greensleeves (Stranger)
01-09-04 15:40
No 481495
      Input pleeeease CRITICAL     

SWIGS has a dream of a 12gm LWR happening but has no smoke no smell at the end of his 2ft pvc ghetto condenser. Reaction fluid is dark with red/p. Is this a problem? Reflux has beeen going for 21.5 hrs. SWIGS turned up the heat from 95 c to 115 c and got some small bubbles but still no familiar smell at the end of the condenser and still no grapefruit sized punch ball ballon. Maybe swigs added too much water could this mean a longer reflux or has SWIGS screwed up beyond all hope.

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
01-09-04 17:06
No 481516
      Ahhhhh! Nevermind     

SWIGS took off the condenser and put his nose to the flask and SOMETHING is definately happening. Maybe the ghetto condenser is just too good or something cause the smell out of the flask says don't worry a bit.laughwink

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
(Hive Addict)
01-09-04 17:07
No 481517
      We don't need no freekin specs...     

Hey greenhornlaugh
Why leave out the details on the part you suspect as being the culprit?
No mention is made of how much dh2o was added...
Is this because the dh2o was guestimated?
Ibee would say cook longer than planned based on the details provided.
Sounds like excess dh2o is present.
Also, the general consensus on cook temps for HI rxns seems to be setting the external flask temps between 100°C to 120°C.
Bee it oil bath, water bath, or direct heat.

Peace of the RXN
01-09-04 17:31
No 481522
      specs? We don' need no freaking specs     

Your foresight is insanely accurate. The dh20 should have been 12 ml but was guessed between the 10ml and 20 ml on my measuring glass so it is reasonable that the dh20 was overestimated. The rp was added at .80 rather than the .75 suggested as SWIGS assumed that the damp weight would need adjusting. The I2 was added at 1.2 per gm of pseudo as prescribed by the geez. Sorry about the lack of stats as I was panicking at the moment. More comments and suggestions appreciated. CUL8R greenHORN OUT.laugh

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
01-09-04 18:44
No 481538 bee Oil Bath Maytee!     

"be it oil bath, water bath, or direct heat"

It be oil bath wareami. SWIGS had a dream of a 36hr
LWReflux in a 25.00$ deep fat fryer with holes drilled in the top for a flask (237ml coke bottle) and a candy therm. that reaches the desired temp in °c. Hopefully this is enough info to give you a clue as to what to tell me....Help me Help me...CUL8R gHORN OUTtongue

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
(Hive Addict)
01-09-04 20:35
No 481555
      Excess dh2o...     

Excess dh2o initially in the LWR should be treated the same as an accidental drowning! NOOOO don't give it mouth to mouth!wink
It needs to cook off. Some will do this with excess heat but Ibee doesn't suggest going above 120°C...
unless ya like conversing with  that aren't there.
Time will cure this situation.
Cook longer.
Reset the clock to 48-50hr and the last 4hr crank UP the oilbath to 120°C.
Avoid subjecting the makeshift flask to extreme temp changes quickly.
Provided the feedstock was clean, everything should bee fine.

Peace of the RXN
01-09-04 20:48
No 481556
      SOME people JUST have No patience.....     

SWIGS didn't wait long enough to hear back from ware and turned the heat up to 135°c for about an hour. SWIGS is kicking himself repeatedly in the head right now for being so impatient he really hates those that are not there...really hates state hospital twice hates them. Pleeeeaaaaaase tell him that he turned the heat down soooon enough to not summon the devils. Ahhhhhhh! DAMMMIT! CUL8R gs OUT

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
(Hive Addict)
01-09-04 21:38
No 481563
      Tequila.. for research only!(well understanding wareamiese that is!)
Clear heads are needed throughout the actual cooking process.wink

Peace of the RXN