greensleeves (Stranger)
01-29-04 20:43
No 485340
      Miraculously Successful LWReflux     

Successful Long Wet Reflux


SWIGS added the DH20 then the MBRP then the I2 then finally the E. In a later message from an elderbee he was instructed to mix the water, e, and red then add the I2. The flask would then heat a little at most. But SWIGS did something different, which may contribute to by products being formed. Not only did he add the reactants in the wrong order but he added them to an already warm flask. The inner Gflask temp was 75°C-80°C.
       The reactants were added to the 237ml Gflask in the Goil bath in this order: DH20 MBRP I2 the sound of very small sizzling steaks and some wafts of white smoke were observed. The E was added…still more smoke, not an overwhelming amount of smoke but definitely enough to notice. I am not sure if it mattered but the temp in SWIGS’s Glab was around 45°F  The Gcondenser was fit with teflon tape on the end in the Gflask and the other end fit with a punchball balloon prior to weighing the reactants. The condenser was placed into the end of the flask and taped with electrical tape. The condenser was suspended from the ceiling with a coat hanger at just the right height.
       At hour 14 the heat was turned up to 105°C I DON’T KNOW WHY At hour 16 the reaction fluid was observed as having two layers the top being as red as blood the bottom being orangish looking and murky but more translucent than the top. Upon further investigation and better lighting it was found that the bottom layer was comprised mostly of MBRP and a clearish fluid and the top layer was blood red.
       At hour 36 After consulting with an elder bee it was determined that the inner Gflask temperature was too low (as it was being measured from OUTSIDE the Gflask) and it was CRANKED UP from the suggested 95°C – 97°C mark to 120°C in order to get that inner Gflask temp up to the desired temp….and at hour twenty-four up to 140°C so that the inner Gflask temp was closer to 120°C. Bubbling noises were heard at the end of the Gcondenser, and HI was detected by the nasal
       At exactly hour 48 the heat was cut off and approximately 12ml of dh20 was heated to boiling and added to the solution. The solution was then swirrrrllllled and observed. MBRP fell like bricks to the bottom of the solution. SWIGS was nervous. He was remembering his last post reaction and how most went onto the floor and he was thinking VERY clearly. (no Icehouse, NO GANJA) He turned the heat back on a bit and let the fluid boil for about ten minutes to clear the excess Iodine then CAREFULLY swirrlllled then poured his precious reaction fluid into his charmin plugged funnel.
       When all the reaction fluid had filtered he pulled the plug and squeezed the extra juice out into the collection vessel. SWIGS then filtered again through a new charmin plugged funnel when all was filtered he poured the fluid CAREFULLY into a bottled water bottle with a pop top lid on it and commenced washing his reaction fluid with an equal amount of  xylene…and again….and again.
       SWIGS then added clean xylene to his reaction fluid…about the same volume as the fluid then started basing with 20-30% lye solution very carefully…a few drops at a time swirl drop swirl and on and on till wham! Milky white to stay…..SWIGS gave it about 10 minutes and sepped the based fluid and xylene keeping the xylene in another bottled water bottle. SWIGS added xylene twice more and and on the last time sat down to have a smoke. (In another room). SWIGS was feeling great at this point and decided it was time to wash his np.
       First he warmed some DH20. then he poured that into his np/meth and shook tha fuck outta it. SWIGS walked away and had a smoke and half a beer. Came back sepped off the water into a clean water bottle and added more DH20 to the np/meth….and then again….The water SWIGS sepped off the last time didn’t feel slick or anything so he opted to proceed to the final step before evapping.
       So he added half the volume of water as np/meth then added 5 to 7 drops of 31% muriatic acid and shook da fuck outta it. Gave it 10 minutes and another half a beer, sepped the water off into the evap dish and did it again adding 4 drops of muriatic, then a third time with no more acid.
       Finally the hotplate was turned on to medium heat and the water/meth was evapped down to an almost solid and just before the last of the water evapped it was flooded with cold dry acetone….bubble bubble toil and trouble….all the acetone evapped off nearly immediately and what was left was about 7gms of yellowish sparkly powder. Smoked nice….When dissolved in water and consumed the effect was ALOT MORE PROFOUND AND I DO MEAN ALOT.
Warning This shit is fucking potent. Maybe 10 times what SWIGS is used to so don’t bee a dumbass like SWIGS and eat a whole gm and a half at once or you might end up cooking on a much higher plane. Like yer next life.

Once again…Thanks geez, ici, mr_p, ware, SHORTY, RHODIUM

The disclaimer. Nothing typed in this document is true except what I say is true and I say none of it is true. It's all something I made up to get attention from my peers. I don't know any of the users in this forum so nobody mentioned here did shit to help me do nothing I didn't do....So If you are L.E. GOINFUCKINYERSELFINDABATHROOMWITYERMUDDERSDILDO,MMMMMMK?. And DAMMIT! I'm sorry I beat the fuck outta you in high school...Well not really it was kinda  Oh and I'm sorry I fucked your sister too. No. I really am sorry for that, she gave me the clap.tongue Sheethead!

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
(Hive Bee)
01-29-04 22:17
No 485356
      please please use paragraphs..your post is...     

please please use paragraphs..your post is very hard to read, especially if youve been awake for a while.

There is no question in the post, i think. By-products being formed by adding ingredients in 'different order' is questionable. One usually adds them so that the initial RXN wont be too violent/hot.

Enjoy your gear
(Hive Addict)
01-30-04 03:37
No 485415
      Ingredient Order     

The order that ingerdients are added is not of paramount importance. Just stick with whatever seems to have worked best for you in your own first hand and direct observations.

Plus that flask temp you started with was decently warm as opening temps go but not over the top. No damage done I'm sure.

And midway, if that's really you in your avatar-like ID icon you bear a frightening resemblance to the late Carlos Castaneda (in his younger years).

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
01-30-04 06:57
No 485446

I think you must bee right 'cause this final product was awsome...too awsome in fact, but temps do seem to bee a big factor in contributing to tweaky crazy making shit. I just put that in just incase ya know? SWIGS is extremely new to this and is just starting to settle in to the method so all the details are very important at this you have anything else that you might suggest? I am open to all kinds of input...even abrasive..hell I ain't no pussy after all.laugh Help me, coach me, whatever hell if you live close enough come over and THanks fer the reply. CUL8RgsOUT

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
(Hive Addict)
01-30-04 11:15
No 485475

Congrats on a successful dream. Swim can relate to the inner flask vs outer flask temps. Oilbath temps can bee seriously misleading.

Ever since Swim discovered a roughly 23°C difference between oilbath and inner flask temperature, with a slight adjustment, theoretical potency has never been better. This difference in temp will also make or break a H3PO3 synth. This overall difference will vary per bee but it is as easy as boiling a flask of water to determine what that difference is.

What Swim thought to bee 120°C was really only 97°C shocked

Yep, as long as the ratios are correct, after 18-24 hrs of reflux at + or - 140°C oilbath temps, the RP/I2 product is VERY strong. Although theoretical withdrawal symptoms seem to bee more defined; test subjects love that dirty phos. At least that is what "Guinea Pig" says.

01-30-04 15:09
No 485498
      the yellow     

you took the effort to do copious washes...why on earth didn't you do the simplest cleaning of the final product?
after all that effort, to consume yellow gear seems obscene.

if you don't have the patience for re-crys, a quick acetone rinse would have taken the excess hcl from your goods and left you something white and sparkly.
(Of Counsel)
01-30-04 15:40
No 485505

Congrats, my man. You know have experienced the difference between good meth and great meth. If you want to see what really great, clean meth is like, rinse that in dried acetone and then recyrstallize it twice.

MMMMmmmmmMMMMm goooooooooooood.

A gram of that will last a week if you don't go nuts smoking it.

Congrats. You see why I recommend the LWR for this synth?


mostly harmless
(Wizard Master)
01-31-04 01:19
No 485594
      Re: SWIGS added the DH20 then the MBRP then...     

SWIGS added the DH20 then the MBRP then the I2 then finally the E.

greensleeves: Keep the order as you stated above. Adding the water/RP/I2 to make the HI first eliminates any possible side-reaction with the ephedrine.

(Hive Bee)
02-01-04 07:00
No 485787
      Sounds like really good cooking. . .     

Way better, in fact, than anything SWIP has managed to dream about since orange gak kit the scene. It sounds good that out of envy, SWIP is going to pick at the one thing that makes him scratch his head. He does this in full knowledge that it's probably his lack of knowledge that leads to the lack of comprehension, but he's never been one to learn from his mistakes.

"So he added half the volume of water as np/meth then added 5 to 7 drops of 31% muriatic acid and shook da fuck outta it. Gave it 10 minutes and another half a beer, sepped the water off into the evap dish and did it again adding 4 drops of muriatic, then a third time with no more acid."

How the hell did seven grams of product result from the addition of only 12 drops of muriatic!? SWIP must be getting the off brand, because in his experience it would require lots more than that! What's the theoretical requirement, anyone know?

At any rate, thanks for a great write up, GS. SWIP has appropriated it for use in his next dream. One last question, though. What's a Gflask? (Maybe SWIP should use TFSE for this last, but with no decent meth recently he's feeling pretty lazy. He'd rather just put up with the flames if need bee.)

(Hive Bee)
02-02-04 00:53
No 485912
      drop this     

"...How the hell did seven grams of product result from the addition of only 12 drops of muriatic!?..."

Swix too thought about that...

From a bad memory, Swix uses about 25 drops (of 33% HCl) per gram of expected product.  Thats coming from a small glass 1mL pasteur pipette.  Perhaps others use equipment that produces larger drops. MUCH larger drops
(Hive Addict)
02-02-04 01:40
No 485920
      Other Possibilities for Too Much Yeild     

a _really_ shitty or recently uncalibrated scale
tons of non meth tag alongs like lye and/or sodium chloride
weighing with coffee filter but forgetting to subtract weight of coffee filter
wieghing when not fully dry 

For a 10g batch swim's theoretical dreamstate buddy adds 100 drops of 30% HCl acid/pool-grade muriatic from standard medicine dropper into 6oz to 8oz dH2O and atomizes the mix into sep funnel, containing water washed FBnaphtha, via blasts from standard chemically resistant spray bottle in a series of 80ml to 20ml "pulls".

what was the initial batch size? For a newbee 50% would normally be an astoundingly high yeild for a first batch.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
02-02-04 04:12
No 485943

Gflask is just a short version of Ghetto Flask SWIGS used a 237ml old timey coke bottle for a flask...but no far as the acid question SWIGS uses 31% muriatic acid from the pool supply for balancing ph in a swimming pool. As for the measurements SWIGS was instructed by an elderbee 1 drop per each anticipated gram of finished product. The fact that the final product was yellow indicated that there was an excess of acid. CUL8RgsOUT

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
02-02-04 04:26
No 485947
      Acid Drops vs shitty_tag along     

SWIGS Can't explain alot of the inconsistencies found in this write-up...he says that the finished product when comsumed...after being disolved in water in the amount of one gram and one half sent him to the emergency room rather quickly due to an extremely accelerated heartrate and dillusions too numerous to explain. So SWIGS thinks the product was reasonably pure. This is not SWIGS first "LWR" it is his third and he seems to get better product each time and will increase  his HCL drops and hopefully increase his yield even more for his next one. Thank you all for your input and I'm sorry SHORTY I just don't understand how to reply to these without posting again at this point. CUL8RgsOUT

Stand back! I'll get it out with this fork.
(Hive Addict)
02-02-04 04:52
No 485954
      Not So Important Unsolved Mystery     

No need to back track and try to explain everything.

Who knows. Maybe we'll learn a few things from any upcoming reports you might give. But if you really did get 7gm out of a 11.5 batch for a 2nd or 3rd run ever than there is something of interest to your procedure for me at least. The extra hours of cook time is currently suspect as swim's buddy has never gone above the 24hr mark.

But the alleged amount of HCl acid used (or lack thereof) is possibly even more baffling though. I certainly hope that less is actually more and that swims buddy has been going way over the top with the acid.

Wow! A gram and a half? Were you shooting for Kingsofsleeps pornstar sex suggestion? That's almost a full uncut sixteener all in one sitting. I'm guessing that you did so much becuase you are used to having cut in the mix. Welcome to the world of cut free meth! No surprise you went to the emergency room for that level of consumption. This should be a decent lesson in paying attention to your intake level and in realizing how shitty and weak what you buy on the street really is.

Keep the reports coming. Things will end up explaining themselves as far as the unsolved mysteries go.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
(Hive Bee)
02-02-04 07:04
No 485992
      Oh, you only ate 1.5 grams.     

You had a gram and a half?
Thats Insane!
Swik will use ~75mgs orally and get smashed!
Maybee He's a sissy though. (He will use it ~once a month (that sais 'once' not 'ounce!))
Oh dear......
(Stoni's sexual toy)
02-02-04 12:02
No 486030
      Sounds like we nearly got a contestant for the     

Sounds like we nearly got a contestant for the Darwin Award.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Addict)
02-02-04 14:41
No 486048

It says SWIGS watered down 1.5g and only did half....which quite likely is the reason SWIGS is still here as opposed to doing it AWE!
Chemo: The final work-up skills will determine the yeild after a LWR if all went like clockwork.
1drop hcl per gram expected is low and explains why the yield wasn't in the higher range.
12drops hcl per NP pull is more the average.
Like this:
1st NP (75ml) pull broke into 3(a,b,c) 20ml h20/hcl pulls will start
1a=12drops hcl
1b=8drops hcl
1c=4drops hcl
That's 60ml total requiring ~24drops hcl

The pH strength of the pull will determine the yield...
After washes if the amine level is high, (pH 9-13) the pulls will yield greater amounts of meth with each pull.
Good work GS!
Just tone it down on the initial consumation side until a safe threshold is established.
None of this will be any fun if you're not around to enjoy it!

a little less conversation, a little more reaction