LoW_JacK (Hive Martyr)
01-02-04 18:41
No 480220
      Birchin' a batch  Bookmark   

Iz this the way you birch it , or what?


1) 750 pills containing 60mg psuedoephedrine (preferably Sudafed 24 hr, each pill has 240 mg
in it, so you would only have to use about 190 pills instead). Warning: do not try to buy
more than 3 boxes of these anywhere, shop around, and don't buy any pills with acetaminophen
in it (its for headaches), it will destroy your batch.

2) 5 lithium batteries (these are photo batteries, E2 blue package)

3) 2 cans of Coleman's, or generic brand lantern fuel.

4) One bottle of heavy duty drain cleaner (go to a hardware store, find the bottle with the
skull and cross bones on it).

5) One container of UN-iodized salt

6) This is the tricky part, have to have some kind of to an Anhydrous Ammonia tank, think
co-ops or farm fields (your going to have to do this undercover).

1) 5 or 6 regular size mason jars.

2) 1 20oz pop bottle, completely dry with lid

3) Tubing, thin enough to fit into an airtight hole on the pop bottle lid.

4) Coffee filters

5) 3 coolers, 1 big, 1 medium, 1 small

6) A Safe place to do it

7) Hose from a car wash vacuum. You don't want the nozzle, just about 8 feet of the hose.

9) About $10 worth of dry ice



-STRIP THE BATTERIES: Take needle nose pliers, and peel all the skin off the batteries, and
in the very center there will be a silver strip. This is the lithium. You will know it
because it will start to get warm once it touches air. Immediately throw these into your
small cooler that has a good amount of Coleman's lantern fluid sitting in it. This fluid
will chill these lithium strips out and keep you safe. (REMEMBER THIS SMELLS, NOT TERRIBLE,

-GET READY: This is the scary part. You are going to have to go out and steal a small amount
of anhydrous ammonia from some unknowing farmer or a Co-op. All you need to take with you is
your baggie with the crushed pills, your cooler with the lithium strips, and the hose. This
is how you will do this step.

-Have a trusted friend drive you to a safe spot to get dropped off near the tank, on some
dirt road where you can get out and not be detected. Have him stop, you jump out, be careful
for what you are carrying and run to a place you can hide for a few seconds.

-Asses the situation, get to a point where you can scope out the tank from a safe, yet clear
distance. Get a feeling for the area and make sure it is clear. Now swallow your balls and
creep up to the tank.

-Slide one end of the hose over the nozzle of the tank, and put the other end into the
cooler with the lithium strips. Turn the pressure of the tank on and off quickly. Be careful
not to let too much come out at a time. Just turn it on for about 5 seconds, then turn it off
look around. Repeat about 6-7 times.

Now for all you curious georges, the reason you do this is because this is the only thing
(besides FREEON R-12, which you could use as well) that is cold enough to melt the lithium.
Note: be CAREFUL, this shit can fuck up your skin and it is hard to be around this because
its hard to breathe, but this is one of the risks you must take if you choose to do this.

-Once you have completed this, add your pill powder to the mix, this is called the MUD. Stir
this up quickly get it mixed together well. Have your buddy pick you up. Time it so your total

off time is no longer than 10-15 minutes.

-Go back to your safe spot. Add a little more lantern fluid to the mix. Don't be suprised if
your little cooler is hissing and making funny noises, this is normal. The chemicals are
reacting with each other. Let this sit for a little bit (20 minutes). The liquid in this is
called the 'Rinse' for further reference to it. Put your dry ice in the big cooler, and place
the small one into it (this takes care of the smell, not crucial, but it helps).

-Prepare the acid pump. Take your 20oz bottle; make sure it is COMPLETELY dry. Drill a hole in
the lid to fit your tubing through. Put tubing in so there is more coming out of the top, and
put hot glue or something around the hole so that it is airtight. Pour a generous amount of
the salt into the bottle and add the smallest bit of the drain cleaner. Put the lid on, and
shake this up. It should be reacting, forming a cloud inside the bottle. Let this sit for a
minute while you prepare the first Mason jar.

-Take one of the mason jars. Make sure that this is also COMPLETELY dry. Put a paper plate
folded up like a funnel, with the smallest possible hole onto the mason jar, and pour some of
your "rinse" into the funnel and let it go into the jar. This should take about 4 minutes
because your funnel is very tight, the liquid that remains in the jar will be clear.

- Now you have your little makeshift pop bottle/acid pump. Put the little hose coming out
of it into the Mason jar, not into the actual liquid. The gas should be slowly coming out of
the tube. If it's not, give your bottle a couple of light squeezes. The gas will stay in the
Mason jar, and go into the liquid by itself, making it cloudy.

-Now you will see something dropping from the liquid to the bottom of your jar, and a film
sticking to the side of it. This is your methamphetamine.

-Have another clean mason jar ready with a coffee filter on top of it securely. Pour the
contents of your first jar into this one. What stays on the filter is the crank. Either scrape
it off, or leave it on and let it dry under a light or whatever. There you have it. Exciting,

-Repeat until you have nothing left. If every thing went right you will have yielded 25-30
grams of methamphetamine

(Hive Bee)
01-03-04 03:20
No 480233
      Iz this the way you birch it , or what?  Bookmark   

No, not at all.

 Swibn has a lot of experienced with the birch reduction and although he has all the correct equipment, he has to take a lot of safety precautions because this reaction is FUCKING dangerous!

 The hive is a harm minimization site and does not condone dangerous activity such as you have described.

 I cannot believe that you or any body for that matter would even attempt that load of shit!

NH3; if you cannot get a tank, condense your fucking own from fertiliser. UTFSE.

Pseudo-pills; At least clean the fuckers as much as you can. Your honey will bee so much better! UTFSE

Get yourself an ammonia mask! Then you will not end up shitting your lungs through your ass as the cops scrape you up off the ground.

Cover your body with a tyvek painter’s suit.

Wear a pair of chemical resistant gloves and a pair of swimming goggles.

Look, the birch is a piece of cake once you have mastered it and have good knowledge of the possible dangers. Study it long and hard and then study it again and again.

For fuck's sake, UTFSE!

(Hive Martyr)
01-03-04 13:14
No 480287
      easy there cowboy!  Bookmark   

The before plagerized birch synthesis (if you wanna go there), was taken from another less credible site and was posted as a question as to it's validity , not as a recommendation to others to try out.

I for one am a west coast bee and havent needed to even try this or any other birch batches. Red phosphorus is the method I would care to dream of if dreaming and wouldnt use TFSE for instructions on how to do anything birch related.

So I take it that this method either

A.) wouldnt work
B.) isnt safe
C.) will work, yet requires a bee with some experience and much larger balls than those you possess.
D.) B & C

For what its worth your probably right that theres alot more to a successful birch than the ghetto method descibed, but it sounded like it just might be how alot missourri's tweekers are making there shit. Like I said, wouldnt know.

Pleez beeZ_nees, I know it's real tempting to fit in and all, but after only 80 posts try and save the UTFSE bullshit and describe how this route is flawed and how you and your vast experience could do it the right way.

I'd link to the original clandestine chemistry handbook site but it's a yahoo groups site and will come up forbidden or make you join the group to view it. Maybe birch recipe #2 is more your way.

It just seemed too good and easy, but hell, we are talking about tweeks in states like missourri and mississippi that would be birchin it this way arent we?

That should get a response:>
(Hive Bee)
01-03-04 14:55
No 480310
      Watch it!!  Bookmark   

It just seemed too good and easy, but hell, we are talking about tweeks in states like missourri and mississippi that would be birchin it this way arent we?

That should get a response:>

Why do you say these two states?  I agree, there are some dumb-ass birchers but they don't all come from Missouri and Mississippi! mad

Dwarfer is a troublemaker!
(Hive Bee)
01-03-04 16:37
No 480320
      That should get a response:>  Bookmark   

Ok, heres' my response;

1) There is nothing in your post that would have a bee thinking it was a question. It is much more like a statement and you cannot blame a bee for thinking that this is your own method.
Maybe you should have said this method was derived from another source!

I for one am a west coast bee and havent needed to even try this or any other birch batches. Red phosphorus is the method I would care to dream of if dreaming and wouldnt use TFSE for instructions on how to do anything birch related.

2) Let me assure you, once you have tamed the birch, rp/i2 rductions will become a total waste of time and effort. The birch is quick, easy and produces the highest yeild of dynamite dope.
I learnt everything i know about the birch from rhodium's site and an extensive study of tfse and i have nailed every one of the fucker's.

Pleez beeZ_nees, I know it's real tempting to fit in and all, but after only 80 posts

3) After my initial silly post's and multiple flamings(it's all part of the learning curve here at the hivewink), i now try my best to contribute in a sensible and productive way. So i guess i already fit in and only after 80 post's!

try and save the UTFSE bullshit and describe how this route is flawed and how you and your vast experience could do it the right way.

I refer to tfse for ways to produce and/or aquire NH3 and for ways to clean pills. I believe this is what tfse is for and if you cared to use it, you would find the answer to your own so called question.
If you would like any advise regarding the birch PM me. and i will bee glad to help.

01-03-04 18:56
      Re: There is nothing in your post that would...
(Rated as: Redundant, UTFSE for previous posts of this so called synthesis that were downrated and locked!!!)