DrLucifer (Stranger)
02-25-04 10:37
No 490978
      Sgl male seeking...Info on Eda/Li rxn!     

Greetings to all,
Swim has read all the older threads about the topic and has concluded that the rxn itself is similiar to the birch, with obvious substitutions. So process should be ok.
swim still has some questions regarding the process so if you dont mind, swim would appreciate some clarification smile
Correct me if swim is wrong, but swim is under the impression that swim should use the same molar ratios required for a successful birch; 2:1-Li:FB, 3:1-Li:HCl...true or false?
Can anyone with experience on the rxn suggest a good EDA:Pfed ratio to start with? swim wants to try and preserve his EDA if possible (expensive) but he does not want yield to suffer from lack of EDA!
He was thinking of adding 1-2ml MeOH for every 1g of Pfed,
but is unsure if this amount will suffice?
Is this amount ok and will the amount vary with FB or HCL feed stock?
Swim also read that Li metal will dissolve in room temp EDA only if it is anhydrous, and if it isnt then EDA needs to be heated! Will the temp depend on total water content?
Swim will be starting with AR 98% EDA so water content, although present will be in minute amounts..swim will check to see if Li dissolves when it arrives, but will the EDA absorb water from the atmosphere..in storage and during rxn?
I was worried about the separation when i first set out, but  i am optimistic about successfully pulling the fb d-meth out of the eda...fingers crossed anyway, when the time comes i will happily log my data and provide it for others to look at. So long as i get to that stage!
My chemistry knowledge is fairly basic so go easy on me tongue

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.
02-26-04 12:06
      Surely someone must have tried this?
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
(Hive Addict)
02-26-04 12:19
No 491213

Swim remembers sometime in the not too distant past, a bee claiming limited success. (25% return)

I think it was toltec, maybee he is still around?

(Talks too much)
02-26-04 21:31
No 491274
      Lithium will dissolve in EDA at ANY temp,...     

>>Swim also read that Li metal will dissolve in room
>>temp EDA only if it is anhydrous, and if it isnt then EDA
>>needs to be heated! Will the temp depend on total water

Lithium will dissolve in EDA at ANY temp, regardless of water content. I advise you to cool your EDA in the fridge before addition of Li, as the reaction generates alot of heat and can get vigorous. Cooling it before hand will help keep it calmer and generate less odor. Be aware, EDA is very stinky and I wouldn't attempt this in an apartment, or without good fume removal.

>>I was worried about the separation when i first set out,
>>but i am optimistic about successfully pulling the fb
>>d-meth out of the eda...fingers crossed anyway,

There's the hard part, but you'll find this out on your own.

Don't ask me anymore questions, as what little I know on this subject has already been posted under "Commodium", or "Felonious_Monk", or "Dick_Fitzbetter", and possibly a hundred other aliases too.

Regard any past claims of success very suspiciously, as no one (with any credibility) has published something that someone else (with credibility) has been able to repeat.

You could be the first, though. Good luck! Post your results, good or bad.

"TinyURL.com!" is what his girlfriend says, giggling, every time he puts it to her.
02-27-04 00:58
No 491316
      excellent, 1 down!     

Thanks for that mate, I had read in older posts about chilling the eda to a 'sludge' prior to adding Li, but the info on Eda is sweet. Eda is about 2 weeks off coz it needed to be ordered offshore (for some stupid reason), but swim will have 5l so that should keep him out of trouble for awhile tongue
I planned to keep rxn vessel in an icebath throughout most of the reaction, as i figured the Eda would heat when alkali metal was added. Smell is not a drama, my nearest neighbours are several km's away! wink
Yeah mate, i read alot of threads where dick was active and learned alot of grouse info. Even saw a decent flame war 2!
Basically, swim is going to fuck around with different conditions and see what he comes up with.
Btw, 5l of 98% Eda cost swim AU$300, after a bit of reasoning laugh Is that poor/average or good?
That FSE, i swear it has some issues, I thought i had seen all the older threads on topic, but last night i found a couple more...point taken Rhodium cool
oh shit also, from reading some old threads i was under the impression that Li should be added after Fb Sudo, but on a newfound post by Chem_Guy, he states that doing so will cause the Li to fuck with the hydroxyl group of the sudo and not concentrate on solvating the electrons!! Can anyone substantiate this? maybe a mod? (they seem trustworthy)

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.