Ganzas2003 (Hive Bee)
03-17-04 08:09
No 495733
      black market...     

I was somehow a little apreensive about posting this but im curious:

whats the range price on Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine in the black market? if possible i would like to know from several countries...

im asking this coz i asked all "drug bosses" here about this ephedrine...but here nobody seem to deal this shit...they sad:

"hmmm ephedrine?whats that?is it cool? i can arrange for 2 or 3 kilos of Haxixe/Coke/Heroin but ephedrine???hmmm"(i didnt expect anything else really, being this the country i live...)

anyway im fukin tired of the pills. I want to move up and buy 500 g or even a kilo....

living in this country has its good meth paranoia leaves me space to move...but as a consequence NOBODY deals it nor the pseudo/ephedrine...

Ganzas is trying to change this and has started a little "Speed Cristal" mania...MUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAH!

thx in advance for any reply!

global peace
(Hive Bee)
03-17-04 08:11
No 495734

hmmm shit i think i have posted this in the stimulants forum but since its about sources/chemicals...Im sorry if i posted wrong but surely moderators will change it if they think its apropriate.
(Hive Addict)
03-17-04 09:46
No 495757
      You Got The Will - There's Gotta Bee a Way     

This whole line of questioning is generally quite frowned upon here for many good reasons but I'm sure you already sense that.

I really have no clue myslef other than to say...

Check your own import export laws. It may still be perfectly legal to place an international order of this type and to also recieve that order.

Some funky US laws make order placing for certain items no big deal but recieving the order is entirely another matter. Keep that in mind when researching the legalities.

Try searches on China and other large asian countries in Google or other search engines. There has to be something in that general realm. If you live where I think you do (8 letter word 6th letter is G?) I'm guessing you could figure how to do this fairly easily without much risk and if the order isn't too big it may even be legal. Or at least something that might not be commonly watched for or seen as suspicious. Particularly if the word on the streets there is truly what you say it is. If your end product isn't even yet known there that can't be anything but to your advantage considering lack of suspiciousness in obtaining what you want to order. But be careful too as you don't want to be the reason any new laws actually get made.

Just start researching those topics and somehow I think you'll find a way.

walk like a god and your goddess will come to you
(Hive Bee)
03-17-04 10:37
No 495766

hey chemo thx for replying mate!
well efedrine/pseudoefedrine/norefedrine is scheduled. cant buy it without a valid licence to do it. ive tried allready.

anyway i will try some more search of the asian market...i did that allready but if u say it i will try once more this time motivated by uwink

its a little of topic but one of these days I even found a site where they sell 2C-B...ahahah...i mailed them about prices. they replied promptly asking how many grams (100+) i would like to purchase...i gathered some money but when i got back no more 2C-B...only 2C-H.(im not ready for such bromination...yet!)

anyway thx for your advice and yes 6th letter is defenately Gwink
(Hive Bee)
03-17-04 12:02
No 495776
      Big Business     

500g - 1kg
whoa batches that big are serious stuff IMO.
Why to you want to seriously cook that much? (wanna buy a new ferrari 360 drop or something?)
Enough patience and travelling will get you enough boxes to do 'fair size' batches..
anyway gotta go
(Hive Bee)
03-17-04 14:45
No 495803
      hey kris mahman!     


well let me my experience dealing with big bosses they simple dont waist time on a couple of grams so 500g maybe little if u understand what i mean.
of course I will only do 10 to 20g batches...I have found all i need to make them ie. LG iodine (here u can buy 2,5 kg per month...any superior value is sure reported if no reason is expressed by the buyer...Red P i just found an old man who works in pirotecnics...and he doesnt sell grams like 100 or 200...minimum is 1/2 kilo...the only shit missing is the fukin Pfed...and now ive heard from a secure source that A*****d is going to be "eliminated" from our medicine list because of the relation between pseudo and vascular (brain) problems...not to mention that in the town i live NO MORE OF THEM in the 28 pharmacies we have...guess who contributed to that???wink

the rest of the pills we have here in this country are 4x more expensive and they only contain half (30mg) NO OTC pills...which in fact turned out good since less gakk on the ones we have...

anyway dont get scared as i dont intend to run a KILO batch!wink besides if i want to buy a ferrari meth isnt sincerely the way mate (non US guy writting here)...maybe cocaine or heroin...not even haxixe!

global peace!
ganzas out!
(Hive Bee)
03-17-04 20:55
No 495859

$2,000/lb of pure ephedrine in my neck of the woods (Northwestern US).

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
03-18-04 08:40
No 495944
      Eastern / northern europe     

Anyone know the prices in some of these woods?

(Hive Bee)
03-18-04 09:33
No 495951
      in the uk i am getting     

1000 50mg tablets of ephedrine for under 150 sterling, this is for a minimum order so the price drops as quantity increases
so for whatever currency you want work it out.

i love osmium
(Hive Bee)
03-18-04 14:24
No 496010
      something had...     

...escaped me from the chemosabe post above...and i have to say something if i can.

"If your end product isn't even yet known there"

I didnt said that. (u actually dont believe us to be "natives living in huts" of course...)

what i mean is that meth is maybe found...(make it 98%) tablets that probably are selled as "Xtasy"...but really...meth smoked (alu foil, bong whatever...) isnt really a preocupation for the cops...of course they will "charge u to death" if they caught u doing such ilegal activities like making it.

note: from what ive "heard" here, meth ingested is more intense than smoked...intensity meaning nonsleep...(ganzas never ingested any meth and sincerely speacking doesnt have any intention on do it)

had to correct that point.