sublevel (Stranger)
04-28-04 09:54
No 503450
      producing nh3  Bookmark   

Does anyswim have any experience or theoretical ramblings
about producing anhydrous ammonia from ANFO.(anfo is a blasting agent containing ammonium nitrate and fuel additives)

Just a question nothing more just wanna settle a bet.
cheers for any positive input.
(Head Coach)
04-28-04 10:18
No 503454
      Well if'n it has ammonium in the name it is...  Bookmark   

Well if'n it has ammonium in the name it is quite likely that ammonia can bee generated from the compound its just a matter of how to go about releasing it and whether or not it is cost effective and can be performed without unnecessary risk to yourself and others in the immediate area.  As for someone replying to your question as to having experience with the mentioned technique..I wouldn't hold your breath I mean you are asking a question that has no beneficial learning value for anyone other then possibly yourself, so why would someone reply.   Just my 3.5 cents disrespect intended mind you.  Pyrex out of explainations

Yeah and if ya don't PAID me well, I won't INFORMANT you of the answers you are seeking ;-)
(Chief Bee)
04-28-04 20:32
No 503559
      This isn't a bet settlement institution, but...  Bookmark   

ANFO is 90%+ Ammonium Nitrate (NH4NO3) and <10% diesel oil or similar. The diesel can be washed off with any non-polar solvent, and after drying the ammonium nitrate, it is treated with a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide:

NH4NO3 + NaOH(aq) -> NaNO3(aq) + NH3(g)

The gas is then dried (KOH or NaOH drying tower) and condensed (dry ice cooler). There you have your anhydrous ammonia.

Now, as this is rather off topic after you have gotten your answer, I'll close this thread.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders