topdowner (Stranger)
02-14-04 13:57
No 488595
      what did i wrong???     


i made a synthsis of meth like this

and at the before i recrystallized it get large crystals. I thought i did it. A friend of me show me some "speed" that he has bought and it smells after gymnastic-shoes and it tast very bitter. I recrystallized it i get get a white powder. 1st i did it in Isopropylalcohol and then in Xylol. But my meth smells after gasoline and it tast easily after salt. what did i wrong??? And the melting point was not the one of 175°C. It was higher than 350°C.

And at the End it is written that i have to satisfy the solution with dry HCL-Gas but how much must be injected??

And it is normally that I have a crystal-mash before i satisfy the solution with HCl-Gas???

And last but not least my last problem. I made it all like in the guidance but when i want to extract one phase i donīt see a Bar. I mean there is when i extract one phase e.g. EtO2 and Water ther is a Bar in the middle of the separating funnel but i donīt see any like this.

Can somebody help me please???

(Hive Addict)
02-14-04 20:00
No 488636
      Almost Some Help     

I'm making a guess that english was not the first language you learned. Despite that I'm certain you speak it much better than any foreign tongue I might try floundering in.

I'll only comment of the bits and peices of this that I have knowledge of.

and at the before i recrystallized it get large crystals. I thought i did it. A friend of me show me some "speed" that he has bought and it smells after gymnastic-shoes and it tast very bitter.

I would guess there is very little of what might actually qualify to authentically be called "speed" in that stinkfoot mixture your friend bought. Does most of the "speed" you can get in your country smell like a bad case of atheletes foot? If so it must be cut (thinned out) with something not usually used in North America. That must be nasty though to whiff up something having that type of odor.

Although it might actually be a sulfate (as opposed to hydrochloride) form of either meth or less potent amphetamines .

I recrystallized it i get get a white powder. 1st i did it in Isopropylalcohol and then in Xylol. But my meth smells after gasoline and it tast easily after salt. what did i wrong??? And the melting point was not the one of 175°C. It was higher than 350°C.

Can you get acetone easily?

The gasoline type smell is most likely residual xylene(xylol) which is very slow to dry and definitely not a healthy thing to ingest in any form. I suggest sticking to a dual solvent iso-alc/acetone for recryst if you have access to acetone.

I have no clue about that huge spread in MP temps.

And at the End it is written that i have to satisfy the solution with dry HCL-Gas but how much must be injected??

maybe satisfy = saturate?

Other than straightforward farting out of the ass my gassing experience is quite limited. Do searches on gassing and titration as there is plenty of info here concerning those two methods which achieve the same goal of converting your freebase to a hydrochloride salt.

Hope this helps some and good luck.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
(Hive Bee)
02-15-04 01:04
No 488682

do you mean ethanol an water if so water is miscable with ethanol and that will affect the extraction you need a solvent that will form an organic layer below or above the h2o.
the higher mp could be due to the ionic bonding to the hcl ions if you have gassed it.
02-15-04 10:38
No 488804

with eto2 i mean Diethylether (Äther)

(Hive Bee)
02-15-04 14:26
No 488827

that should have formed a layer with h20 though.