DarkSky (Stranger)
12-22-03 13:57
No 478506
      Orange Gakk II, Take That!     

Orange Galk II, Take That!

After a recent rxn I found myself confronted with a little more than 1g of Orange Gakk II tainted product. It was brown and very gooie, the more you tried to chop it with a razor blade the more it stuck to the razor. I finally ended up with 5 or 6 gooie balls that I decided to put away for the night.

Next day I was thinking that if I could figure a way to get this chopped up into a powder that, perhaps, it would dry out a little. I decided to mix some salt with it and see if the gakk would stick to the salt and allow me to chop it up some. I knew that if the salt did not work I could always recover the tainted product with an alcohol pull and evaporation. I added an equal amount of salt to the gakked product and noticed immediately that it was not sticking to the razor as bad as before. After a few minutes I realized that I needed more salt so I again added approximately 1 more gram of salt and continued chopping.

I worked on this off and on during the day and was able to get it chopped to a very fine powder. I got the gakked stuff chopped so fine that, when finished, it appeared as if I had a pile of beige salt. I let this set for approximately 5 hours and then dissolved it in Denatured Alcohol, filtered and evaporated.

After scraping the dish I was left with a beige colored product that was not at all sticky. I was able to chop it into a powder, however I did notice that there was a slight, almost waxy deposit left on the razor after chopping. I decided to soak the product in acetone to see if I could get rid of the color. After a 5-minute soak I decanted the acetone, which had taken on an orange color, and dyed the product. To my surprise it was now bleach white and there was no residual sticky or waxy ness left to it at all and it chopped into a very fine, dry powder.

I started this with a little more than one gram and ended up with about 3/4g after all the cleaning; getting the gakk out took a lot of product! I have not tested the end product other than to taste it (I do not smoke, snort or ingest meth) but it has the taste. It does appear to be completely cleaned and free of any gakk at this time.

I’m not sure how or why this worked, perhaps the gakk liked the salt better than the meth, but for whatever reason I was able to recover most of my product which would otherwise have been lost.

I look forward to someone confirming my results and perhaps offering an explanation as to how this works.
(Of Counsel)
12-22-03 14:29
No 478515
      why Orange II?     

Why do you conclude that the impurities that made up a quarter of the gram of meth you cleaned were orange II? There may have been some present, but that much orange II is enough of the gakk for an ounce of meth. A little bit of it goes a long, long way-- enough that the residue of some of it in a coffee filter, cleaned with alcohol, will contaminate all the "scrapings" and meth trapped in other filters that are also cleaned with that alcohol.

You may be on to something here, and I am not going to say you aren't. I think you had more than an Orange II gakk problem with that gram, however.

mostly harmless
(Hive Addict)
12-22-03 14:47
No 478522

I concur with geez on the "more to it than just OIIgaak".
Whatever it ALL was...Ibee must say hat's off to darksky for having the fortitude and patience to investigate OII's post-rxn removal...
Some confirming bees may give it a go if they find themselves in that situation...
Ibee says if he ever gets OII gaaked again he'll be sure to give it a whirl.
Thanx for the tip DarkSky!

Peace of the RXN
12-22-03 14:54
No 478525
      I dont think that my loss of product was all...     

I dont think that my loss of product was all to OGII, I believe some of it was what gets lost in the diffenret work-up processes. Perhaps you  2 are right, thats whay I added to the end of my post that I was looking for confirmation form another bee. I do know that what ever it was is gone now!
(Hive Bee)
12-23-03 10:31
No 478696
      Removed h20     

All you did was remove the remaining part of water that the gaack was using to stay mobile.  Great personal discovery keep up the work.  Don't want to discourage anyone, you can get the same results by adding alchohol toward the end of you drying process 2-3 times.  The alchohol forms an aziotrope with the water.  With each addition you remove more water but keep everthing wet until only candy and alchohol remain.  wink

I must agrre with the above.  The brown could be process related or ph issue or many others, God forbid iodo, without specifics noway of knowing.  No matter really, kkep it up.wink

Spel Chec on Order