damocles1971 (Stranger)
02-27-04 01:42
No 491384
      pillstock preferences?     

Just looking for an opinion from u bees? I been using red hot 30's for my dreams as of late. They are becoming increasingly frustrating with all the extra work I have to do to clean them up. What are some good alternatives I could look for?

foils, foils, everywhere, where I start I don't care
(Hive Addict)
02-27-04 04:00
No 491394
      Trick question!     

Unfortunately, it seems that little pictures have big ears and what works in bees favor at times, also works against them via sourcing.
Find an extraction method your comfortable with and follow the authors suggestions for what the write-up was intended to work best with.
Not all methods are AWE-encompassing.
Seems that the Opposition has a penchant for flattening "BandWagon" tires.
There are better varieties than redhots however!
Locale specifically of course!

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
02-27-04 04:02
No 491395
      That would depend on where you are!     

But as a whole they're all getting harder and harder. The generic 60's are talked about as bees try to get in the USA, and the extended release are probably the biggest bitch(120's and 240's).

   I wouldn't try to focus on finding cleaner pills, but use the search engine and find the newest pill cleaning procedures. "The Tetra trap" is a good read besides my stupid shit in there(first meth high). Also I think wareami talks about a little JD,tetra,tone cocktail in "Pill fleas" or one of his posts.

I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!
(Hive Addict)
02-27-04 06:09
No 491412
      The Local Gakk Barometer     

There really is no guarantee of any pill which will always and consistently be any less _overall_ work for you and the amount of labor and time savings of any others over the red hot type is minor bordering on the negligible.

In his dream diary swims buddy wrote that in his area it's easy to tell when the locals have succesfuly been foiled by a newer gakk formula depending on which products are consistently left stocked on the shelves at one particular store. This store serves as sort of a "gakk barometer" for him. There usually seems to be  something thet's being avoided but this of course keeps shifting around.

erections lasting more than four hours, although rare, require immediate medical help
(Of Counsel)
02-27-04 07:02
No 491420
      not a proper subject of discussion     

This is hardly a proper subject for discussion on a public forum. By all means, lets tell them to fuck up our favorite brands by discussing them here. 

Damn, man, use your head. Please?

And read the rules before you post again, please.

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
02-27-04 07:56
No 491428
      Sorry geez!     

I didn't think I was stating anything that isn't in the FSE about ten times. My bag if I offended.

I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything!
(Talks too much)
02-27-04 09:30
No 491446
      Have you tried the method that geeze came up...     

Have you tried the method that geeze came up with using IPA, called the "Waterless A/B"?

That one worked well for me on the local red-hots for over a year and a half. One other method tried was the "Straight to E" by VideoEditor. Also not bad, but with the pills at my disposal, "Waterless A/B" gave me less problems with funky adulterants.

Yeilds with "Waterless A/B" seemed disappointing at first, but the pfed was SOOOOOOOO clean that it "made up for it in the end" (with less wasted time and precursors).

It's been awhile, so I don't know if this still holds true in what you guys are saying is a very fluid environment...

"TinyURL.com!" is what his girlfriend says, giggling, every time he puts it to her.
02-27-04 09:41
No 491448
      Didn't mean to offend...     

Sorry geez, didn't mean to offend or break any rules. Was just looking for a feww generic opinions as to what types of pillstock(READ NO BRANDNAME IMPLIED) might give a better return with less work. So far from what I've read, it may indeed end up being the tecnique instead of the stock anyway.
(arrogant bee of the day)
02-27-04 09:44
No 491451
      Right on Geez! I don't post much anymore, but...     

Right on Geez!
I don't post much anymore, but rest assured I am here everyday. I read everything, in every forum and have done so for over 5 years. I rarely ask anything of anyone, and am just humbled to be here and thankful to this institution and the people that make it what it is, for the free education I have recieved here.

All you new and recent arrivals to this community, remember one thing...
We, us, the hive collective, owe you nothing, but the minute you registered and entered this domain that thousands of people, over many years have selflessly worked hard to build, have an obligation to respect the ideal and knuckle down, work hard, and hopefully make your own contribution to this communal intellectual database.

I rarely post anymore because my current lifestyle means I have less artificially/synthetically driven, obsessive/abnormallly driven motivation to persue silly tasks like replying to silly, stupid, redundant posts that are mostly counter productive to me and the hive. Due to people's ignorance, arrogance, naivity or just plain stupidity that when given a direct, specific answer to some ill-worded, generalised, redundant question, (along with a witty comment) they choose to ignore it and reply with thankless insults.

So now I only post when I have the very occasional indulgence in synthetic stimulants and feel the urge to type heaps of shit to point out someones stupidity or when straight and the sheer frustration at the monumental stupidity of a post overwhelms me and I feel compelled to reply.

Dude your entire attitude, and hence your question/post is bleahh!

By writing this post you are telling us that you are too lazy to just have a fucking go and are relying on us to give you information so you do as little work as possible and on top of that ask us to defy hive rules and name, brandnames, ultimately shooting ourselves in the foot and making the pig's job easier in the process.

Everybody else reading this, do not reply any further to this thread, I will answer it, briefly and succinctly...

The best pills are any pills you can get.
The best extraction method will be determined by the above statement.

Please.... before posting new threads and looking silly, boring us and gambling with your fragile newbee reputation, pushing the hives guidelines and our patience and most importantly eroding bees willingness to help others...

THINK some more


some more with every possible combination of keywords you can think of..

Then consider the possibility of posting a question in a new thread, in the correct forum with an appropriate title. You should have at least reasonable spelling and grammar and no more or less information then is required to answer your specific question, and stick to common international abbreviations and names of reagents etc, not some local pygmy english, slang dialect of a small tribe of tweaked out cracker words that only you and your cousin, that is also your brother understand.

Yes, I'm a cunt.

I'm not fat, I'm just too short for my weight.
02-27-04 11:38
      Yes, Placebo, You are a Cunt
(Rated as: ALL CAPS)
(Hive Addict)
02-27-04 17:54
No 491560
      Getting Laid????     

Damnnnnnnn! Ya'll need to get laid or somethin!laugh
The Bee asked a simple fucking question that at one time was a need to know when ya'll started learning and shared with one another freely. It was possible then...it's a changing dreamscape!
He got his answer in the first reply.
No need to beat a bee to death for being curious.
Beat him for beeing lazy yeahtongue
Unfortunately that information sought after is equal to shooting a whole slew of bees in the foot in this day and age.
The need for non-disclosure is not the newbees fault!

Jumper: Geez will correct me if I'm wrong....but he mustn't had any lately eitherlaugh and besides....I think his reply was directed at damocles1971 and was pointing him to the FAQ....that I'm positive YOU have read!wink
Until the newer write-ups become public domain(IF THEY DO!)...the info out there is out there and details what's best.
Read it and know that the Pharmers are changing shyte as a result of what's out there! Ya can't change it.
Ibee wouldn't know half of what he knows if you all didn't tell him[shock]
I don't disagree with what's been said in this thread!
I disagree with HOW it was said!
That bee you just humiliated might save all our asses one day....given half the chance ya'll gave Ibee!mad
CowGone....Take Me Awaycool

a little less conversation, a little more reaction