Chewbacca (Hive Bee)
03-22-04 11:28
No 496606
      meth neurotoxicity     

With regards to meth’s neurotoxicity, SWIC was curious to know how much of the substance and at what frequency it must be consumed to cause noticeable brain damage. Does it really take 5+ years of hard, daily use or month upon month of successive binging to take its mental toll? Is this long-term damage irreversible?

SWIC typically doses once a week, smoking as daylight fades, staying up the night and re-administering the following day, so 1.2 days out of the 7 are spent high. In the opinion of preferably experienced meth-using bees, with regard to long term/permanent psychological damage, how much of a risk is SWIC placing upon himself? SWICs a young user in his mid-late teens, been using on and off for a little over a year. What impact can methamphetamine have on brain development?

thanks for your valuable input

The shit we go through to get high...
(Hive Bee)
03-22-04 18:10
No 496657
      This is probably the wrong forum for this.     

This is probably the wrong forum for this.

Try for a host of reading material on the physiological effects. Psychological effects are of course a personal matter.
Supposedly Meth causes damage to dopamine and seratonin nerve terminals, however i seem to recall that the 'damage' does eventually regenerate, and the amount and frequency needed to cause any notable damage is high. Of course, hard facts like these are hard to find... omission is the propaganda in this case.

EDIT: heres a good document.
(Hive Bee)
03-23-04 04:40
No 496774
      I am not sure, but I belive that amphetamine...     

I am not sure, but I believe that amphetamines acts like dopamine, but cocaine attacks or blocks the uptake of dopamine, which causes damage, just like antidepressants.  It’s really weird, because paxil and cocaine do the same thing, and serotonin and dopamine are almost the same molecule, except of a hydroxide group, but you are not taking anti depression drugs by the gram, like you would be doing with cocaine.  I think that amphetamines are not harmful if one is not pumping grams a day, and not sleeping.  The ways that it does hurt are not that obvious, but in my exp. These are the things that are hurting. NO sleep. NO food. Antisocial behavior.  Depression, because of serotonin levels are low.  Taking something like Trazodone will help with you sleeping and depression,, trust me.  The main problem with amphetamine is sleep.  You take speed for two days, and sleep for two days, and your serotonin levels are fuck, and you feel fatigue. YOU can take amphetamine every day if you know when to quick, just pop a trazodone in your mouth and you will be a sleep like a baby in 1 hour max.  Trazodone is easy to get by your doctor, it is not controlled.  When you wake up you feel refresh, and can continue the fun, without the self destructive pattern that so many of us fall in to.  Here is a website about every thing you need to know about your brain and drug chemistry.  You will be wise to study this like the way we study different meth synthesis.
(Hive Addict)
03-23-04 05:50
No 496784
      stuff to consider     

high mate!!!!

first take ginko and brahmi daily, even with out meth your neuro brain death begins at 30!!

 few have come to realize that l-meth is actually complementary to d-meth with the correct proportions in a racemic meth mixture. l-meth protects the brain by inhibiting d-meth's ability to form 6-OHDA and the neurotoxic OH- free radical. l-meth also acts as an MAOI, extending the effects of the d-meth and adding a smoother come-down. Yes, yes, the facts previously stated have been posted before, but those facts were added to this post to point out the reasons one might want to try the following procedure. Nobody ever wants to go through the hassle of trying to racemize their d-meth and risk losing some product. Well, here's a no-brainer way to get d,l-meth without doing that rxn at all. Is this starting to sound like a good idea yet?

It was decided that the easiest way to make a precisely measured 70% dextro / 30% levo mixture would be to actually put the vick's inhaler extraction to use. The necessary d-meth had already been produced through an HI/RP reduction of pseudoephedrine so all that was needed was some vick's inhaler meth to add. The l-meth was extracted from the vick's inhalers and weighed out for a 70:30 mix of the two isomers and were then combined. (The two products, especially the d-meth, were both washed multiple times before combining to ensure their purity as SWIM did not want any contaminants, especially from the HI/RP rxn.) They were mixed together and a standard recrystalization procedure was performed and the yield was supposedly an extra pure racemic meth product with a very accurately measured 70:30 isomer ratio. It was tested by SWIM who approved with the highest satisfaction, stating that it was a smooth flight with excellent gas milage. -by drnasty!!

plus read this
Post 370232 (aragorn: "neurotoxic  byproducts from a E/I/RP meth synth?", Stimulants)

plus for the bingers!!!

but why worry?

when you can do meth with no harmfull effects!!


Tried and tested meth moderation plan.

7am after breakfast have your crystal 'pure' dose (2 points maximum only) iv or smoke etc.then get straight into the act of sex (cum with the rush)
and make sure you finish in no more than 3 hours (trust me on that one)

After sex take the two amino acids that help with the depleted dopamine l-tyrosine and l-phenylalanine…Then immediately APPLY YOUR MIND IN RESEARCH OR CREATIVITY. Art...wrightings, or do what I do and research free energy or thought promote with a friend also on meth so you don’t EAR BASH OTHERS!!!

All based on the most you can do on meth is focus, meth tricks the Neuro signals to realise dopamine, found in nervous tissue and acting as a precursor to others including adrenaline, but for the most part responsible for focus alertness and concentration....then to prevent the come down and the urge to use more at around 11pm take a valium, or thc oil, or what I do a morphine tablet to slow you down and make you drowsy. Followed by burning pure lavender oil in a dark room to LOWER YOUR PULSE Then fuck again if you want and close your eyes

Lastly sleep.

In the morning VIOLA!!!! Meth in moderation, cause your taking the pure dose it wasn’t toxic to your body, AND YOU SLEEPT!!Plus like shuglin says you utilized the ROLE it plays in your body hence got the most out of the experience.

signed -nous
03-24-04 22:44
No 497091
      amino acids + sleep     

i first discovered the phenylalanine/tyrosine mixture to be effective for smoothing the comedown when i first encountered meth back when i was a teenager, and i was quite shocked to witness the 3-4 hour round-about that these other users were doing - i had a policy of one dose one night one sleep (generally). I already knew back then that speed was just a kind of on switch and you couldn't get more power to flow through the circuit without putting fuel in the engine.

With meth, the fuel for the brain is those two amino acids, and i also found that gingko serves to extend the duration of alertness after coming down. Other than that, imho, good sleep and good nutrition are what you need. Tune the engine and get it running smooth before you go slapping a nitrous system onto it yes?

As the thing about molar ratios of salts, the d-tartrate method of separating the isomers (you can't be sure of enantiomeric purity with otc pseudo pills, maybe a little confident about ephedrine HCl and certain you've got a mixture with ephedra extracts) - i would be inclined to think the ratio is important too, that's what adderall is all about isn't it?

the last and final thing to making meth safer to use is that when it's made, it is steam distilled, separating the ephedrines from the methamphetamine, extracted into nonpolar, washed, extracted into the HCl and then recrystallised. iodoephedrine and ephedrine and pseudoephedrine and aziridines and whatnot are all not good things to have so much of, or at all really. The stuff that remains after steam distilling can be put through the next reaction in case there's unreacted product.