from water.
You'll now in the coming monthes see this methodology kast aside IMO. Well I know it will...laugh

In fact it's already started, look up a post by hellman recently (there will only be a few), ballzofsteel describes a boil with a splash of vinegar a bit in to the thread to remove cellulose.

Swim has been following, with great interest he might add, your posts in the tetra trap (and others) thread. You have made some interesting points lately. Swim is curious to know what you would call the "ultimate/universal" extraction procedure (ie what do you use). Obviously you may wish to keep this secret, and swim totally understands if you do.

lol Nah it's cool man, I don't really have an ultimate clean, up until now I thought we were working together for an ultimate clean. But competition is good, it dosn't lend itself to openness of ideas though.
My current thinking is that dry basing is the way to go, as it will always get some results, tetra or no tetra, no bottom solvent either.
Problems that affect this fundemental plan from being quantitative (100%) are theoretically glues and plastics, they stop all the pfed molecules from based, and also successfully based pfed molecules from being released in to the NP, cellulose and hydrogels have the same net effect here.
So these problems must bee solved in pre-washes, before we enter our feedstock in to the dry basing phase we've agreed is the second step.
To do this in a virtually lossless manner we do this.
Place the ground up pills in 3 coffee filters, place a binder clip over the lips to close it, we tie a piece of string to the clip-ring and dangle it in our boiling solvents.
Ill continue... To restore a nice chalky texture to the pill mass in the coffee filters to restore something which is easily ground with the base, we pestle ourselves up a piece of chalk and add it to the washed pfed. (Please note: Chalkyness won't obstruct basification as glues and plastics will.)
Solvent selection for this de-plasticizing, de-glueing and de-cellulosing phase.
1. A 12hr soak in acetone to dissolve out celluloses. (Uncertain whether a boil should follow this, it will dissolve some pfed, it's a matter of whether that is a price necessary to make de-plasticising/de-resinating  gains)
2. DCM, Perchloroethylene. I'm not certain if DCM is a subset of PCE or if they don't quite overlap. Either of these will remove anti-histamines as a bonus, but plastics and glues are the concern.
3. Toluene and or xylene to remove waxes and glues.
Final Preparation for Dry Basing
A nice dry, chalky texture is the sole pre-requisite for this. In order that the feedstock can be mixed with the base.
If it's discovered that the result of our teabag washes is a load of gooey plasticky shift (still), we must decide, more washes? Or force a chalky texture with the addition of chalk or similar?
We do as much mixing in the filter papers as possible, both of the base with the washed pills, and of the chalk with the pills if this is needed.
Dry BasingThe Main Show
It seems a simple enough concept, and it is, except for orange, *sad*.
Now let's consider orange...It's a little cunt that tranforms in to an orange oil when a) too much base is present, i.e the pH is too high. And b) when a proper amount of base is added and heat is applied.

What this orange fluid does is this: It dissolves formed freebase – so that instead of moving up in to a Non-polar as they usually would, they remain dissolved in the orange oil alternative.

I dare suggest that if you left it in this state for a week, a good proportion would cross the interface. i.e out of the acqueous orange and in to the NP/oranic phase. (But we want to hurry things along a little dont we?)

Note this: If the critical pHis first reached to achieve a proper basing i.e fb has opportunity to transfer to a NP without orange hindrence...but then it's accidently overstepped to Orange water release, then the TIME and OPPORTUNITY between these two points is of great importance.

- So to give ourselves the best opportunity of the TIME being a long time between these two points slow basification should bee used.

- To give the pfed the best OPPORTUNITY to use this time. i.e to escape in to a Non-Polar before the orange pH is accidently reached, we must give the based fb the greatest interface surface area
through which to escape.

With a bottom-layer of a chlorinated solvent, and a top layer of a less dense solvent such as toluene or xylene, we provide twice the interface surface area.

But then at the critical point when the orange water has been released and has the remainder of the pfed which didn't make it across dissolved in it these are the new enemies to complete phase transfer of the pfed.
i)Viscosity of the orange/fb/water solution. As this quantity/variable increases, so does the following quantity;
ii) Time required to finish off phase transfer of fb to NP.

So what do we do? Oh no! sad - We've already got twice the interface surface area, isn't that enough Jesus? Dad? No Son, that just isn't fucken good enough – you fail you fucken losty!you embaressing little barstad
We use warmth and a generous amount of time, depending on how well it goes.
We use acetone in the basing medium to decrease viscosity.
We use acetone in the basing medium to bee partly miscible with the DCM/ toluene or xylene
We use alcohol for it's limited miscibility with DCM and toluene.
In combination these weaken the intermolecular forces between the fb and the orange, and also keep the orange strapped for water that it needs to work to it's full fb hugging ability.

We're getting some pretty cool test results coming in from the TetraTrap thread, 1 from geesemaster, 1 from SAWTY both testing alcohol...and a stranger has posted a result using acetone. Note that these results are only of importance in selection of a basing medium.

Anyway Ill stop thare for now. Tell me if you need clarification/simplification.
01-10-04 04:04
No 481586
      Thanx spec     

Thanx spec. Nice post. Agrees with everything I have come to think, which is basically that if you use a nasty solvent, with heat and time, you can do good! Interesting that you suggest adding chalk to improve the texture. Swim feels that this approach of "attacking" or beating the gakks at their own game is better than current ideologies, where we try to avoid them and fear their presence.


1) you mention that the DCM etc will kill antihistamines, does it work with fexofenadine HCl, commonly found in "telslow" pills?

2) Given the easy availability of DCM, do you think it is really worth the extra trouble to get tetra? Seems we could be a bit more liberal with DCM, and give the pills a real long soak with excess solvent, and even a good boil.

Had alot of questions for you lately, but will soon have some results from swim's conceived "Dichlorinated MEKanic" extraction, which promises to work wonders with aussie pills full of paracetamol :)

Cheers mate.
(Hive Addict)
01-10-04 04:04
No 481587
      Mr. Spectral sir...     

lol Nah it's cool man, I don't really have an ultimate clean, up until now I thought we were working together for an ultimate clean. But competition is good, it dosn't lend itself to openness of ideas though.

Excuse me mr.spectral but you really need to get your head out of your ass and get some fresh air and quit poluting the board with this nonsense!
You are starting to offend me and in no way shape or form will you ever get any support from this corner if you do that!
Just a word from the wise.
You made several misinforming remarks in your last reply regarding Geezmeister and myself.
Straight out water extractions don't work period on any pill.
Nobody said that water can't assist after drymatrix and other gels are dealt with. The IDEA proves this. ie...70%isopropyl and denatured alky.
A/B's are done successfully everyday using Straight2b butit doesn't deal with OII gaak. But mainly on pills not comprised of drymatrix.
The latest finding in the tetra trap utilize water.
What you stated in it's intent was false and misleading!
If you continue this crusade like your the lone stranger...I assure you, you will be!
Tighten UP!

Peace of the RXN
(Hive Bee)
01-10-04 10:55
No 481620

1) you mention that the DCM etc will kill antihistamines, does it work with fexofenadine HCl, commonly found in "telslow" pills?

I don't think it will man no,(I don't have the properties for the hydrochloride) however the basification step will! Here's the properties for the FREEBASE

'Properties:  Crystals from methanol-butanone, mp 195-197degrees (Carr) ; also reported as white crystals from methanol, mp 142degrees-143degrees (Kawai)'

Most of it will precipitate out if it isn't wanted by the basing medium, because the NP won't want it.

2) tetra's a super solvent, so I'd use it if it was on hand, but as far as the DCM goes, yeah bee liberal, it works real good. cool
Hot tap water will boil it! It's non-flammable. 10 boils can bee done in 20min...

and so to you my ambitious newbee buddy. wink

I'm going to read over your extraction again OK? remember that a basification step will do the job for paracetamol.
01-10-04 21:24
No 481735


Just read that DCM and alcohol form azeotropes. 2 questions:

1. I guess the DCM is dry enough to use as is, one distilled out of the paint stripper. Is this correct, or should I dry it further with Mg sulfate?

2. What about the alcohol? How should it be removed? Can you just wash the paint stripper with water before distilling, or will the alcohol prefer to stay locked in the DCM azeotrope?

Swim has come up with what he believes will be a killer extraction, using some techniques that he hasn't found discussed on the hive. Will try soon. You're gonna love it. Doesn't use anything new, just some different solvents and different ways of soaking/washing. Will use minimal solvents too. 

BTW, do you know if the black HDPE tubing is attacked by DCM, Acetone or MEK.

01-10-04 22:12
No 481739
      DCM from paint stripper     

1. I guess the DCM is dry enough to use as is, one distilled out of the paint stripper. Is this correct, or should I dry it further with Mg sulfate?
First you should wash the distilled DCM with conc. H2SO4 then 2x with H2O, then dry with MgSO4.

2. What about the alcohol? How should it be removed? Can you just wash the paint stripper with water before distilling, or will the alcohol prefer to stay locked in the DCM azeotrope?
The water in the previous suggestion will strip any ethanol (presuming there is any) from the DCM. Whether you need to  dry the DCM depends on whether the synthetic route you've chosen requires dry DCM.

HDPE solvent compatibility
kimble notes ( lists the following compatibility for HDPE:
Acetone : moderate effect, fair
DCM: moderate effect, fair
toluene: minor effect, good
Searches for "solvent compatibility HDPE" on google will yield results.
more notes (
(arrogant bee of the day)
01-11-04 00:31
No 481769
      Re: You are starting to offend me and in no...     

You are starting to offend me and in no way shape or form will you ever get any support from this corner if you do that!

Gee, scary threats!

On a seperate note, your all getting way too complicated, as much as I hate to sound like hellman. Unless of course US pills are suddenly heaps harder to extract then Aussie pills, though I doubt it.

An A/B will rid you of paracetamol.

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
01-30-04 18:13
      sounding like hellman?
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Addict)
01-30-04 19:59
No 485644

are you serious, no dry acetone boils, are you suggesting that i get any ozy 'sudo' pack with 500 grms of para in it and simply a/b the bastard and it will rid you of the paracetamol?

sounds too good to be true

btw have you ever tryed to a/b the pills that are 'sudo' 'f_d
wasent a pretty site..

ow and shit mate, swim found a pill brand that is sudo sulfate with an anti hist in it, the only 120 milg left on the shelves in swims area.

would doing an

a/b -> dry acetone boil? to convert to hcl then rid the anti hist?

signed -nous
01-30-04 20:29
No 485645
      aussie pills     

Dry basing the cleaned pill mass works wonders over here especially on 120mg variety(telslow).This is how swis swims with these brown and white bricks.

mortor & pestle pills finely add to pyrex

add xylene (1-2" above pm) boil whilst stirring
2mins,settle, decant, discard (total of three times)

dry pm, pm should be fine chalky , mortor & pestle sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide (equal carbonate, 1/4 hydroxide compared with pill mass)pm1/carb1/hydr.025

mix into pm then add c*c b*ak**en by spraying into can lid
and pouring and mixing into base/pill mass, until it looks like fine crushed farex with no free running fluid.

add xylene heat slightly stir 1-2mins decant thru single filter(total of three times)wash with hot dh20, wash with cool dh20 twice.

freebase in non polar usually gas to get hcl form.
yeild is 80-90% of very clean product.

br*k**en here does not contain tetra but the following

methylene chloride           75-09-2 (cas)           10-30%
chlorinated hydrocarbon      127-18-4(cas)           30-60%
petroleum distillate          no cas                 30-60%
liquified petroleum gas     68476-85-7(cas)          10-30%

any ideas on why it works so well?  swis has experimented with all the range of c*c aerosols with said product to work best by far. tried isoprop, tone, methylated, to motivate base, yeilds were much lower and not as clean.

anyone else use similar methods?

the aus pills are all very different here from one brand to the next just like our solvents compared with the USA. dont know if there is a universal cure but with dry basing expect to get results, just the workup is slightly different with different brands prior to basing.
(Hive Addict)
01-30-04 22:44
No 485650
      I use a similar method     

Except for the initial xylene washes as well as the water washes.  I use a electronic cleaner spray but i don't know whatis in it cause its not listed it just says non-toxic.  No company name either.

Heres how i do it:

1.  Weigh pills and put in blender along with an equal amount of sodium carbonate and blend until fine powder.

2.  Pour powder into a beaker and add electronic spray until the powder is saturated and stir thoroughly.

3.  Add xylene to cover the pm by about 2 inches and add a few mls of dh2O while stirring with a glass rod or bamboo chopstick.

4.  Place beaker in microwave and bring to a boil and remove and stir and allow to settle.

5.  Decant xylene into a clean beaker through a filter and repeat 3 or 4 times.

6.  Gas the xylene to get hcl and pour through a filter and repeat until no more precipitates when gassed.

7.  Take the gassed xylene and put it in a visionware saucepan and then add methanol to the filter containing the pseudo to dissolve it and add this to the saucepan and rinse the beaker with methanol and add to saucepan.

8.  Place a thermometer in the saucepan and place on hotplate.  At 65C the solution will begin to boil.  Continue to boil until the temp reaches 105C and remove from heat and allow to settle for about 1 minute.

9.  Decant the hot xylene and the pseudo should stay in the bottom of the saucepan.

10.  Flood the saucepan with acetone which will begin to boil due to the heat of the saucepan.  Stir the acetone and then decant and repeat.

11.  Allow to dry and your done.

This is the fastest, cleanest, route to pseudo that i have found so far.  I have done it this way for the last few months and it works great for the pills in my area.  I just did a batch of 333 white, 60mg w/trip and got back 17.88g of super clean pseudo.

It wasn't Me!
01-30-04 23:45
No 485656
      base amount     

swis used to add carbonate only equal to mass and found that adding extra hydroxide increased yeild.(without burning pill mass)

swis tried basing without xylene washes, but xylene pulls needed much rinsing. yeilds were not much dif.  Found it better to rid mass of xylene soluble junk first then base.

the psudo/methanol/xylene  sounds good, will try to substitute methylated spirits for methanol.

after gassing xylene swis filters, drys, mek rinse.add dh20 then evap. very clean 80-90%. sometimes will wash water with hot xylene.

intrested to know whats in your can. any numbers on it?
01-31-04 01:26
No 485659


The reason your canned stuff works so well is the methylene chloride, also known as dichloromethane. A very good solvent used in paint stripper. Also the chlorinated hydrocarbon. Can't be bothered to check the CAS, but it might be tetra, which we all know and love. Simple.
01-31-04 02:01
No 485662

Shorty, the active ingredient in your electrical cleaner, is most likely Tetrachloroethylene(TCE).
Stick with it mate, your onto a good thing; Works wonders removing povidone and polyethylene glycol, not to mention anti-hystamines ;)
For the record, FUCK RP/I2/E...old school, old problems, new chem watching strategies :(
Also, wtf/who is swim & swix?? You guys are confusing the fuck out of me!
01-31-04 04:06
(Rated as: insignificant)
05-12-04 23:39
No 506796
      because paracetamol is failry insoluble in...     

because paracetamol is failry insoluble in cold water, if one dissolved his pill mass in water then brought it to near freezing temperature in a freezer should most of the para drop out? and what effects would the near freezing temperatures have on the pseudo?
(Hive Bee)
05-13-04 01:44
No 506813
      Para- SHIT-amole     

In my experience, the paracetamol 'crystalises out' as the water temp approaches 0°c. Only 1.4gms of para will disolve in 100mLs COLD water.

However, DONT add water first! Atleast do some solvent boils and pull the pseudo/para with alcohol, and then deal with your pfed/para.

Let me know how you go.
05-13-04 08:07
No 506877
      AFAIK, since paracetamol is a phenol, simply...     

AFAIK, since paracetamol is a phenol, simply performing an acid-base extraction will remove it. It will for a water-soluble salt with strong base.'s an AOL chatroom for dyslexic spider monkies...
(Hive Bee)
05-21-04 17:44
No 508695
      MEK sucks your yield     

I`ve found hot MEK dissolves much more of what you want than is really acceptable,  Its stricken from the extr proc.

And for the benefit of Master_Alchemist (chuckle) above -
S W I  - someone who is.

I was never here

mashed potatoes