deadman (Stranger)
05-06-04 18:53
No 505332
      heavy metal     

Someone, Osmium i think, recently suggested that the use of japan drier is possibly not wise because of the heavy metal(HM) content.

 We are washing our pills and discarding the jap drier. Are the HM's hanging around, adhering to elements of the pill mass or something?

Are the HM's in suspension or solution in the jap drier?

birth is the real killer
(Hive Addict)
05-07-04 01:32
No 505428
      Easy removal.....     

The heavy metals are easiy removed with several acetone washes following the evap and scraping UP of the xtal.
While submerged in acetone, the xtals need to be chopped broken UP to expose all xtal lattice to the tone.

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Hive Bee)
05-07-04 06:08
No 505506
      The greater danger is probably in contacting     

The greater danger with JD is probably in continued exporsure to the stuff in using it. Even the label states that it is "not intended for frequent use." Gloves and respirator are in order, but may not be 100% effective.