isopropylcumshot (Newbee)
02-04-04 03:00
No 486262
      Post reaction reaction De-GAKing suggestions ?     

This bee has some OrGak II affected product that is dissolved into acetone.

Apparently when Polysorbate 80 is present, it first become dissolved into the Acetone and then the meth dissolves into it.  If evaporated the OGak II goo\glue remains.

WOD bastirds ! anyways...

ISO is wanting data:
any and all successful 'post reaction de-gakking attempts'
 , even things that just looked useful but made no difference....         Thanks

A true Example to start thing off:
Beebo noticed that when redissolving the, OG II affected, product goo into a small amount of water, then evapping until near gooeyness again, then crashing with TCE,,,, a solid form of the Gakked product would precipitate out.

Next please

Da Moose
(Hive Bee)
02-04-04 03:25
No 486264
      That Orange again...tsk,tsk.     

Try this...boil the solids for 15-minutes in turps. Filter. Let the turps evaporate from the solids. Let the solids be boiled in Per-, D_, or Tri-Chloromethane solvent for 15-minutes.Filter. Look at the solids . Are they white? If not, repeat both boils and filters until they are. Take up the white xtalline solids in ICE cold alcohol. The alcohol dissolves the product and not too much G.A.K.K. Evap the alcohol. Nice xtalline solids will result.After three years and 15-tries, with about half resulting in Orange product due to skipping the turps and DCM(etc) boils and filters, A.L.F. sezs it knows that this works. By the way...It just couldn't resist...It did snort the Orange product and got just as wired as if it was pure white shards.

callen + A.L.F.
02-04-04 03:58
No 486272
      You bet     

Iso has also just eaten the Gak'd goo if a snortable wasn't obtainable..

Thanks for the data.
SO we propose the following experimental procedure for
Post Reaction De-Gakking...

1. get the goo into a solid:
- possibly by gassing
- definately to some extent by:
 - adding a small qty of water to the goop and heat evaporate until little swirlies can be seen in the solution. (Note: the OG II affected product doesn't skim.) Remove from heat and crash with TCE.

If this doesnt work then get the goop back to a sticky form that's free of water and TCE and cover with fresh TCE and carefully scrape chunks of goop off of the bottem. They will harden( this is known ).

After the Gakked goods are into a solid and chopped, dried and powdered.. then try eihter:

A. attemp, JD\TCE style, Gak deactivation & wash.
B. Tripple solvent Boil: first Tolly, then MEK, then Naptha... (Note: morter the solids while heating and boiling with each solvent.)

Allow to dry and then attempt an acetone wash. Hopefully the solids wont dissolve into the acetone like they normally do when the OGak II is present.

(Of Counsel)
02-04-04 21:59
No 486383

Hopefully the solids wont dissolve into the acetone like they normally do when the OGak II is present.

Ahh! That is the rub. When OII and meth are intertwined, the whole is acetone soluble. Drat! Foiled again.

Get it out first. Before the reaction. Then you don't have to deal with it later.

As to consuming OII gakked meth: eat it.

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
02-10-04 06:43
No 487608
      Gak + acetone: let it sit     

FWIW, SWIP has found that if he let acetone + latest witches brew of gaks sit, it will eventually crystallize and will be seperable after that. SWIP has yet to figure out why this happens, only that he needs to be patient. It has been known to take a month, and that means exposed to the air! (To be truthful, it's also exposed to whatever fumes SWIP may be generating during this time as well.)