differentiating between substance forms , Hive Stimulants
    ordinaryguy 05-12-04 08:02
      <a href="https://www.the-hive.ws/forum/showflat.pl?Number=506664&page=21&view=&sb=&Search=&vc=&new=&start=0&xrated=y&&URLForums=" title="Click here to show this downrated post">differentiating between substance forms</a> <br> <i title="This post has been downrated by the moderators">(Rated as: UTFSE!)</i> </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">    </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> <td align="left" valign="top" class="text_bg"> <img src="../forum/images/left_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td colspan="7"><a name="Post506724"></a><a name="last"></a></a> </td> <td align="right" valign="top"><img src="../forum/images/right_top.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td rowspan="2"> </td> <td valign="top" align="center" rowspan="2"> kris_1108<br> <i>(<span title="The user's title at the time of posting">Hive Bee</span>)</i><br> <span title="Posting date">05-12-04 14:54</span><br> <span title="Link to this post by using the markup [506724]">No 506724</span><br> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td rowspan="2" width="1" class="vert_ruler"> <img src="../forum/images/hr.gif" border="0" width="1" height="1"> </td> <td rowspan="2">  </td> <td class="text_bg" align="left" valign="top"> <b title="The subject of this post">A Link for you</b> </td> <td class="text_bg" align="right" valign="top">    </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left"> <br> Have a look here <a href="../rhodium /equipment/rextal.a-b.basics.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /equipme<wbr>nt/rexta<wbr>l.a-b.ba<wbr>sics.htm<wbr>l</a><br><br>Pure methamphetamine that has been recrystalised should look just like that - crystals. There's a nice pic or two here <a href="../rhodium /hypotale.html" target="_blank" title="Jump to this external site">../rhodium /hypotal<wbr>e.html</a><br>to give you an idea.<br><br>>>Could one be converted to the other and back again and how would one do this?<br>Yep. Its all explained in the first link. </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr class="text_bg"> <td align="left" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/left_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> <td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="7"> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom"><img src="../forum/images/right_bottom.gif" border="0" height="12" width="9"></td> </tr> <tr class="page_bg"> <td colspan="9"> </td> </tr> </body> </html>