SHORTY (Hive Addict)
05-17-04 18:56
No 507827
      Accident while Gassing Pseudo     

I recently made a big mistake while gassing a batch of pseudo.  I was using my homemade gassing appartus which basically consist of a 6 liter plastic bottle with calcium chloride and hcl in it.  I have been using the same bottle for the last 4-5 months adding more of the chemicals whenever necessary.  The bottle was now nearly 3/4 of the way full of calcium chloride and has been an excellent source of gas up until i made a big mistake.

I wanted to add some more acid and accidently grabbed a bottle of 18% H2o2 and added some to the apparatus.  I didn't realize what i had done until seconds later when i was already gassing my pseudo.  The xylene suddenly turned green and a very strong chlorine odor started to fill the air.  Luckily i was outside.

This happened after i had already been gassing the pseudo so there was alot of pseudo precipitated out in the xylene when the shit turned green.

I recovered the pseudo and proceeded as usual noting that the pseudo was just as clean if not cleaner than usual.  However i now wonder if i had changed the pseudo during the process and whether i should bee concerned about using it.

I went ahead and used it in a hypo rxn which is still refluxing and now wonder whether it will bee safe to smoke or not?

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Addict)
05-18-04 23:04
No 508152
      Rhodium, Os, ?     

Doesn't anyone know if the addition of 18%H2o2 to a hcl gas apparatus using calcium chloride to generate the gas would cause any change to pseudo if the gas was then bubbled through the pseudo while it was in xylene? 

The xylene turned green and had a very strong chlorine odor.(like the chlorine used in swimming pools but alot stronger).

The product looks ok but i have yet to try it.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
05-18-04 23:47
No 508158
      H2O2 will oxidise halogen ions.     

H2O2 will oxidise halogen ions.  If those ions are iodine, then it'll form elemental iodine after being oxidised.  Since you added it to a bunch of Cl- ions, they were oxidise into Cl2, or chlorine gas.  I don't know about it damaging the pseudo.  Be careful, that stuff is poisoness.
(Hive Bee)
05-18-04 23:50
No 508159
      On second thought it probably didn't hurt the...     

On second thought it probably didn't hurt the pseudo that much if at all, depending on how much got to it.  The pseudo being reacted now should be safe when it is done.
(Hive Addict)
05-19-04 17:03
No 508296

Thanks for the advice, i instantly got a headache after breathing in a small amount of the fumes when it happened and that worried me cause it was a very strong odor and the color was pure green. 

However, i did finally test a little and haven't noticed any unusual effects.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
05-19-04 20:56
No 508331
      This is a switch     

because usually SWIP is asking SWIS a question.

SWIP had a similar experience a couple of years ago. He wanted to try harvesting I2 from tincture using H2O2 instead of bleach, but wasn't ready for the procedure taking so long. Growing ever more impatient, he finally decided to add some bleach to the mix, not thinking about any possible consequences. Chlorine gas began bubbling up from the jar and it was not outside.

One whiff of this stuff and you'll understand why the Geneva convnention banned it from use on the battlefield. It's nasty stuff.

I'm no chemist, but although chlorine will do awful things to your lungs if you breath it, I wouldn't think it would hurt pfed. It seems to survive when in solution with Cl ions all over, as is the case if it's in solution with HCl. To SWIPs non-chemist reasoning that seems like a similar situation.

(Hive Bee)
05-20-04 02:47
No 508400
      Actually, when using bleach to oxidise the KI...     

Actually, when using bleach to oxidise the KI into I2, chlorine gas gets formed insitu no matter what (I beleive).  SWIM always smells a little when he adds bleach to precipitate the I2.  If the amounts of ingredients you added is in decent ratio to one another (as in closest to the required stoichiometric amounts) then the Cl2 gas is never really noticed.  Sometimes if things get a little wack and you overdo it on the chlorine you'll smell it more.  That is because SWIM beleives the mechanism of the bleach/HCl/KI rxn something like this:
1 NaOCl + 2 HCl----> 1 NaCl + 1 H2O + 1 Cl2
1 Cl2 + 2 KI---->2KCl + 1 I2
So you can see when using bleach chlorine is formed insitu, and is what actually oxidises the I- ions from the KI.

It seems to survive when in solution with Cl ions all over, as is the case if it's in solution with HCl

Those are ions though.  Basically reduced  (as in addition of electrons) chlorine is Cl- ions.  Chlorine is a very strong oxidant (all halogens are oxidative, some like chlorine are way more so than others, like I2, gaseous chlorine is oxidative enough to support combustion without the presence of oxygen).  This means that elemental chlorine or Cl2 will oxidise things, becoming reduced itself.  This action will can cause areas of organic molecules to become oxidised, in turn making then positively charged.  Since the chlorine was reduced, it becomes negatively charged, so the chlorine attatches itself to the positively charged area of the organic molecule.  As far as pseudo or meth goes, one of the places most succeptible to this is the benzene ring.  Exposure to halogens will cause ring halogenation.  Now some halogens aren't strong enough to do anything at all without some sort of catalyst, some will only react a little without catalyst, some don't need a catalyst at all.
Ions are already reduced, so a solution containing meth or pseudo that also has a plethora of Cl- ions will probably remain unaffected.

(Hive Bee)
05-28-04 22:05
No 510148
      Excellent writeup on I2 from tincure via bleach     

Amalgum, thanks for that explanation. SWIM had been wondering about the mechanism, since bleach is his preferred means of harvesting I2 from tincture. He has (re)tried the H2O2 route, but with mo better yeilds, no cleaner product6, but a lot of waiting. He is aware, however, that many bees prefer to do things that way, and wondering if there is really any benefit?

Using bleach is nice because there's no guesswork about how much to add. It works right now. If you didn't add enough, nothing happens. With H2O2 SWIM always wonders if he needs to wait a bit longer or add more.

(Hive Addict)
05-31-04 20:44
No 510646
      Less than 10 minutes     

This method will work on tincture as well as recycling i2 from previous reactions in less than 10 minutes although some experimenting with the ratios may be necessary especially for the recyling route.

Post 508148 (SHORTY: "Iodine from KI: This recently worked for me", Stimulants)

It wasn't Me!
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
06-02-04 11:51
No 511001

A gassing accident, One night gassing a batch of meth my generator was getting saturated with H20 and I needed more salt. I yell at the oldlady to bring me the salt. She brought a baggy full of "salt". Next thing I know is my 2l Florence flask was filling up rather quickly with this black mass before I could do anything it blue the top off and overflowed. The shit was so hard I had to trash the flask.. The salt was sugar. The meth that did crystallize during that short time span tasted sweet as hell no shit... Accidents happen but for the most part can be avoided. Rule one keep the oldlady in the kitchen with the groceries..

Tighten Up!  (UH)
(Hive Bee)
06-06-04 08:07
No 511792
      Is 18% H2O2 the key?     

Shorty, the last time SWIM tried the H2O2 route he was following Geez's method, which called for 3% H2O2. I assume it's the use of 18% that makes this work more quickly?

Do you believe there is enough difference to make this method worth the additional cost? Not that it's much, but doing the procedure with bleach works quickly and easily, and as far as SWIM can tell, preduces results just as clean and in comparable quantity.