02-13-04 04:07
No 488247
      The DwarJet: a superheated steam extractor
(Rated as: excellent)

an innovative long-column superheated steam extractor device

Interested parties are invited to peruse
Post 266170 (dwarfer: "pressure cooker steam extractor deja vu?", Stimulants)

And particularly Post 266552 (Jetson: "Re: pressure cooker steam extractor deja vu?", Stimulants)
which was a seminal post by Jetson leading to the elaboration
of the idea of having the extraction process eventuate
within the PC (pressure cooker), where (mildly)
superheated (live) steam can be used to facilitate the
extractive process greatly.

As compared to the ususal lab base glassware
double heater/ splashhead apparatus,

the DwarJet apparatus  is

1.  More effective

2.  Clandestine

3.  Safer

4.  Easier

5. Cheaper

6.  Faster.

NASA should be so lucky..  ":<)

I have taken the liberty to call the following design configuration


after the principal instigators of the configuration.

Biotechdude and I will post some results from the use of the apparatus.

It is interesting to see Biotechdude's
local interpretation of what was a verbal description
of the mechanism..  ":<) 

This is "configuration 2" of the apparatus, with the "long column"
hose displayed.  ALL the material is heated to 105C to 115C before
the needle valve is opened, and the steam is allowed to flow to the

"Configuration 1" will be shown later, with internal multiple liquid
extraction and foam control glass containers.

Note the 7/8 inch coiled hose with the opening above the water lever, of course, when operating.

The material to be extracted is placed within the hose,
as either plant material with alkaloids within it's matrix,
or as dried or damp FB material coating an inert
substrate, such as course sand or fine gravel.

The production process is quite rapid, and unlike
other steam extraction techniques, does not have to be
accomplished with great speed in order to achieve
efficiency, because the material is subject to the
increased temperature and motivation of the steam
at all times, and the process is pressurized without
a pressure drop across the extraction vessell.

The latex hose link contains a superflous appendage consisting of an extra glass tube and a two hole stopper,
which happened to be the innards of a local "Sucka Tube"
device that Marvin had left lying around.  Ignore it.

the feet are somebody else's..

Floor painted by Picasso..smile

(Hive Addict)
02-13-04 06:22
No 488279
      Dwarfer Advances on the Steaming Front     

Hey Dwarf,

At the moment it appears that you are the lone wolf on steaming patrol. There was that burst of enthusuiasm and experimentation on this avenue right about when the Hive went offline for a few few months in 2001 and when many migrated over to Android's old Hive facsimile The Zones for temporary refuge. But that initial swell of interest in water vapor as extractant petered out and went flaccid rather quickly never to (yet) bee res-erected.

Good work and it might actually get me a hankerin' to modify a WWII era steamer I've stowed somewhwere.

You don't happen to have any leftover photos of that now defunct (or at least not popular) device for pressurized hydrogenation that you and Worlock put your heads together on called The Dworlock do you? The thing sure looked cool.

PS. I can't help but think of that sneaky leaker device when I see the picture above with someone elses shoes and that plastic tubing in it.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
(Hive Bee)
02-13-04 09:32
No 488313
      Biotechdudes Dwarjet
(Rated as: excellent)

After months of sneaky R & D... Biotechdude has contructed a Dwarjet steam extractor for use with his fav herb...(yes, parsley!)

Dwarfer has explained the fundamentals (that he deserves the credit for)..., so the pictures and comments that follow summise Biotech's experiences

This is the Dwarjet freshly constructed for illustration purposes only (eg use a gas burner for heat source etc)

This next photo below illustrates the inner tubing with porous scotchbrite pads to contain matrix (eg freebase coated sand, raw herb etc).

This picture below illustrates the connections to allow control over steam flow.  Note the use of the thick white wire braid tubing (as it will be hot and wont collapse).

Very briefly, Biotech's Extraction Procedure

1) obtain herb; powder in blender with the aid of dry ice

2) place powdered herb in slow cooker (80-90`C) covered with pH 1 dilute HCL.  Leave overnight

3) pour and squeeze herb slurry through fine mosquito netting to allow passage of solution and containment of herb solids (in the netting)

4) Acidic solution is reduced in volume (to 35%) under vacuum at 80`C

5) Concentrated acidic solution raised in pH (until freebase) using slow dropwise additions of NaOH solution

6) Freebase mixture is mixed with predetermined ammount (to fit into tubing) of course sand.  Sand shouldn't be wet or damp; just 'coating' the sand (making it shiny!)

7) Sand/fb matrix is poured into tubing and contained using scotchbrite pads, assembled into the Dwarjet, water added to the bottom of cooker.

8) With the tap (or valve) closed, the unit is bought up to operating temp and the blow off valve sounds.  The tap is opened allowing steam flow through the matrix and into the condenser

9) Condensed distillate is collected, pH's to 6, and stuffed into ones nearest orafice.


- the inner tubing was changed from the clear PVC (as it would collapse at prelonged operating temperatures) to a thicker black rubber reinforced variety
- the connection from the top of the inner tubing to the cooker lid was upgraded using proper sized threaded tubing nipple and heavy duty clamp
- The garden tap has held up a treat.  Note use of common threaded fittings to allow easy replacement.

Thats all for now, however more information is sure to follow with subsequent posts

Cheers all, Bio O_o

<<hey good lookin'..., what ya got cookin'?>>
(Hive Bee)
02-13-04 16:25
No 488365
      Chromatography-101 (Educational Side-Post)     

Many Bees here have at one point found themselves asking, "What the hell is chromatography?  Why would I want to photagraph this mess?"

Well as SWIW anciously awaits the results of our fellow pioneering bees, Here is an educational link for those of us in chromatography-101.

At the bottom of the first link is a list of links going into detail, and yet another list at the end of the "Types" page.


This link is to an applet that animates separation.

swiw is sure this may have been posted before, but a quick UTFSE didn't show it.

Great job dwarfer and biotechdude, look forward to hearing the results.laugh
02-13-04 21:18
No 488422
      often wondered, seldom uttered     

how often does a bee dip a blotter into a solution of many compounds?
i haven't the curiosity to bother, yet i suspect gravity and capilarity would do lots of seperation for us. even a bath tub will leave a ring of filth near the top of the boy's cleaning experience.

snip off those altitudes of paper; add solvent; evap; etc
(Hive Bee)
02-14-04 23:52
No 488668
      Column chromtography may be the best     

FWIW, SWIP thinks that column chromotagraphy is going to be the best long term solution. From the reading he has done it doesn't sound any more difficult (in his possiblly naive opinion) than some of the other methods being commonly used these days. He has never performed the procedure, however, and the biggest impediment to trying it is in identifying the correct media.

SWIP envisions a plexiglass column filled with a gell-like medium, into which is poured a solution of gaked pfed. (Is there any other kind?) Applying pressure from above or vaccum from below, it would only be necessary to identify the column segment of interest and drain it into an appropriate container as it flowed through. The organic chem books all highlight the technique as being the last word in separation of organic substances.

As far as what's available at the moment, Dwarf's steamer looks pretty good, and if effective would be a welcome replacement for stinking and dangerous solvent boils. SWIP still has to look at the references for it's use, but is looking forward to giving it a try.

02-17-04 21:49
No 489381

I do not know enough about it to "pretend "  ":<)
to be an authority on it, but did win a science fair project on electric field (paper)chromatography way back when.

Problem is that some of the amendments have been designed
to "work together" and would botch the separation in
many media.  Also, production amounts would be

As regards GUPS, I would hazard that a separation would still have to be made, such as an alcohol extract,
and maybe at least a 'tone boil, before basing and
steaming.  At least it is easy to mobilize pseudo
to steam over, with this superheated rig, as compared
to STP..

a liquid extraction mode mechanism will be posted soon.


(Hive Bee)
02-18-04 03:13
No 489438
      Killer job Dwarfer, keep up the good work!!!     

Killer job Dwarfer, keep up the good work!!!

Swim will find many uses for the Dwarjet and he never realized it could be that simple!

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
02-18-04 21:37
No 489587
      Kudos to Jetson     

Thanks.  It really demonstrates that conceptual improvements
(creativity and inspiration) are not restricted to any
"class" of trained or educated or otherwise loftily
prepared individuals.

Jetson is the guy that said <duh> why not have the
extraction container inside the pc?  Seems obvious now..
