Dragan (Stranger)
12-23-03 15:44
No 478731
      Bad dream     

Swim had a bad dream, he did a 12h longwetreflux,140c oljtemp.
1E(30mg ephedrin hcl), 1.5I2LG, 0.6RPLG, 1,6ml (E:26.5g, I2:39.75g, RP:15.95g, H20:16.5ml
The result from the reflux were yellow as orange juice not beer color
Then he wash the honey 5 times with xylene
Put solution of NaOH in the reaction fluid to get ph 13
Now he had 3 layers, light yellow water on the bottom, middle layer is a solid brown substans,top yellow xylene
Is the solid meth or shit? And how can he beet it? Swim have utfs but with no results
12-23-03 16:20
No 478736
      Swim will test if he can filter the solid out...     

Swim will test if he can filter the solid out from the solution
(Hive Addict)
12-23-03 17:50
No 478752
      Ware to start???????     

First off...the ratio of dh2o should never be higher than E
1 E and 1.6ml dh2o is way too much dh2o for that size rxn.
And 12hrs is not enough time.
Next...SWID's been gaaked if the middle layer is brown.
OrangeII most likely....
What method was used to clean the feedstock.
Not only that but if the bottom layer is still yellowish than more naoh solution needs to be added to push the yellow UP. Basing the hell out of it is the only way, other than waiting it out with OIIgaaked, so take it to pH14....while NP is on top.
Watch for ribbons moving UP.
Watch for the yellowish bottom moving UP!
Don't be surprised if after all that work, pfed is the result.

Peace of the RXN
(Of Counsel)
12-23-03 21:04
No 478776
      Dragan: E:26.5g, I2:39.75g, RP:15.95g, ...     

Dragan: E:26.5g, I2:39.75g, RP:15.95g, H20:16.5ml
        E: 1     I2:1.5     rP: 0.6    H2O: 0.62

Those sound like Wareami's ratios. I would have used MORE water. And a lot longer time. Like 36 hours.

The time was not long enough, although all other factors appear to be within the success envelope. Your problem sounds to me, as it sounds to Ware, to be in the pseudo. The description reminds me of Orange II gakk, but I also suspect you have a load of PEG in the beaker with it.

Details on what pills you extracted from, and what method of extraction you used, will probably pinpoint the problem.

mostly harmless
12-24-03 01:24
No 478803
      swim wrote wrong water ratio the corect is...     

swim wrote wrong water ratio the corect is 0.6ml h20/1Eblush
(Wizard Master)
12-24-03 02:57
No 478810
      Make the HI FIRST     

Dragan: make the HI first with I2 & RP to a minimum of 55% HI solution. Then add your Ephedrine and reflux.
(Hive Addict)
12-24-03 07:31
No 478835

Maybe I'll get a UTFSE for xmas this year. Come to think about it, Ive never gotten one of thoselaugh
Wizardx...I'm no wizard when it comes to mols and such but could you or another educated bee share the ratio's for making HI in the 55-57% as it applies to this thread and rxn.
More precisely, the amount of dh2o in relation to the other precursors.

Geez...you are correct and had I taken the time you did, I would have come out armed with the same observation instead of the undersite. I just looked at the first set of ratios
However...the Wareratio for dh2o still stands at .5ml per 1gE for 30hr+ and .8ml per 1gE for 48hr.
With that amount, Ibee wouldn't have set his mindseye on anything but 48hours @ 100°C. And he'd have also followed his own SOP and added 13.3ml instead of 16.5ml

Ibee has used excess dh2o in the past and it's similar to all those reports of accidental dh2o addition.
The only way to recover was cooking it off.

It doesn't take much dh2o over the point of creating HI to quench or stall the rxn for a time until that dh2o comes back down to allow the recycling to start again.

Dragan's ratio's fell just between the wareratio and the geezratio
And I'm sure geez will agree with ware that nothing should come off before 30hr in order for it to be considered a LWR.
It's hard to spin bees around toward that longercook mindset but for the sake of consistancy and naming conventions anything less (time or hydration-wise) than a LWR is a ????wink

Older nano write-ups(p/p type) called for less than .5ml dh2o(6-10drops) for the whole shebang.
Now bees are beeing asked to drop 10-20 dh2o drops per gram of E.
I say 20drops per gram of e is too much for the standard LWR precursor ratios selected.

Staying under as SWIG suggests at .8ml dh2o per gram E keeps it in the ballpark of success but only by following the same constraints that apply to an overly hydrated rxn.
Cook Longer!

Peace of the RXN
01-05-04 07:29
No 480503
      Thanks the replys Swim only get 5g meth from...     

Thanks for the replys
Swim only get 5g meth from the durty 26.5g Eblush.
The big E lose must be from the A/B.
Swim snort 75mg of his stuff and he have cleaning his house in 8h,smile
but the fuck come down last 30h. High in 8-12h, no sleep 36h
This stuff was the best ever swim have tested
Swims temp was 120c in the flask would the temp reduce the time to 12h?
All the finish signs was ther
Swim recognize the smell after 8h but refluxed to 12h
The red falls to the bottom like bricks on the bottom
Swim think 1.5I2 0,6RP 1E was overkill he will test 1.2I2, 0.5RP, 1E in
the next dream and make the HI first then add Ephedrine.
(Hive Addict)
01-05-04 12:09
No 480553
      Practice makes perfect...     

Swims temp was 120c in the flask would the temp reduce the time to 12h?

Don't adjust the time until you get a handle on how the LWR rxn should be run.

but the fuck come down last 30h.

Perfect example of impurities being present, most likely due to shorter than suggested cook time.

Swim only get 5g meth from the durty 26.5g E
What are ya waiting for? Do a line with yer pet crab and get the rest out!

Peace of the RXN
01-05-04 12:59
No 480574
      Funny or not?     

Crabs are not funny Wareami, but that is fucking hilarious! Just reading this thread, my thread, and others makes me appreciate that you and Geez haven't blown your brains out already going crazy over explaining shit! Thanks again guys!

I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!