uktrials (Newbee)
05-05-04 17:00
No 505142
      How to get pesudo from your doc!  Bookmark   

Fellas.....& da ladies!

Swim (or Sink) was wondering what symptoms a bee would have to exadurate (lattin) to aquire some form of pescribed pesudo based medication? Swim, has tried this avenue on the local do before (the avenue being itchy all over and hugely congested), but the result was some other shit that swim can't remember right now....

Swim was thinking that he might just go to the doc and say that 'his chest was tight and he felt itchy allover and that he couldn't breath through his nose' and would hope that, that might work.....

Swim knows that you can get this 'mo fo' on a script, but what conditions should he show?



"Live and learn"
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 17:43
No 505149
      redundant questiom1  Bookmark   

Dont be lazy, read the back of a box.
Surprisingly, when a product is labelled as a sinus and nasal decongestant, thats actually what it does.
Im assuming you have a learning disorder so i will list these for. guess what,  these are on the FRONT of a box.
1. Sinus pain.
2. Sinus pressure.
3. Sinus Headaches.
4. Sinus congestion.
5. Unblocks stuffy noses & helps dry runny noses.
I hope you are wearing fire retardent clothing!!

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.
05-05-04 17:58
      diamond colored the stain of shit
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 18:08
No 505158
      learn to take a joke man...  Bookmark   

learn to take a joke man...   rather than being prescribed a few grams of ephedrine, go extract a few ounces and save yourself the hassle of visiting your doctor with fake symptoms which will only tarnish your, probably already, grim medical history