gassing_a_ton (Stranger)
02-10-04 18:10
No 487790
      easy meth synth..............?     

swim was given this info true or false ...?

swim took 12 oz of anhydrous ammonia poured into a round bottom flask then added 30..grams of pure psudo/E crystals
then three lithium batteries where added to the mix ture then stired by hand for then minutes the solution went from a royal blue to clear after the reaction was done
swim took 98% pure suferic acid and added 1/4 of a table spoon of table salt that mixture began to smoke ,the gas was bubbled through the a/l/e mixture for roughly 10 minutes this took a short time but evaporation took about 20 hours after the product was dried swim had 28.5 grams of reducd efedrine is this a good syth or did swim get geeked off the lithium crystals

02-10-04 20:05
No 487803
      My god, you survived?     

My god, where do i start crazy
First i will say that no meth synth is easy, ESPECIALLY anything resembling a birch reduction. Notice i said 'resembling' and that is pushing it!
Your reagent molar ratios are WAYYY OUT!
IF you were using Suzy FB, then the ratio would be 2 parts Li, 1 part suzy FB! If you have Suzy HCl, then you will need  MORE Li!
By reading your text, I assumed you actually added batteries to your Nh3/Suzy...that makes you sound DUMB!
3x Batteries will give you 3x Li strips which weigh under 3g! This means you were reacting 1 PART Li, 10 PART SUZY!!
Technically it wasnt even 1 part Li, but for obvious reasons i will express it this way..FOR YOU!
Therefore i bet your 28.5g of crystals consists of unreduced Suzy, which amounts to a GREAT BIG FAILURE! mad
I will not even bother to point out what else is wrong with your sorry synthesis! You say this info was given to you, but i cannot understand why swiYOU would undertake such a task without researching it first! You are extremely stupid and you should consider yourself lucky that you are still fuckin breathing!! If you copped a whiff of that anhydrous Nh3, then you WOULD NOT be breathing!

The devil made me do it.
(Hive Bee)
02-10-04 22:01
No 487818

"IF you were using Suzy FB, then the ratio would be 2 parts Li, 1 part suzy FB! If you have Suzy HCl, then you will need  MORE Li!
3x Batteries will give you 3x Li strips which weigh under 3g! This means you were reacting 1 PART Li, 10 PART SUZY!!"

Wrong!  That's a 2:1 molar ratio.  Pseudo freebase has a molecular mass of 165, and lithium has a atomic mass of 7.  Thus you would need approximately 14 grams Li for every 165g pseudo.  His ratios seem about right.

This is in no way an endorsement of Birch reduction.

I've got the kind of toys you've never seen
Manmade and a bit obscene
02-11-04 01:41
No 487859
      Molar ratio!     

A 2:1 molar ratio is exactly what i was referring to, that was no accident! I was always told that the 2:1 ration is extremely important and must be followed.
To confirm my belief, i have conducted some research and have come across "The complete Birch" by Mr_Clean...QUOTE:

Two electrons are required to reduce a molecule of ephedrine into methamphetamine. Therefore the proper molar ratio for reactants is 2Li to 1 pseudo. The amount of ammonia present is not important, as long as it is sufficient to dissolve all the Li present.
This 2-1 ratio is EXTREMELY important. Too little Li and not all the pseudo will be reduced. Too much and your pseudo will be OVER reduced. This is the main reason contaminants (including water) must be avoided. They will use up some of the electrons, leaving you to "guess" how much Li you need. Your guess will most likely be wrong.
The 2-1 ratio is based on FREEBASE stock. If you use pseudo HCL, then the amount of Li required will be higher.
I am assuming Mr_Clean is fairly reputable, so are you implying that he is also wrong?

The devil made me do it.
(Hive Bee)
02-11-04 13:51
No 487943
      No, Clean is right, you were wrong     

Yes, Mr. Clean is totally correct, but you were wrong.  One needs a 2:1 molar ratio of lithium to pseudoephedrine, or 3:1 molar if pseudo HCl is used.  However, the original poster did have approximately a 2:1 molar ratio (approx. 1:10 by weight), not a 1:10 molar ratio as you suggest.  This is not complex--first year chemistry stuff.

I've got the kind of toys you've never seen
Manmade and a bit obscene
02-11-04 14:06
No 487946
      this is the syth used by many people in the...     

this is the syth used by many people in the area belive it or not (your choice) we don't get into the tecnical side of creating stimulants but any ways thanks for the input

(the world is not enough ....take all that you can&pay no taxes)
02-11-04 14:25
No 487949
      My mistake!     

Ok then i apoligize for opening my moth blush
I have no 'formal' chemistry training, i am trying to learn as i go along...hehe but i feel very DUMB myself tongue

The devil made me do it.