up247365 (Stranger)
05-13-04 14:16
No 506951
      Propane in my ammonia?     

Swim got some ammonia and when he poured off, it smelled like it had some propane in the tank but still had ammonia smell.  It also had a tint of red color in it(from rust in the tank it came from) so filtered it till it was almost completely clear, threw in batt's, and E.  What Swim was wondering was if the tank had a little bit of any. ammonia and the rest was L.P., what are Swim's options or what should he do with his sludge because the reaction never turned dark blueish color,it almost wanted to but never did and the odor smelled like maybe there was propane in the tank before or gas or something, and after toulene was added and pulled a little bit and gassed it, it came back as E.  Please Help?
(Wonderful Personality)
05-13-04 15:34
No 506978
      Many metals and metalsalts in special will...
(Rated as: good idea!)

Many metals and metalsalts in special will fuck up a BIRCH. Ironoxide aka "rust" does. Distill your ammonia or throw it away. Use a clean tank in future.

btw. do you believe a unclean rusty tank is the right thing to store something under high-pressure?

05-25-04 00:13
No 509462
      What type of fittings?     

If you leave nh3 in the tank for any lenth of time with the wrong fittings, I know some unusual side rxns can happen. 

Stock fittings are worthless unless you use the annie immediately.