Grignard (Newbee)
02-16-04 11:10
No 489101
      indian ephendrine.hcl     

anyone that knows if the ephendrine tablets from india contains any providone etc? The tabletts are very small,
4*4 mm and there are 1000 in each box.. They contains 30mg eph.hcl and the box dont give information of anything else... I have thrown the box but the company name was ..... brothers dont know... crazy
(Distinctive Doe)
02-16-04 11:30
No 489106
      Bee careful importing those, it no secret what     

Bee careful importing those, it no secret what your doing with them if cusstoms finds it.

I am(or strive to bee) 100% patriotic to all people on Earth.
(Hive Bee)
02-16-04 13:20
No 489125
      Be careful importing those.....     

its no secret what your doing with them if customs finds them.

Funny you should say that Foxy, i was in court on the 6th of this month for a bottle of a 1000 ephedrine tabs. The charges were, 1 x count of importing an illegal substance
              1 x count of making a false declaration on the incoming passenger card.
I was fairly lucky in a sense because i had 2000 pills on me 1000 in a bottle the other 1000 were packets of 10 and came in cartons about the size of a carton of smokes, the customs dude found them and did'nt really look any harder, he said any more, no, he said why did'nt you declare them i said had flu and did'nt think they were prohibited. he said he would have to confiscate them, yeah mate no worries whilst trying to repack bag asap, he made me sign saying they had confiscated them and i was out of there, no charges, nothing. 3 mths later i get a phone call being charged with above offences, because i'm still on a suspended sentance for trafficing they figured we'll lock this prick up. Cut a long story short importing ephedrine 25mg into Oz is'nt a jailabe offence so no breach of susp sentance, no jail in the all i got was $1050.00 fines and no convictions recorded.

But back to pills mine were from Bali and only 25mg but they sound like they are the same as yours. Mine were rock hard i thing the only other thing besides the e in them was probably chalk, i had never done straight e before only pseudo, it was also the first time i tried to do an a/b so i was'nt very competent either, my yields were shit but what i got was clean as thats why i reckon they only contained chalk to hold together. i think on them a/b is an overkill, maybe go back to basics and do an alcohol extraction and dump some tone on it at the end, and see how it looks.

I'm not racist,I hate everyone.
02-16-04 13:57
No 489138
      .. I buy them in country from somebody else, I     

.. I buy them in country from somebody else, I put them in MeOH and they was very hard to solvate.. But when i pour toluene in to it the toluene mix with the MeOH!! Is this normal?? the meoh was lab.grade but the toluene is bought from a painting store only dried with MgSO [sub]4tongue
(Hive Bee)
02-16-04 15:57
No 489169
      Yes thats normal     

Yes thats normal, it means their misable, i dont think thats how you spell it though.
I would have put pills through blender.

I'm not racist,I hate everyone.
(Hive Addict)
02-16-04 17:25
No 489185
      Why are you pouring toluene     

Into the alcohol?

It wasn't Me!
(Distinctive Doe)
02-16-04 21:07
No 489230
      I put them in MeOH and they was very hard to...     

I put them in MeOH and they was very hard to solvate..

Yes grind or crush them first.  A blender or coffee grinder work well.  Or you could buy a ballmill which could come in handy for other things also.laugh

Its a sad day that free debate is stifled on the Hive.  Fragile egos destroy societies.
02-17-04 10:39
      he he.. Why poure toluene in the MeOH..
(Rated as: off-topic)
02-17-04 11:57
No 489372
      Swim use this pills and he love them.But u...     

Swim use this pills and he love them.But u must do many aceton washes, swim must wash his pill 6-7times with aceton.
02-17-04 14:02
      and after the acetone wash?
(Rated as: UTFSE!)