cycosyince (Newbee)
08-24-04 01:48
No 526990
      i recall     

I recall a similar post in the days long past, only instead of a liebig condenser, the I was collected in a chopped and cleaned florescent bulb tube. The plunger is very very

Bad karma, "Ma, don't buy the car, its a freekin lemon!"
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
08-24-04 07:29
No 527040

Fudgemonkey (MisterClean) used electricty to collect the I2 out of Providone Iodine.

Tighten Up!  (UH)
08-24-04 08:38
No 527049
      Povidone- iodine extraction questions     

A couple of brief issues .First  wouldn't the reflux water, wash the sublimed I2 back into the flask from the condensor ?  if i recall this was the reason for the boiling dry of the solution before using a cold finger.Second with all the talk of how the full turps cure takes care of Povidone in psuedo extraction , wouldn't it stand to reason that the 'Turps' would also take care of the Povodine in a Povidone/iodine solutioncrazy, freeing the Iodine up to be treated like it is in tincture ? Also; Jacked would love to no more about how "fudgemonkey"(misterclean) used electricity to collect iodine , will use the TFSSE and see what is out

meat is YUMMY....
08-25-04 02:36
No 527165
      dont worry!     

hey there fella!

well...dont worry for the iodine being washed down.

well to be honest some of the iodine is washed down, especially the iodine in the lowes part of the condenser, but as soon as the water iodine drops touch the glass next to the joint of the condenser (wich is really fucking hot) i notesed that the iodine sublimises again even before the drop goes in the erlenmeyer.

notes that there is a glass piece before the erlenmeyer wich is not sorrounded by water, and that piece is fucking me.
i notesed that the water that condensed water dripped down taking some of the iodine with it. but as soon as the drop left the cooled area i saw the iodine crystals in the drop disappear quickly.
and going back into the condenser.

another thing...most of the iodine that sticks in the condenser sticks pretty nicely.
the first time i attempet this extraction i tried o get out the iodine by shaking cold water in the condenser.
failure....some iodine came with the water but most of it stayed on the walls of the condenser. i tried shaking again but it didnt work at all, the iodine was still there.

tis method works great trust me........well the iodine that ur gonna push out will be very wet but still.....u got some iodine.
when u see that the liquid in the erlenmeyer is discolored that means all the iodine is sublimised.

that post about electrolisis of iodine sucks. it doesnt work at all....ull still get povidone iodine.
u see it doesnt matter if u convert iodine into NaI....there is still povidone in the solution and as soon as iodine touches the povidone molecule it bonds toghether again.
the povidone is not removed at all.....the crystals on the electrode are povidone me i did it myself.

unfortunately i cant give you pictures of the extraction since i dont have any digital camera, but if following exactly the method above will give you pure iodine for sure. i did it many times.

(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
08-25-04 03:14
No 527171

Post 70929 (fudgemonkey: "Re: iodine tinc goodbye to povidone.", Stimulants)

Tighten Up!  (UH)
08-27-04 06:40
No 527695
      doesnt work with povidone iodine!     

it doesnt work with povidone iodine tinctures!! trust me

i tried it and came out with visible povidone iodine crystals!!
as i said before the povidone is still present in the soon as the NaI gets back to I2 it suddenly bonds with the povidone in the liquid.
for povidone tictures..hats sucks!!

anyway that tecnique is really useful to recover the iodine after the reaction!!

once the HI/P reaction is done..u add NaOH until PH13.

in this process..the meth becomes freebase and the remaining I2 and HI gets converted into NaI.
after the steam distillation or wutever u use to separate the freebase,.....filter the remaining RP so u can use it for the next batch.
then ull have a solution of phosphites and a LOT of NaI

this liquid remaining from the freebase extraction is then fitted with 2 electrodes.
in this way u recover all of the I2.....just leave the electrolisis apparatus for a day and after that all the I2 u used for the reaction will collect on the electrode!

that method sucks for extracting iodine from povidone..but works like a miracle for recovering ALL the I2 used in the meth reaction!

not bad heh?
(Hive Addict)
08-27-04 07:21
No 527708
      Reclaiming I from Xylene Rinse     

Since most bees make a habit of immediately clearing most iodine from the reaction mix before basing by rinsing it 3x with a non polar like Xylene how might one go about using this technique for reclaiming the I from the dirty non polar?

Without the existence of idiots geniuses would simply vaporize into thin air
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
08-27-04 11:30
No 527755

I don't know what to think about that? doesn't work with povidone iodine you say? Then MisterClean (Fudgemonkey) was bullshitting us all along and worlock must have been in on the joke as well.. Have you tried it out yourself? I ain't saying your wrong, Just curious about when you tried this out, before or after the link was posted?

"Trust me" with Stranger next to your name? That just don't sound right..

Tighten Up!  (UH)
08-27-04 15:33
No 527774 doesnt work! doesnt work!

u dont get a metallic solid on the electrodes..but more like a purple cristal wich is identical to povidone iodine.

as i said before povidone bond directly to the iodine at contact.....only heat brakes this magnetic bond.
if u turn the pvp I2 into NaI..the povidone is still in the solution! once iodine gets converted to I2 the povidone present in the solution again bonds with the iodine thats to an electrical charge.
if u manage to remove the povidone from the nai solution, then it will work.....but with povidone present in the solution the iodine gets suddenly converted back to pvp iodine.
i tried it and saw the results......there where purple crystallines on the electrode....exactly identical to the pvp iodine crystals i saw many times.
iodine is more like a metallic crystal!

if u dont trust me why dont u try it yourself! and see wut a waste of time it is.
of course it works perfectly for normal tinctures, even the ones with KI...but with pvp tinctures it doesnt...ull get pvp I2.
i tried it 2 times and theese are the results.....its logical..the povidone doesnt get removed.
povidone bonds immediately at contact with I2.

just try it and you'll see wut im talking about!

ive been tryng to get iodine from povidone for 8 months!
ive read all the different methods in this forum and the one i posted works perfectly!
i tried it and came out with pure(wet) iodine that i used in the reaction and made the goddamn hydriodic acid.

now u believe wut u wanna believe.........why cant you at least try?
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
08-30-04 04:01
No 528189
      damn if you ain't right     

Your right about that, Swim tried it just to see and it is just like you said.. I apologize for bucking what you said.. Swim didn't try running any of the recovered I2 hell It took a long time just to collect a small amount. After it went into a drying chamber for a day it went back to a liquid for some reason, underneath the black metallic liquid was a very large purple Crystal, strangest thing Swim has seen in a while.

Tighten Up!  (UH)
09-09-04 05:35
No 530483
      Well thanks to both of you     

Now that I've gone bald trying to decifer the problem, (and partly because I was offline for a little while & didn't read any posts) Thanks to both of you for your exstensive study.  You have saved me some hair.  Now how about 2% iodine tincture?  I know, UTFSE! I'm goingcool.  I need to find the ratios.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
(Hive Bee)
09-09-04 18:49
No 530572

Swip has a question people.
The other day swip seen a bottle that contained,( IODOPHOR--equivalent to 16gms of iodine, These were 250ml & 500ml bottles, Now swip done a search on it and came up with this

UCCMA Iodophor

UCCMA-Iodophor is a concentrated disinfectant based on molecular iodine dissolved in micelles of detergents in an aqueous solution. 



UCCMA-Iodophor is used for  disinfection of instruments, equipment, surfaces, skin, wounds, etc. in hospitals, agriculture, and industries. UCCMA-Iodophor is effective against all common bacteria, fungi, spores and viruses.



UCCMA-Iodophor consists of 2.5 % iodine in an aqueous solution of dispersing detergents.


Use:   0.4-2% solution in water.


Appearance:  Clear brown liquid.


Active Ingredients:

Available iodine 2.4-2.6%  .



UCCMA-Iodophor is miscible with water.



  UCCMA-Iodophor must not be mixed with organic substances, because the activity will be reduced. UCCMA-Iodophor must not be used in connection with silver, copper, brass and chlorine-containing products.


Shelf life:

3 years, store at temp. below 40 ºC.



gallon containg 4 L.

Now swip was wondering if this would be an easyey extaction to play with instead of povidine.
Can anyone elaborate ?????crazy

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
         And yea talk is cheap.
09-14-04 03:47
No 531263
      Too much dh20?     

Anyone have any issues with this precedure when adding MORE dh20 than specified in this extraction? I find its harder to extract and more iodine escapes from the end of the condenser. Any input?
- Martian_A