bdbro (Hive Bee)
03-02-04 03:54
No 492294
      water buldup after smoking  Bookmark   

swim has recently had some water inflamation or buildup in swims feet, swim read a post mentioneing this earlier. can anyone tell swim why this occurs eg impurities, too much consumption etc? as it is quite the concern especially as swim uses the hypo method with all LG chems
any input would be much appreciated
(Hive Addict)
03-02-04 04:03
No 492296
      Related Thread  Bookmark   

Here's a recent meth/health thread that's somewhat related. Might not cover your specific difficulty but could be relevent nonetheless.

Post 482325 (toltec: "health problems to blame on h3po3??PLease Read", Stimulants)

erections lasting longer than four hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention
(Hive Bee)
03-02-04 04:12
No 492299
      thanks  Bookmark   

thank you very much