wareami (Hive Addict)
04-17-04 02:31
No 501161
      Pre-Ramble...er..uh..Preamble to the LWR (:•þ)     

Okay...This thread's purpose is multi-faceted.
In it's versatility, it's aimed at outlining some specifics over a broad spectrum of info and beliefs.
Consider it a preramble to the much awaited
"LWR"(Nano WetDream)
In other words...
"It's Deep...So Strap In!"
"Watch me pull a rabbit outta this Thinking Cap!"smile

Pressures abound in this arena that didn't seem as pronounced or as defined a few years back. I say "seem" because maybe they did exist, but were subtlely overshadowed by the seeming ease by which one could aquire precursors and finally produce chili. This occupied most attention for some. For others with the ability to set their attentions on the broader picture, predictability becomes second nature and demands equal attention.
Focus was set on the goal of aquistion and the end result and little else. A tunnelvision, if you will!
Oppositional pressure increased and is now more apparent, but little attention was paid to it as it wasn't so "In Yer Face" except in areas of non-disclosure via redacting concerning inactive ingredient inclusion and the labeling of such.(gaaks)
A brief example could be for some inactives simply requiring an accompanying patent submission process that details some inactives as medical devices as opposed to chemical compound ingredients that don't require disclosure provided the FDA has on record these devices and their trial study results.
Yes it's complicated and Ibee is battling now with some of this info's release as to what it might do to harm the collective if this becomes publicly addressed in detail.
Suffice it to say, bees are walking on eggshells regarding the direction this could take based on info divulgence.
These pressures shape the future and from here on will be governed by the capacity in which they're adressed.
But most importantly, they influence everybees individual decision in the present and how they communicate problems and solutions. How others confront these stumbling blocks in an effort to alleviate them collectively, does and will have a major impact over future legislative courses of action. They can and do sign bills with the flash of a pen with as little as "Public Notice" in fine print in some lcal newspaper, all unbeknownst to the "General Public"!
Bare this in mind from here on.
If you don't beelieve this....Mark These words because Ibee's confident that you will at some point see it first hand!
Without going into explicit detail, there are some very distubing legislation issues. Some already passed and more coming down the pike that affect OTC extractables vs OTC "*Unextractables*" in the decongestant category.
One final note will be made before moving on and ya'll will need to draw your own conclusions as to why I'm including this link and what it means in regard to wreckless disclosure.
Post 499555 (geezmeister: ""dificult to extract" --", Law and Order)
Thanx Geez and disregard Ibee's last standshockedtongue on this delivered via PM a while back.
This legislation cemented any gray areas in Ibee's mind.
New twist on grey matter eh???smile

Yes Bees! You are beeing required here to think hard and long before you leap!wink
With technology today beeing what it is, in the hands it's in, added to the threats against national and inter-gnash-in-hell security, the war on terrorism, and the ties to drug related proceeds going to finance such threats, you are dealing with the sneakiest, connivingist, bunch of cut-throat lawmakers, lawenforcers, and politicians in history.
They DO and WILL have in place, fully operational methods devised toward circumventing what THEY consider to be illegal or illicit activity. All this before you ever see any such proposals UP for such legislation.
Not implying whatsoever that bees engage in such activity, but what will you do when they say these discussions fall under that category and warrant all the power they need to convince a judge to sign an order to seize the instrument of such communication? How Communist would that be?
They don't need the courts or constitutional backing to use these developments they been been building UP to until they are ready to launch an AWE out war on peoples privacy. The stage has been set.
Common sense and forethought are a MUST.
Anybee that contemplates his fate with even the smallest iota of complacency or wreckless abandon, won't have the foresight to see that a seemingly harmless little string hanging before them has the ability to transform on command to a venomous cobra poised to strike at a moments notice. What is this? Paranoid Fuks Inc?
Dismiss it at your own risk!
Ibee's Not only the Presi(dented head) of Paranoid Fuks Inc...He's a Client!smile
Right Orgy???
And all this coming from your resident "Free Radical" lacking a full complement of electronsblush
With that said...."Let's Party"laugh
"Everybee into the pool"
There is megainfo on OTC pill extraction and it's been a common theme to GO with what works.
What works today may not work tomorrow.
This is common knowledge.
What isn't so common is a Universal Method that will work across the board.
Since the advent of Tetra use in extraction, it's been extremely useful in addressing and isolating polymers making removal easier.
With the abundance of polymer matrixes being included pharmwise, Ibeeware wouldn't consider going into any extraction method without employing tetra someware in the process!
Some alcohols work better than others and some solvents heated(boiling) and room temp will select and isolate some inactives depending on their properties.
pH based extraction has been targeted as a likely area to thwart extraction.
The method of extraction is a matter of personal choice based on personal experimentation and what is known to work.
In other words....You decide what's best based on the formulation you're currently cursed with.wink
More can be found all over this board concerning OTC pill extraction so we will leave that out of this pre-ramble and subsequent write-up.
Everything from here on is compiled info that will best put a bee closer to that window of success as it pertains to "The WetDream" (LWR) Ibeeware Style
And it will be delivered in three installments to this thread.
Feel free to add to it after the last installment, but ask yourself first if what you propose will add to confusion or Light The Way further.
It's common knowledge everybee has their own twists and ideas of what works best.
This is meant only to be an outline of compiled notes and observations from Ibee's corner based on his experience that stems back 2 years while working with the LWR in the development stages and beyond to the present.
Nothing is definative so take it for what it's worth.
The installments will be as follows as time permits so bee patient until they are complete.
Iodine Extraction
MBRP Extraction and Clean-UP
The LWR WetDream
Ibee has long wanted to get this preamble off his chest so there ya have it!cool

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
04-17-04 23:27
No 501365
      maybe the bee's approach is what the problem is     

when a farmer is trying to keep his eggs from being extracted from his chicken coop by a fox the end all outcome is the same, regardless of the farmer and the fox. the farmer will always win. the fox may get a few really good eggs now and then but if push comes to shove the farmer can construct all the barriers he wants and if he chooses just remove the fox from the equation through imprisonment or death. in the end the farmer can always just shoot the fox, cause he has the power. just like our government. so we bees like the fox should be looking in other places.

pharmaceutical companies make p/fed from something.. y can't bees?

what about ma huang?

whatabout abandoning meth and going to 4-mar?