Alexander_Monday (Newbee)
01-25-04 11:10
No 484529
      clean pseudo     

A few questions:   

1)   Is there a definitive method of testing the purity of one's extracted pseodo that is simple, reliable and doesn't involve chromatography? Testing by running it thru an HI reduction reaction isn't working out, too much wasted time, effort and valuable precursors.
2)   Would small amounts of H2O2 or HCl, like what might be present from Iodine made from tincture and not rinsed completely clean, have any significant detrimental effect on a reaction?

3)   If a reaction fails, whether from too little rp, too little I2, or too much water and not enough time, and the reaction fluid is processed as usual what will you end up with? Will you have a meth like solid that is mostly pseudophed? Will you have a waxy syrup that refuses to solidify, or after evaporating the water in the final step will you find little or nothing at all?
01-25-04 13:54
No 484543
      in response to #2     

(Hive Bee)
01-25-04 14:38
No 484550
      "If a reaction fails, whether from too...     

"If a reaction fails, whether from too little rp, too little I2, or too much water and not enough time, and the reaction fluid is processed as usual what will you end up with? Will you have a meth like solid that is mostly pseudophed? Will you have a waxy syrup that refuses to solidify, or after evaporating the water in the final step will you find little or nothing at all?"

How much i2/rp/h20/pseudo did you use? how long did you react it for? It is impossible to say without knowing how you did it.

If you did skimp on precursors and not react it enough..Chances are you have iodoephedrine and countless amounts of other unknown crap involved...very unhealthy end product.

"Will you have a meth like solid that is mostly pseudophed?"

No. it is iodoephedrine mostly.. and some pseudo. Chances are there is no meth in there.

The best way to know if meth is in there is let it bubble as long as it wants too! when it bubbles it's reducing, when it finishes there is meth involved.

if it's reducing and you pull it out early, you will get nothing but poisonous 1/2assed reduced crap.
(Hive Addict)
01-26-04 03:45
No 484652
      Testing pseudo purity     

Swim still does the pinch of psudo on tin foil.
Then with cig. lighter ignited put it under foil where psudo is.
You should get a big puff of smoke and most importantly
there should only bee a pin sized brown dot left.
Anything else and you still have wax,mcc,sugar,etc.
If you have used one of the up to date extraction methods
it should bee clean.If not swim always remembers what Geezmeister says.Do 2 dual solvent recrystallizations
with your psudo before using.
(Of Counsel)
01-26-04 07:12
No 484669
      some opinions on your questions     

There is no definitive ghetto method for verifying the purity of pseudo. Burning a little on foil helps spot obvious impurities. Don't incinerate the pseudo, just get it hot enough to vaporize and smell the vapor. Clean pseudo has a distinctive smell, which you will always remember once you smell it. Clean pseuedo should brush easily off the glass it evaporated or dried in, and will not clump into hard clumps. If you have lumpy pseudo that is not like a fine sand, you don't have clean pseudo.
Recrystallizing the pseudo twice after you think you have it clean will teach you how much of what you thought was pseudo was something else.

     How much H2O2 or HCl is "too much?" I have not noticed a difference between reactions done with I2 from tincture and those done with I2 crystals or I2 prill. But the I2 crystals I have from tincture are very well rinsed until the majority of the coloration is gone from the rinse water. Five washes usually gets most of the I2 in the filter, and the I2 in the filter is rinsed again after that another four or five times as I work the last of the I2 out of the jar it crystallized in. If you think you may have H2O2 or HCl in excess from the I2, you simply aren't rinsing it clean enough to start with.

     What you wind up with after a failed rection depends on how much reduction was achieved and how many by products got formed along the way. Fail early on from insufficient rp, and the chances are you will get back pseudo. Fail mid way through and you will have a meth/intermediate/pseudo mix. Fail later in the reaction and you will have more intermediates and meth, and less pseudo. Depending on intermediates, you may dissolve most of your product away in acetone rinses. Some low yielding reactions are nothing more than incompletely reduced reactions that would have yielded better had they been allowed to complete.   It isn't really possible to give a definitive answer to the question, because what you get depends on why and when during the reaction you failed. The syrupy mass you describe sounds like a case of serious PEG contamination. PEG, if you don't get it out of the psuedo, will turn to syrup in the evap dish, foul your recrystallization attempts, and reduce your yield substantially.

mostly harmless
01-26-04 12:30
No 484697
      melt point analysis     

maybe not totally definative, but close enuff, under the circumstances..

1)   Is there a definitive method of testing the purity of one's extracted pseodo that is simple, reliable and doesn't involve chromatography? Testing by running it thru an HI reduction reaction isn't working out, too much wasted time, effort and valuable precursors.

(Hive Addict)
01-26-04 13:10
No 484704
      extraction? (+ rxn)     

How are you extracting?

Try tyvek soak in warm 99% iso with the result (that means the alcohol - don't vap it!) after 4+ hours going straight into Geeze's godsend pseudo precipitation trick. A decant style "panning rinse" with acetone should then yeild reactable crystals. Rinse additionally with more acetone if they're not sparkly, snowy white. These days that's about as simple as extraction can be made.

And be sure to reflux your rxn for at least 24 hours or you'll end up with the dreaded iodo syrup at the end of the line. Don't try to rush it or you will again get the sickening syrup or a stinkingly piss poor yeild. Waiting the extra time will pay off.

PS. the pouch of tyvek bound pills can bee resoaked 1 or 2 more times for more psuedo

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
(Hive Bee)
01-26-04 19:52
No 484773
      Chemo offers excellent advice but     

The 24 hour reflux is not the only way to quality meth.  Ever hear of some guys named Jacked, or Worlock or Placebo?   I'm sure they will tell you that when the push/pull is mastered, one can yeild pure meth.
Gluecifer would tell you the same.

Note: I am not dissing the reflux, as swim performs them when time allows, but the only difference swim can see is that the LWR generally has better yields.  + 10% in swim's case.

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
01-26-04 20:28
No 484779
      Rinsing the I from tinct     

this bee has allways rinsed the I in the filter just after collecting. Right in my hand !

Never had a problem and never noticed a difference from LG.

LG = LabGRade
(Hive Addict)
01-26-04 23:04
No 484804
      For the Learning Phase     

gluecifer corrctly stated The 24 hour reflux is not the only way to quality meth.

Most of what I know was derived from studying Worlocks interpretations of other peoples stuff. My comments in this thread about the long reflux are squarely aimed at anyone who has little to no experience that might be intersted in getting some real and tangible results with a minimum of waste of both time and materials. All those recipes from the people you mentioned will still work fine _if_ (and it's a very big and significant "if") you can get your psuedo to levels that closely approach "reagent pure". And that's not something that can now normally be learned in a quick manner. It used to be much easier but those days are gone. I wouldn't claim to be able to do that even now although I might be "in the ballpark" so to speak.

I know what you're saying and I don't disagree with it but personally I would not recommend that anyone just starting out attempt those other reactions if they are truly wishing for some initial success.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
(Hive Bee)
01-26-04 23:54
No 484811
      note to iso     

It usually takes swim at least five washes for his I Crystals to be satisfactory and swim has never used LG so he can't compare it to tincture.  Just know that swim always washes his like Geezmeister says, the wash water should like a weak tea color.

Chemosabe: I totally agree and let me state that the reflux offers much more potential for success as opposed to the ol' This is a great advantage for the novice!

Let me state that in swim's opinion most push pull failures occur as result of sloppy reagents.  One cannot skimp on anything, because it will adversly affect the outcome of the push pull.
  If you think your shit is clean enough, it probably isn't.  No shit, with today's array of gakks one has to go the extra mile so to speak, to ensure a success in da lab. All of this has been said before so rant is over.

Ol' Gluey said he and 2 "friends" stayed up 72 hrs on half g.(from the push/pull), and still no sign of slowing down in sight.
Guess old habits die hard.laughlaugh

PIPE UP!!!!!!!!!