Phlegm (Newbee)
05-05-04 19:58
No 505186
      RE: Attention dumbasses of the stimulant  Bookmark   

I've never posted sources in any forum at the Hive, but I still take offense to Unobtainable's exceptionally rude post on not posting sources. Just as the Hive Hierarchy absolutely will not not tolerate the least bit of critisism (I'm sure this post will be locked or removed) neither should its readers be subjected to the abusive bullshit contained in that post.
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 20:02
No 505188
      If you have never posted sources then you...  Bookmark   

If you have never posted sources then you should know that Unob is not talking about you.  So what's the big fucking deal?tongue

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
05-05-04 20:21
No 505193
      um  Bookmark   

I've been observing the hive over the shoulder of a friend for a while now and it does make me wince to see someone break the "no sources" rule, but i also winced at Unob's rather harsh characterisation of those who use otc sources.
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 20:24
No 505194
      If you think that was harsh then you have...  Bookmark   

If you think that was harsh then you have obviously never read and of Os's posts.

Fucking get over it, if bees want to blow there sources The Hive is no place to do it.

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
05-05-04 20:45
No 505206
      yes  Bookmark   

I've seen many of Os's posts, and Placebo's but neither of those two has ever stated that people who use otc sources are stupid and scared; I think it is fair to give Unob, who was probably having a bad morning, a chance to retract this rather unfortunate statment as it tends to paint a bad picture of the attitude of moderators towards lesser bee's.
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 20:48
No 505208
      Sources.  Bookmark   

I think Unobs response is completely justified, even if it does contain harsh languagew which may offend some bees.
I imagine he didnt decide to write the message overnight!
I have a sneaking suspicion that the last thread regarding australian pills was the "straw that broke the camels back"
Of course, that doesnt mean that i think unob is a camel, or does it? shocked

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.
(Hive Addict)
05-05-04 20:48
No 505209
      UNOB is right and spot on and it was my thread  Bookmark   

UNOB is right and spot on

and it was my thread that did it, so you have me to thank for that sorry

all as we do is reveal it by pm simple

signed -nous
05-05-04 21:01
No 505212
      Sorry, I'm afraid Unob is not "spot...
(Rated as: whining)

Sorry, I'm afraid Unob is not "spot on" on this. He's simply rude and condescending. And as I've been prowling this site under one name or another for over four years, I've seen Os's and placebo's postings. My point isn't so much over revealing sources as it is what I would describe a  continual escalation (compared to years past) in the arrogance of the moderators. No moderator on this board would tolerate an outburst like the one in question. Isn't it, therefore, hypocritcal for a moderator to put forth such a post?
(Hive Addict)
05-05-04 21:16
No 505214
      communication that works  Bookmark   

some times you need to put pressure in certain areas to gain momentum, and using tension can make you pay attension

all and all unob is right, and to speak to tweakers you have to make them listen, and beeing spoken to like that is okay as he has the heart to help

the hive and our dumb asses

when we dont do some thing wrong and he yells at us etc
then fucking complain otherwise in the words of unob

thank you and good night (translated into unob lanuage=shut the fuck up and fucking pay attension and fucking thank you)

signed -nous
(Hive Bee)
05-05-04 23:52
No 505237
      Micr*s*ft  Bookmark   

glucifer69:"If you think that was harsh then you have obviously never read and of Os's posts.

Fucking get over it, if bees want to blow there sources The Hive is no place to do it. "

hahahahaha that's fucking correct!  leave Unob alone he's a funny guy and not only that he's a moderator, so the only person that can fuck with him is Rhodium, I thought his whole sticky thread was hillarious. 

If you use the internet, TFSE and your car you should easily be able to find what the fuck you want. By blowing up detailed sources your technically making it harder for everyone else at da heezy (and any other clandestine chemist) and putting they're sources at risk, (not cool.)

jemma: "and to speak to tweakers you have to make them listen,"

ahahaha  what a nice quote!smile

Isolation is a must for the experimentation of a model subject.
05-06-04 00:19
No 505241
      I know this is pesumptious of me, but from my...  Bookmark   

I know this is pesumptious of me, but from my collected observation i have come to feel that most non-stimulant bee's feel (and verbalize) that the 'tweak' bee's are some how 2nd class bee's, they are segragated into one forum, posts are beaten sensless rodney king style whenever the Rosco's feel they could derive entertainment, verbal abuse. Loss of political and economic power. Many parallels, i feel a civil rights movement coming, go X hes the man. Well maybe that last bit is a stretch :)

The redheaded stepchild right?

These people are your force for change, they bring the media attention, media attention guarentees change, unless of course it is owned by the same strong central goverment you are fighting against. What is it that we are fighting for in this War on Drugs? Fucking freedom right? Freedom to experience the whole spectrum of consciousness,to do what we want. We are fighting a civil rights battle too. But we can't exactly hold marches or boycott anybody, but a few sacrificing themselves brings about the same attention that civil rights groups seek. They achieved varying degree's of sucess with it, I bet we could too. Slow progress is being made in some areas, but we are still losing ground..*whisper* we need a radical group */whisper*

What do you say comrade?
05-06-04 00:28
No 505245
      U.p . and James are right!  Bookmark   

It's our fault not the mod's,we make all the mistakes!After all, we are not mod's, are we?? Bee safe, Bee VMP Cool,chill out on the sources,Bee's can find them ! Can't We?? On our own! If you can't you would not bee here ? would you???

suckretary that can clean and cook...good salary!
(Hive Bee)
05-06-04 01:34
No 505251
      re: Synthesthesia  Bookmark   

re: Synthesthesia

I see where your coming from but you have to understand these mods have been constantly dealing with the same type of people for YEARS, most of the people getting angry are under the influence of a stimulant and arn't worried about breaking forum rules, they just want to learn how to make dope. If you follow the rules of this website your letting this forum run smoothly.

The bees that can still maintain they're stimulant use and act normal, study here, posting threads if they've searched everywhere else, and follow the fucking rules are the ones who ARN'T getting downrated and being downrated usually makes newbees/strangers/hive bee's feel 2nd class am I wrong? If you've been downrated I'm sure you know that idle feeling of mild embarrasment??? maybe it's just me.

I'm sure these sticky threads and faqs and rules will probably never catch on but hopefully they reduce the amount of pissed off people who got downrated, and if you don't agree with the rules then stop coming here. If you got downrated for a reason you think is unfair oh well, take it in stride because there is nothing you can do about it, I'm one of the bee's who actually reads alot of the downrated posts just to see what they said.(I know I'm not the only person doing this)

Try to compare it to the u.s government, if we don't follow laws we get thrown in jail, if we don't get thrown in jail we get fined.(this is how one form of structure is set) If you don't follow the rules here you get downrated maybe even banned. 

I'm sure there is always going to be that 2% of people who are too twacked out to understand how a internet forum works and are constantly getting downrated, and probably PMing mods pointless messages to try to win they're case that has already been dismissed.

In my opinion if you have the label "hive bee" under your name (or anything other than the normal labels) you've been coming here long enough to know how this place works.  Some strangers and newbees can be quite intelligent and if they continue coming here they will earn the hive-bee label, Then your officially in the gang and we can grow.

Isolation is a must for the experimentation of a model subject.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
05-06-04 02:50
No 505257
      You people take this shit way too personal.  Bookmark   

You people take this shit way too personal.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
(Wonderful Personality)
05-06-04 03:16
No 505262
      Re: You people take this shit way too ...  Bookmark   

You people take this shit way too personal.

You are absolutely right on this Osmium. Nevertheless this namecalling is fucking bad style and serves no purpose at all for it produces for sure no insight.


strong believer in homosexual reproduction
05-06-04 04:56
No 505273
      yeah i gotta admit im still new here, and...  Bookmark   

yeah i gotta admit im still new here, and there was a time when i got downrated, i think i named a source, but thats because i didnt even know the rules, its not long before you smarten up quicksmart and everythings sweet. But i think the mods get pissed of because there are costant waves of newbies who come in and break the rules, they learn the rules... stop breaking the rules, but then theres another wave of newbies breaking the rules. I could see how they would get pissed off pretty easily.
(Minister of Propaganda)
05-06-04 06:45
No 505297
      complaint department  Bookmark   

Well this certainly has stirred up some discussion here, and as your customer service representative I take any grievance logged by our members very seriously. I shall address each and every one of your concerns, or at least the ones I can be bothered with.

>>I still take offense to Unobtainable's exceptionally rude post on not posting sources.

Aww. Fuck you pussy. Anyone who gets their feelings hurt or is offended by what other people say, chooses to be offended. Words can not hurt people and no one can force you to be offended by them. You make that decision entirely yourself. I make no apologies for the fragileness of your pathetic little egos if your were insulted by my big bad dose of reality.

>>but i also winced at Unob's rather harsh characterisation of those who use otc sources.

See the above comment, and also, a very special 'fuck you' as well.

>>I think it is fair to give Unob, who was probably having a bad morning, a chance to retract this rather unfortunate statment as it tends to paint a bad picture of the attitude of moderators towards lesser bee's.

On the contrary, I was having an excellent morning made even better by the opportunity to bitch at you fuckheads which is something I haven't done here in the stimulant forum for quite a long time. It was not an unfortunate statement, but rather a well-thought out statement that underwent numerous revisions before it arrived at perfection.

>>He's simply rude and condescending.

This is very true, thank you for noticing.

>>No moderator on this board would tolerate an outburst like the one in question. Isn't it, therefore, hypocritcal for a moderator to put forth such a post?

Actually, if someone else had posted the same thing, I'd have given them good karma. I shouldn't have had to post it at all, but since most of the morons here are too fucking stupid to understand a very simple concept that has only been reiterated 5000 times and been the topic of numerous sticky threads, I was really left no choice but to be blunt. Most of you don't respond very well to subtlty.

>>i have come to feel that most non-stimulant bee's feel (and verbalize) that the 'tweak' bee's are some how 2nd class bee's, they are segragated into one forum, posts are beaten sensless rodney king style whenever the Rosco's feel they could derive entertainment, verbal abuse.

This is very much in fact true. You'd probably never guess that I alone am the only person that has prevented your asses from getting kicked to the curb a long time ago. The termination of this forum has been a topic of discussion numerous times, and despite the fact that I haven't made a regular appeareance in here for 2 or 3 years, I'm pretty much the only thing that has prevented the stimulant forum from having to find a new home on a geocities server. Each and every one of you pathetic whiney bitches should be sucking my cock nightly for the fact that you still have a place to plant your unworthy asses for hours on end in the same secure environment we use for our paying customers. And this is the bullshit thanks I get for trying to save you from your own stupidity? But don't worry, I don't take things personally like the rest of you ungreatful whiny cunts, so the next time the discussion comes up to pawn your asses off to another forum, I'll still defend your unworthy selves.

>>Nevertheless this namecalling is fucking bad style and serves no purpose at all for it produces for sure no insight.

A) I wasn't attempting to produce insightfull reflection. I was attempting to alert people that they are in fact dumbasses who are blowing their own sources. I don't give a fuck if their feelings were hurt.

B) A short trip to the search engine will reveal the numerous times you've called people names, so shut the fuck up you hypocrit. And while I'm at it, you can suck my dick too.

>>You people take this shit way too personal.

Yes they certainly do. These are the types of people that would do something stupid like spill hot coffee from McDonald's on themselves and then file a frivolous lawsuit against McDonald's for giving them exactly what they orderred because they take no responsability at all for their own actions. Some people just can't deal with reality unless everything is sugarcoated, so I'll probably have to dunk my cock in maple syrup before they all line up to suck it.

>>I'm sure this post will be locked or removed

At least we have an understanding.

If you read it in a FAQ, it must be true.