Xavl2 (Hive Bee)
04-18-04 20:33
No 501549
      Bali pills     

This question is mainly directed to the aussies. Swix has heard many stories about how you can buy ephedrine tablets in Bali in literally crates. Swix's question is has anyone attempted an extraction on those? Swix has seen some being brought back. The come in round tubes with about 10 tablets in each tube and the Ephedrine written along the length of the tube.

(Hive Bee)
04-19-04 01:00
No 501586
      good to use, hard to get     

Swix has heard of those being easy to extract with alky pulls and simple cleaning processes.  They are mainly a 'dosage' of ephedrine pressed with simple fillers (certainly not gakked).  Yields can vary as dosages of ephedrine are not constant (as they're not produced by FDA & TGA regulated pharmacos).

Overall, a great source.  BUT, how is one planning on getting these babies through customs?  A few rolls up the hole?
(Hive Bee)
04-19-04 18:13
No 501699
      That's what Swix thought...     

That's what Swix thought... Alky pulls and then chill to precipitate the waxes perhaps or maybe just a straight forward water based A/B - but I think ephedrine base is an oil as opposed to pseudo base.

Swix has never been to Bali, but a simple idea was crush the pills, dissolved in a bottle of water - say 100g of Ephedrine worth of pills, filter out fillers and keep in a backpack as a drink bottle...

Another question is if one reduces ephedrine as opposed to pseudo does one get the desired d-MA?
(Hive Addict)
04-19-04 19:37
No 501708

im told by a source,(it happend to him) that if your found with these pills on you from bali its not an arrestable ofence in australia..

the fictional chracter described was only fined, and stated so..

good job revealing that you hypothetically could bring it across in drink bottles, what do you think they are going to look for now mad

signed -nous
(Hive Bee)
04-19-04 20:50
No 501716
      Ephedrine importation.     

If you are caught at customs with E pills, then you will be up for importation of a phohibited drug precursor.
100g is classed as commercial quantity, over 250g is classed as large commercial quantity.
If you are caught you WILL do time. MAX sentence is life imprisonment and a huge fine >$1mil, but you only get that if you have previous drug convictions.
Moral of story: DONT GET CAUGHT!!
Long bay and silverwater arent nice places, especially at the moment!!

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.
(Hive Bee)
04-19-04 22:29
No 501730
      Swix is not worried about them all of a sudden     

Swix is not worried about them all of a sudden looking in bottles since its the most obvious place anyways - its just gonna be a matter of luck and Swix would a pay a junky to do something this stupid.

From memory one needs d-pseudo for d-meth, but does one need l-ephedrine for d-meth? What ephedrine do you get in  Bali? Is it racemic, d or l?