Inuyasha (Stranger)
05-17-04 01:17
No 507657
      What is meth suppose to look like after ...     

What is meth suppose to look like after gassing? Powder?
Swim saw jackhole's pic's(very nice btw)they look like crystals.

(Hive Bee)
05-17-04 01:36
No 507660
      powder then crystal     

It's the powder first no matter how you precipitate it. Crystals come after if you have the patience and skill to properly recrystallize.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Addict)
05-17-04 01:47
No 507662
      Result of Your Pharmagrade?     

Hey Inayusha,

Is the the result from that pharma grade purchase you made? If so how did the extraction go?  Also I'm also curious as the the final quality of the end product. Should bee pretty clean I'm guessing.

The Shiite has hit the fan
05-17-04 22:02
No 507850
      Swim extracted pills with methanol.     

Swim extracted pills with methanol. E was pretty clean but swims burnt it cause he went to play computer game while evaporating. Swim got a REAL shitty yield(only refluxed for 4 hours)friend said it was weak shit.

Swim now is using VE's straight to E method,pfed is so freaking clean(looking at least).He will do it right this time and let reflux for 12hours or more.

Swim put match book strips(20 boxes for only $5!!) in glass jar with methanol,shook(20 min)and evaporated.Will the rp bee clean enough?

Thanks wink laugh
05-18-04 00:19
No 507857
      RP will need further cleaning done to it ...     

RP will need further cleaning done to it before its usable. You still have glue/dye/paint/paper pulp mixed in with your RP after the methanol evaporates off.
(Hive Addict)
05-18-04 01:21
No 507867
      flux for 48     

Reflux for 48hrs.

Don't let methanol dry on the rp. Resoak it in warm methanol, decant and rinse once more with methanol then pour in acetone and dump into 2 or 3 stacked coffee filters. Rinse once more with acetone in filter. This should get rid of the last of th blue glue.

And don't forget to reflux for 48hrs.

PS that's 48 hrs.