greensleeves (Stranger)
01-08-04 03:42
No 481150

After 6 months at this I believe this is the only thing I am qualified to post on. It is what has consumed most of my time and if you are reading this it will probably consume most of yours. OK. Enough blabber now let's get down to the nut cuttin'.laughwinklaugh
You will need

*Acetone...Home improvement store (paint section)

*Muriatic Acid...Home improvement store or pool supply. (used to clean concrete OR to balance ph in your cement pond.)

*M.E.K. Methyl Ethyl Ketone Optional If you use this stuff you want to make sure that there is no paint from the matchbooks left on yer strikers cause it will remove the paint too and leave it in your red. Home Improvement store (paint section)

*Two Pickle jars...Large (grocery store) laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh

* 1 Pair of salad tongs, or wood chopsticks smile or anything you can grab little bits of paper out of liquid with effectively.

*A teaspoon...Teaspoons are longer than regular spoons. (Down south) I don't know how you yankees do it...laugh

*1 Mason Jar

*Electric stove or hotplate

If you or SWIY are planning to do a P.I.E. reaction chances are you'll need all these chems anyway. If you do a straight to E extraction of your E then you WILL need everything here except the acid but you'll need that too eventually. Don't be a dumbass and go out and buy them all in one place there are enough home improvement places and w**-**rt's to spread yer purchases out.

OKIE DOKIE....First thing is to get that pickle smell outta them jars so I dowse 'em with acetone an' let'em sit fer awhile. ('bout a day or so but SWIGS is a perty patient fella) I don't think it'll hurt anything to leave the pickle smell in'em I just thought vinegar = acid. Who knows? Ok then you gotta get that frijole cabeza guys matches. You know the one, he makes his boys slave night an' day makin' them fuckin' thangs while he sits at the house drinkin' Budweiser looking at dirty magazines. WTF???
       SWIGS fills the first pickle jar 1/3 of the way full of acetone...Theeeun 'bout a shotglass full of M.E.K. and a glub of muriatic acid a glub ain't really alot but it ain't really nothin''s enough to notice if you get it on you, I guess it's about 2/3 TO 3/4 of a shotglass stir this mess up a little. Or alot it don't really matter...just as long as you stir it away from yer face... that is unless yer ugly...then it might help laugh stir it so it gets mixed up. SWIGS got 20 boxes of 50 books but only processed 10 boxes or 500 books at a time....truthfully he was perty damn disappointed at the yield from that.
       Ok then...SWIGS pulls the outsides off the first 500 matchbooks one at a time stopping at 50 to get them all straightened out. I don't know me a neat freak. When you have all 500 done start tearing, cutting, biting or burning everything that ain't striker off them puppies. If you use M.E.K. then you will need to cut the strikers off with scissors or tin snips or something. As it will remove the varnish off the matchbooks and leave it in yer red/p. Ok deposit yer strikers in the first pickle jar full of the acetone mixture as you tear off everything else. If you listen close you'll hear a little hiss when you drop'em
       Ok when you have 500 done stand up, stretch a bit,  smoke a cigarette (not near the acetone) drink a beer, take a piss then go back and stir the whole mess with yer teaspoon till all them purty red strikers is white. It don't take long either.
       Then use yer salad tongs to pull out the strikers a few at a time and put them into yer second pickle jar. Leave your first pickle jar settin' with all the red.p/acetone/mek/acid sittin' while you go drink your second beer. Then when you come back all that red should be at the bottom of the first pickle jar.
       Next pour the top part off (decant)the first pickle jar over the contents of the second pickle jar (containing you almost spent strikers) being careful to leave the most bottom layer (The red.p/) in the  first pickle jar. UNERSTAN'? Okie dokie read it again if'n you don't mmmmk? Now take up yer salad tongs again and start pulling the strikers from that second pickle jar mess and dipping them into the acetone mixture on their way to the (trash) receptacle you choose...preferably one that one of yer buddys that lives at a trailer park outside of town will take away and burn for you.
       Alrighty this point you should have two pickle jars with red shit in'em... One with lots of liquid in it one without a lot of liquid. GO DRINK ANOTHER BEER. THEN SMOKE (SOMETHING).
       OKIE DOKIE now use yer long spoon to scoop the red gooey stuff out of the first pickle jar (this stuff should not be wet if it's wet LET IT DRY SOME MORE or pour more of the acetone mixture off then LET IT DRY SOME MORE) ( AND NOW A QUOTE FROM SWIGS SPONSOR:Patience Pays. Do it right. into the mason jar. Now take the second pickle jar and pour the top half into the first jar leaving the bottom layer of red.p and enough acetone in the second pickle jar to pick-up all the red.p on the bottom of that jar and pour it into the first w/ no it? GOOOOOOOOOD.
       Ok rinse everything you  have used with the acetone mixture and set it aside to settle out completely. In the meantime.....mix yer muriatic acid 1:3 ratio in some kinda glass dish...cover the material in the mason jar with it. And let it set while you have another beeeeeer. When your done pour off the top half of liquid and cover the contents with dh20 and bring to a boil on yer hoplate or stove. Stir it around mushing it up till you feel like it's clean and evap slowly till dry. IF YOU DO 20 BOOKS FINAL YIELD SHOULD BE AROUND 6 GMS. Or maybe more depending on the matchbooks you got mine were the freebie convenience store kind.

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
01-08-04 11:59
No 481207
      hey, i like it how you don't use sulphuric...     

hey, i like it how you don't use sulphuric's a mother fucker for swiaj to get hold of...particularly like the cigarette breaks...smoke more!!...the mek+hcl is an interesting addition and swiaj wonders whether it will help the 'not so slidey' rp slide off the cardboard...cutting up a trillion match boxes and watching the rp NOT slide off is a bit miserable...anyway, have fun and bye for now,

holy sheep shit!!
01-08-04 14:40 really well
(Rated as: insignificant)
01-08-04 14:47
      no more pleaseeeeee
(Rated as: redundant)
01-08-04 15:32
No 481266
      Right under ya nosie wosie     

AuntyJack :"hey, i like it how you don't use sulphuric's a mother fucker for swiaj to get hold of..."
I went to a local battery shop, sulfuric (sulphuric?) acid is used in car batteries. They gave me 1ltr for $5, I just told 'em I was doing some home chemistry.
The acid was ~35%, but thats ok because undilute H2SO4 will oxidise your RP anyway...
01-08-04 22:35
No 481376
      read this     

what is the acid for?
01-09-04 15:50
No 481498
      What's the acid for?     

SWIGS can't really say. One day SWIGS needed to clean some RP and he didn't have any more acetone but he had a waste container that he new had acetone mek and muriatic acid in it so rather boldly (or stupidly) SWIGS poured the mixture over his strikers, let it sit for about 10 minutes and voila! the red came off quicker than he had seen in months. So the next time SWIGS had to get some rp off he mixed it all fresh and it worked like a charm so he posted it.

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.