jammin (Hive Bee)
05-04-04 22:23
No 504841
      Extraction of pakistani e.hcl     

My friend is at it again...

These pills are the smallest he has seen so far.
30mg 1000 pills fits in a small box, and weight is about 60g for 1000 pills of E.HCl.

In the US you have tons of gakk he is told that we dont have here.
He's even told that water extraction would work.

So he decided to try out a few easy extractions, and see how it went.

He might bee really stupid for trying this, but he has seen several
extraction techniques here and he really dont think there is soo
much gak in these pills. So he figured perhaps much of this would be overkill for his pills

It says:

"Each tablet contains: Ephedrine HCl 30 mg"

Thats it, execpt dosages and manufacturer name etc.

Anyway, he tried to to one water pull and one IPA pull to check the difference.

Figured he'd go with 3x h20 pulls on 100 pills
Crushed 100 pills (6 grams) and added 40 ml dh20.
Stirred good and let stand for 25 min.
Decanted as much as i could (some powder, not much just a fraction)
got into the holding container. :( Figured i'd filter it later on.

Next pull he figured he would heat to just to gentle boiling and let stand for another 25 mins¨
Turned out the whole she-bang turned into gel. Now my friend was left with something that looked like hairgel.
He figured maybee this was starch or something, and was hoping that anybee could help him with answering.
He thinks the pills just contain one filler and e.hcl, and simply wants to separate the two easy.
As he probably has access to more of the same pills.

Any suggestions?
He was thinking of doing an AB.

-First do a 3x pull with dh20
-Wash with NP (tolly)
-Base to 13-14
-Extract with NP (tolly) 3x
-Acidify with HCl to 6.5
-Extract with dH2O 3X
-Evap H20

Should'nt this be about right?

(Hive Bee)
05-04-04 23:42
No 504861

I would try an extraction like the Post 440177 (VideoEditor: "New Straight to E -- a novel extraction tech.", Stimulants).

There is no a/b needed in that procedure.

If you only have tolly and not xylene & vm&p etc, i would

*Grind the pills
*3x toluene boil
*3x dry acetone boil
*'pull' 2 or three times with alcohol (methenol, ethanol, ipa, whatever)
*filter the alcohol (ofcourse through a pre-wet flter)
*evaporate the alcohol
*Then you could recrystalise, if you want
(Hive Bee)
05-04-04 23:56
No 504864
      Ok, just to make sure...     

OK, so,

1 grind the pills

2 Boil in toulene, decant toulene
repeat 3 times

3 boil in dry acentone, decant acetone
repeat 3 times

4 add dry IPA decant into container
repeat 3 times

4 evap the IPA

And what is the best way to decant?
He has a problem with pill mass following the liquid...

Before you answered he tried three pulls directly with IPA.

He let it stand 20 min before decanting on each run. The second time he boiled it for two minutes.

He then filtered and evaped. He only got 0.5g when evap was done. He evaped with hotplate (aprox 80-100C).

He figures that tolly and acetone boils are just to remove gak, so he should perhaps get a lot more when he just used IPA?

What could be wrong then he ponders?
Is the evap temp too high?
Is the soak time time too short?
Or is the amount of IPA too little?

(20ml x 3 for 6g of pillmass)

thanks for your time! :)

(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 00:31
No 504868

My frist alcohol pulls on pills, which also contain only ephedrine and some few stuff to hold the pill together (= non supergakked), only gave 50%, and that is not just ephedrine, but also a little crap. The pillmass was allowed to be in the MeOH for about 20min.

After that I lod the pillmass be in the alcohol for 24-48 hours, that gave back almost every ephedrine. But if you soak the pills for so long time, use IPA (as you do) or ethanol, they pull less crap for the pillmass. 

If you planing on reX. the raw ephedrine crystals, maybe take a view in my post: Post 501322 (place: "Fucked up recrystallization?", Stimulants)
Don't know if it's me that srew up or ephedrine actually is hard to reX in IPA/MeOH
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 00:45
No 504871
      he will try that tonite...     

He'll try to let it stand 24 hours with IPA.
How much IPA do you recomend for 6g pill mass?

(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 01:14
No 504878
      6g = 100pills     

..thats 3g ephedrine. Just pour in, so the alcohol is about 4cm over the pillmass in the flask.

SWIM's product on the extraction from spanish "efedrina level" (which only contain ephedrine + stuff to hold the pill together) pills was not +99% clean. Maybe he should dissolve the crystals in dH2O, base up with NaOH to pH 14, extract with 3 x xlenene or toulene and gas to make fucking clean ephedrine crystals.  

And what is the best way to decant?
He has a problem with pill mass following the liquid...

Just pour the liquid througth a filter and collect all powder that may be left in the filter and replace it in the flask.

If it helps, the extraction methode is called "The Cure" by Placebo.


Extraction of pfed,
Ok, this method will deal with the HCl salt of pfed, and a streamlined version of "the cure"!
All pills are dumped into a large jar and double the volume of methanol poured on top!
This is stirred vigorously and let to settle, in the fridge seems to speed it up!
After top methanol layer has cleared it is carefully decanted off.
This procedure is repeated 3 times.
All methanol pulls are put together and reduced on a hot plate.
As methanol gets down to last little bit, it is taken off heat
Then a portion of acetone, twice your remaining liquid is dropped in.
This forces the pfed crystals to crash out.
Then remaining liquid is carefully eared off.
Now you have your crude/dirty pfed HCl.
Next we will be doing successive toluene washes
So put your pfed crystals in a pyrex (heat proof glass)
Now add toluene to a safe level that can be lightly boiled on hot plate
After about 5 mins boiling with stirring.
Take off heat and let settle a minute.
Now carefully pour off toluene into a filter to catch any remnants of pfed that may follow.
Now if you get the toluene that has our contaminants in it and add some water
You will see the crap crash from the toluene into the water
This is the crap that came thru with the methanol pull!
So as we continue to do multiple toluene washes,
We will continue to test the toluene after pouring it off,
To see how we are progressing with the cleanup!
When we have reached a point where no crap comes out of the toluene,
With the addition of water, then we are ready to try acetone!
Usually about 3 boils in toluene, but of course it depends how much your using!
So, as before we will add a portion of acetone and boil lightly!
Now when we pour off the acetone, we will add a tiny amount of water and some NaOH
This is our final test, when you do this and no crap falls out of acetone you are ready!
This will be the cleanest pfed you have ever seen, guaranteed!
AND, yields should be >90% if your careful! 95% is good