uktrials (Stranger)
04-02-04 08:44
No 498678
      Quick clean for the LWR     

Swim would like to invite comments on the following quick clean:-

Using boxes of 24 u.k ‘red hot’s’ containing the following

pseudo (60mg)
Chlorpheniramine (4mg) (anti-hist)

Magnesium Stearate
Potato Starch

Question is, would 3 times boiling in ‘white spirit’ decant and discard, followed by acetone wash, followed by Alc extraction, reduction and finishing with an acetone flash suffice for removing all nasties?

Would this suffice for a LWR (36hrs) and have a minimal affect on the gakk in the end product

"Live and learn"
04-02-04 13:25
      bye bye
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
04-02-04 16:09
No 498759
      All except povidone     

Swiuk would need to add a toulene or xylene boil in there to get out the povidone.

However, be wary of hidden gakks.  They are not listed in the US and come back to really bite you in the ass.frown
There is only one way to find out!smile

edit:if there is none of the new gakk in these pills the EGull method (TCE) should work.

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
(Hive Bee)
04-03-04 06:25
No 498849

SWIG used almost alltimes the basic "actis" for the porpose of extracting pseudo. these white pills contained Povidone.
SWIG was using tolueno/xyleno mix and boiling to remove all inactives including this Povidone.
These 2 last reactions SWIG used the basic "sudas" for the porpose of extracting pseudo. these RED pills DIDNT contained Povidone.
SWIG DIDNT USE tolueno/xyleno mix this time NOT because of povidone but because he didnt had it.

Very Clean Pseudo reacted and i was happy.

Simple method.

pills only contained Pseudo as active and red iron oxide+lactose+mag stereate as inactives.

1. entire pills in bottle
2. add acetone.
3. microwaved zapping between boilings.
4. let it rest till acetone was clear.
5. decant it but leave every piece of pill mass intact and some acetone there. 2 mm above pill mass is enough.
6. add nafta+white spirit mix.
7. microwaved zapping between boilings. (gotta have some practice to KNOW when to stop or shit might give a whole new design to the inside top of your microwave)
8. Let it rest till clear then decant all with patiente.
9. final cleaning using acetone.
10. added Etanol 1 1/2 times volume of P.Mass
11. I left it in freezer overnite but its not necessary i think so 1 hour should do. u can allways do a second pull if not satisfied.

EDIT: have to mention that all solvents were used directly from can . no prior drying.

From 3.6g possible PFED (3 boxes) this PULL alone gave me 2g of Clean Pfed. Didnt do the next. Reacted this 2g got 65% back in a short cook. Got motivated and next day bought another box.added this 20 pills to dried pill mass from previous day and repeated process to afford 1.2g which went lovely in a short reaction again.

EDIT: I bet if i go there now for a second pull i will reach almost the 90% total yield. Another interesting fact is that "actis" which contain pseudo+tripolidine are 1.43€ but "sudas" which contain less shit and no tripolidine cost 5.3€...go figure this.

If u are going for a 24h shit PLZ do it right.

I have to insist in the water factor. Dont let it dry by addiing less than the ratios porposed here by the bees who experienced such reaction. LWR is ment to be left alone for several hours. if u let it dry u will fuk the whole thing.


1. stay vigilant and add small porpotion of water from time to time so it doest get dry having all the riscs about such small amout of water OR...

2. Add water in the beginning and sleep.

the right choice is of course No. 2 coz if u choose No. 1 then FUCK the 24h and do a nice short cook.


EDIT: Pfed cristalling at fast speed rate. when all surface is fulfilled SWIG adds acetone and swings the dish. "Ice blocks" start to float. Lovely. Dried above heater they are ready to enter the matvelous world of being reduced.

04-03-04 19:37
No 498940
      concerning "hidden gaks"     


The idea that the DEA has the manufacturers adulterate the pills with unlisted Gaks is an urban legend of the meth world. It doesn't happen. What's listed on the box is what's in the pills. Period. The FDA would never tolerate such a practice because for starters it's quite illegal. If the FDA were aware of such practices and it became known to the general public that the FDA was aware of such practices, heads would role, right up to and incuding, the Directorship.
(Hive Bee)
04-05-04 07:21
No 499159
      gakk listings     

The idea that the DEA has the manufacturers adulterate the pills with unlisted Gaks is an urban legend of the meth world.

Really?   We'll swim can only attest to personal experience.  Let's start with some the 120's, the inactive listings haven't changed in two years.   However, the extraction technique that swim used two years ago, is obsolete!   When I first started Wareami's "better IDEA juice" was the charm.   After a while everything changedshocked.   So did the extraction techniques, ie:tetra trap(aghreich), slanted egull(wareami).   A good example as of late is a certain brand of 60's that have only 2 listed inactives.  Until recently these pillz were a great source and were cleaned effectively via Str8 to E.(VE's method)  Now there is something else in there that cuts yeilds and reduces potency of the final product.   Keep in mind the inactive list has not changed.

This is a well covered topic, discussed in another excellent thread by SHORTY, so swim won't go on.

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
04-05-04 10:00
No 499179

Ganz, you are the man dude! What your saying is good (great pics by the way) and sometimes a simple clean is the best - I am using the same pillz for the record. The idea of hidden gakkz is not a new one - the forum has been debating this one for yearz.

The fact is that YES these gakkz are out there, and there iz many a bee that is dealing with them. This problem is no longer meth 'hear say' but is a reality.

What we have got here iz a conspiracy to defunct the kitchen chem labz - accept that it will happen and deal with itcrazycrazycrazycrazycrazy

"Live and learn"
04-05-04 19:15
No 499266
      gakks are not listed, yea right!     

Gakks are listed not listed, yea right!  Swirl has a MS in nutrition and knows first hand that the dick heads can and do add things that are listed on ingr. forms. 
  These gakks can be attached to listed ingr. and not placed on the box.  They are a componet of the listed and don't have to been on your box,  hell the ingr. list would make the box be the size of a case of your fav brew.  Have you ever seen og2 or og listed on active or inactive ingr.? No But they are there.
  Look at other products, they will have a listed ingr. such as; inert ingr. (which is not on gups) what does one think these are?
  Look what gluecifer69 has said and think about that.  Does anyone think the DEA can and will not do whatever they want to stop the manf. of meth.  Duh!

later,  46method

free to be me
04-05-04 21:52
No 499284
      Yes the DEA can do just about anything they...     

Yes the DEA can do just about anything they want to. But they can't do everything they want to; and that includes directing manufacturers of OTC drugs to place adulterants into them without listing these things on the inactives. If they are in fact doing this they would have to be in illegal collusion with the FDA. That I doubt, but you never know. Maybe it has something to do with the patriot act. I also doubt that, too.

As far as the pills being harder to extract, I haven't noticed any difference in difficulty of extraction with the white 60's I use. I did notice that one brand of white 60's that used to have 2 or 3 inactives now lists about 6 or 8 inactives. Perhaps the pills you are having difficulty with  are using different amounts of the actives listed?