superman (Hive Bee)
04-28-04 05:16
No 503413
      to make HI or extract I, that is my question!     

I was planning on making HI w/ h3po4+KI and then reacting with h3po3, but i have to switch to h2po3 for the reduction.  my question is whether i should make the HI as planned and react with h2po3 (is this possible?(rhodium i need TFSE :(  )) or would it be easier to extract the I from KI, and react it with the h3po3.

it seems to me like extracting the I would be simpler, however since i have no tfse and rhodium's site doesn't have anything that doesn't pertain to tincture i don't know...

anyone have a good method for easy extraction of I from KI?
(Hive Addict)
04-28-04 05:56
No 503418
      This might help!     

I wish the search engine was up and running also. I'm starting to get withdrawals. Its tough getting cut off cold turkey crazy

When your "bookmarks" section is as long as a toilet paper roll, its easy to get by. laugh

Here is a thread concerning KI to I2 that may help. In this thread are links to other good ones as well.

Post 493757 (mr_pyrex: "Extraction of I from KI , Rhodium", Stimulants)

(Hive Addict)
04-28-04 17:22
No 503516
      Make a 10% solution     

Add enough dh20 to the KI to make a 10% solution (1 liter + 100g of KI)and treat as you would tincture.

If you have the necessary setup then i would make the HI rather than extracting the I.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
04-29-04 14:52
No 503732
      I2 looks like a hell of a pain in the ass.     

I2 looks like a hell of a pain in the ass.   thanks scotty for keeping me on track with the HI
04-29-04 21:39
No 503798
      Here are some more links for obtaining I2 from     

Here are some more links for obtaining I2 from KI.

Post 109151 (Osmium: "Home-made I2", Stimulants)
Post 496756 (elfspice: "stochiometry!", Stimulants)
Post 496815 (Osmium: "> I think the best way to proceed would be...", Stimulants)

It's all in the iodine section of the stimulant's FAQ.

There is a discrepency in the following links that needs to be clarified.

Rhodium answers somebody's question:

Is it possible to make HI through the reaction: HCl + NaI -> NaCl + HI

No. There are just a few methods available for making HI, and those are covered in this writeup and ../rhodium /hydriodic.html%5B/quote%5D%5B273747]

And then he states in another post:
[quote]Your first scheme (with peroxide) is a bit off, you can divide all the figures with 2, and also separating the reaction in two steps, first the acidification and next the oxidation makes it easier to follow:

2 KI + 2 HCl -> 2 HI + 2 KCl
2 HI + H2O2 -> I2 + 2 H2O

Post 323629 (Rhodium: "Good start!", Stimulants)

Again swim poses the question.  Is it possible to make HI through the reaction, HCl + KI -> KCl + HI ?  Why/Why not?

The Dodo is a native of Mauritius.
(Chief Bee)
04-29-04 23:02
No 503807
      Read again     

You didn't bother to check the link in Post 323629 (Rhodium: "Good start!", Stimulants) which, in red typeface, is prefixed with the following text: "Edit: Read this clarification:"

It links to this post, which answers your question: Post 459244 (Rhodium: "Behavior of ions in solution", Stimulants)

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders