trans4mar (Stranger)
02-04-04 10:18
No 486312
      PPA to meth, or anthing but ICE(trans4mar)sucks!!!  Bookmark   

(i must start this by saying my first experience with trans4mar, i made, kept me up for 4 days with heart pounding, one line a day, working accounting job 12hours a day, nobody even said i looked tired.)BUT STILL.......

ICE(trans4mar) is the ultimate WIDE AWAKE drug. YOu kinda feel fucked up for a couple hours, makes you horney sometimes.  Only problems after the first couple hours you are just UP. 16 hours of no sleep, but you dont feel fucked up really.  Now thats only on about 1/4gram or less taken orally. 

Thats about 10hours of just normal, cant sleep, but you sometimes get the same clean house/organize shit like with meth, but its much more focused. YOu are smart as a mother fucker the first day......

Still I love my old meth. Been awhile, hell it cost $50 1/4 gram for ice/glass/prob. MSM cut shit around here. Crazy everything around here but no meth anywhere. Coke $450 fish scale, but people pull you into an after school special conversation when you ask about meth........"dude you dont want to get fucked up with that shit, IVE HEARD STORIES"LOL

THats my opinion about trans4mar.

Im half asleep so fuck spelling and grammer wink

country boy!
02-04-04 13:05
No 486318
      Enlightening  Bookmark   

Well Trans4mar, thank you so much for sharing your valuable information with all of us here at the hive
A place where fellow enthusiasts can share information regarding the CHEMISTRY of mind-altering substances
Notice how I emphasised the word CHEMISTRY...What the fuck does your piss poor post have to do with chemistry?
As you should of realised, the majority of folks here already have a good understanding of what (meth)amphetamines
do to your body! God willing, some of them may even be able to make some filthy gear themselves.
Did you think that your idiotic drug induced rant would somehow open our eyes to the wierd and wonderful world of speed?! mad
You know what mate, Ive heard stories that fuckwits like you, behaving like you and speaking shit like you, tarnish the image of all those who conregate at the same place you happened to find on google.
Do yourself a favour and contribute something useful to this forum, or do us all a favour and piss off.
I am usually a well mannered, polite and friendly person,
but due to your downright ignorance, you have brought out the devil in me frown
If i offended anyone...GOOD!
(Hive Addict)
02-04-04 13:56
No 486323
      aminosaurus rex  Bookmark   

Was the heart pounding effect you got from MAR stronger or more noticable than what you usually get from meth?

I do recall one report from someone here who said that it made them hornier than hell right as they were first doing it. This person vaporized it (as in smoked). He said something to the effect of it nearly making him want to just unzip his fly right then and there.

Without beeing too specific can you give a clue as to what you got the PPA from? It's not easy to come by in the US now since people got really stupid with their diet pill usage. Used to be like nothing to acquire but no more.

Did you ever get a "tweaky" feeling from it like meth can give after you have been up for the long haul or was it clean and clear all the way through?

Also the title of your post makes me wonder if you are asking if meth can somehow be made from PPA. I'm sure that info is probably here somewhere but I don't know the answer myself.

PS. I once ironically got the afternoon special line of anti meth lecturing from a long term coke head who had a nasty case of overcoked narcolepsy. As soon as he would so much as sit down and relax in the slightest he'd keel over into a deep, log sawing snooze.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency