elfspice (Hive Bee)
03-31-04 14:43
No 498337
      ammonium iodide     

colourless iodine tincture is a rather inconspicuous purchase and is sold in more decent sizes (I2/KI tincture only sells in 25ml quantities here but NH3I still can be had in 100ml)

now, i presume that this form of iodine is actually useful for disinfection... i don't quite get how. NH3I melts at 530 degrees (or so)... so i presume somehow that the ammonia is acting independently. also i see in some colorless formulas they also put KI...

I was thinking the usual process should still work, acidify and add oxidiser... in essence this wouldn't be all that different to working with KI by itself? Since NH3I melts at 530 or whatever, the whole solution could be reduced to dry salts before processing couldn't it?

does anyone know if these 'colourless' tinctures could be useful?
(Hive Addict)
03-31-04 15:13
No 498344
      Colorless Iodine     

elfspice: Yes they are useful for obtaining xtal
2 years ago Ibee's least used 2%tinc supply didn't have any brown stuff on the shelf so He went to the pharmacist in that store out of desperation to see what's UP wit dat!
The dewd said..."yes they they were out & had some on order."
He said he had colorless at a slightly higher price which he produced from BTC.
Asking the dewd if it would make meth didn't seem like a good idea so Having nothing to lose, Ibee purchased 7 oz for ~$15US
Running a regular h2o2/hcl/h2o extract worked like a charm.

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
03-31-04 15:44
No 498357
      Ammonium Iodide?     

What is this NH3I? Do you mean Ammonium Iodide
NH4+ + I- => NH4I?

This is white/colorless, odorless and hydroscopic. It reacts with heat and light liberating iodine and the solution will become yellow/brown for obvious reasons. Becareful when doing the extraction as ammonium hypophosphite is added in small amounts as a stabilizer, wouldnt want that to botch your synth if its possible.

(Hive Bee)
03-31-04 18:20
No 498385
      hypophospite interference O.o     

um, i can't see how having a little residual hypophosphite is gonna cause a problem, since hypo is one of the steps on the road from red phos to phosphoric acid in the reaction process. anyway, it would maybe cause a little I2 to be lost maybe if it reacted, which i doubt it would considering how much diluted it would become (the hypo i mean).

thanks ware, i think for some reason they haven't quite cottoned onto the clear tincture. seems silly to me when it probably gives up the goods just as good as the brown tincture.