dwarfer (esoteric)
05-19-04 13:20
No 508261
      Proposed aziradine fix and possible racemates?     

step one.
Nasty low-potency street dog-crap with a disgusting
chloro taste to fume-inhalers is dissolved in methyl alcohol.

step 2
Calcium hydride is placed in some xylene in a beaker
on a magstir, and a funnel is installed
in such a way as to limit any moist air circulation
 over the gently stirred liquid.

step 3

The solution of step one is added dropwise
to solution 2,
with elution of hydrogen and formation of CaCl (V)
and CaOH (V).  The solution is heated to 100C
 to drive off the alcohol, filtered, and gassed
to provide totally wonderful goods
 well beyond the quality of that
which the original asshole who manufactured the crap
 provided, and had the audacity to actually charge
somebody for. (not me, nor even marvin,
i am glad to note...)

Will an azeridine be "resolved" by this proposition.

Will any racemization of the amphetamine be realized?



eggzactly the same except sodium resides in the xylene,
and the precipitating products are therefore different.


STUPIDER proposition  # 3

Both Na AND CaH2 are placed in the xylene...

THEN what happens??


the whole world wants to know.


part of the world wants to know.


05-21-04 13:57
No 508651
      PART of the world wants CHEM BEES to critique     


shit, I was hoping  somebody would say




(Chief Bee)
05-21-04 15:41
No 508666
      The question is way too vague     

step one.

Nasty low-potency street dog-crap with a disgusting chloro taste to fume-inhalers is dissolved in methyl alcohol.

It is very hard to predict the outcome of a reaction with undefined reactants.

To be able to get an answer, state exactly which substances (including salt form/freebase info) you want to react with what, and your expected outcome (with references if you have any). Do that for each substance separately (predicting what would happen with an unknown mixture is impossible). When you have done this, I'm sure that someone will be able to answer your questions.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
05-23-04 20:50
No 509160
      ?aziridene? fix     

A low-potency street meth used by a line-sniffer was
utilized by a fume-inhaler using the world-famous
sucka tube and found to be disgusting in flavor with
chlorine overtones not cleaned up by acetone.

A friend of mine, reading the references at the Library of
Rhodium figured out that likely the problem was aziridenes, and that maybe the following would work:

Sodium was placed in a Erlinmyer on a heater with stirrer.

Methyl alcohol with the bad goods was dripped in and the
liquids refluxed for 2 hours.  The condenser was removed and the temperature was raised to 110C.

The xylene was filtered and gassed with 80% + return of
greatly improved fumeable material not nauseating and headache-causing as it was previously.

The potency was still low, however.


It is thought upon review that the process, combined
with Urushibara treatment, may be attempted to increase potency.

The taste of the "goods" did not reveal un-reduced precursor, according to the report.


(Hive Addict)
05-24-04 07:43
No 509249
      Racemates....whos winnin mate?     

Hailz Master DickAround and ChiefBee!
Not sure of the validity here as it deals with
20g(-)-ephedrine __> 10g of
(+)-Pseudoephedrine-O-sulfate ester
The question here is could (-)-Pseudoephedrine be esterified in this same way to yield (+)-Pseudoephedrine sulfate?
Hell...any way ya figure it, bees will be taking a 50% yield hitmad
But it would be better to the 50% hit in quantity instead of quality(effectiveness)crazy

Esterification of ephedrine

        (+)-Pseudo-ephedrin-O-sulfuric-acid-ester from (-)-Ephedrin.
            Hermann Emde, Helvetica Chimica Acta, p.402 (1929).

To 100 grams of ice-cold concentrated sulfuric acid situated in a beaker,
20 grams of natural (-)-ephedrine hydrochloride is added in about 40 portions
within 10 minutes, whereupon hydrogen chloride gas is vigorously evolved.
The solution is shaken under cooling with ice until all solids has dissolved.
The walls of the beaker is rinsed from any residual crystals with 10 ml conc.
H2SO4, the beaker is removed from the ice, and left to stand at 15 deg C for
15 minutes, whereupon the contents of the beaker is poured upon 200 grams of
crushed ice in a 500 ml beaker, which also is cooled from the outside with
an ice-bath. 300 ml of absolute ethanol is now added, whereby beautiful white
crystal needles of (+)-Pseudoephedrine-O-sulfate ester precipitates.
The crystals are filtered with suction in a small Buchner funnel, washed with
a little cold water, and after air drying the yield is approximately 10g of
(+)-Pseudoephedrine-O-sulfate ester.


a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Chief Bee)
05-24-04 13:04
No 509316
      Esterification stereochemistry     

could (-)-Pseudoephedrine be esterified in this same way to yield (+)-Pseudoephedrine sulfate?

Nope, the reaction always switches both the optical rotation and between pseudoephedrine and ephedrine simulataneously. You cannot make it switch only one of the stereochemical descriptors.

Chemically, this means that the esterification switches the chirality of the OH group while never touching the amine group. (+)-Pseudoephedrine and (-)-Ephedrine both have their amine in the same configuration while their OH groups points in different directions.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
05-25-04 03:05
No 509484
      Ware, why would the bees get 50%?     

Ware, why would the bees get 50%?  So what is the esterfication yeild is 50%, just filter out the ester, and extract the remaining solution to get back the unreacted.  Then repeat procedure until you do get 90% yeilds.
(Hive Addict)
05-25-04 05:56
No 509500
      Beeing the Optimistic     

Amalgum: You know I'm always the optimistic bee.
I say 50% in that same light.
If the opposition chooses to include only 30% (+)-pseudo in the OTC pfed, bees will be looking at a 70% yield hit via the new(-)-pseudoephedrine.
Unless bees make that formulation a racemic mixture somehow.

I've seen those figures in print in the latest patents.
Whether they will stoop that low remains to be seen.
You know they will if they can get away with it!
Can you see Grandpa going to the store complaining that his pseudo just ain't what it use to bee?crazy

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
05-25-04 16:49
No 509597
      chirality of the amine     


1.  is it not true that it is the methyl group
attached to
the amine that is chiral, and not the amine itself?
 (This arises from my own misstaken thought
that it was the amine that was chiral,
but in another post you and a "troller"
had an acerbic dialogue about the matter....)

2.  If the meth amphetamine is formed first,
refs at your library indicate that nickle can be used
to racemizee the R into a blend of R and S. 
Is this true?

3.  If the chloro-intermediary
is exposed to reducing conditions
arising from Urushibara or Raney Ni,
can both the reduction and the stereo-chem
of the methyl-amine be influenced at the same time?

thank you.


(Chief Bee)
05-25-04 17:52
No 509612
      1 - 2 - 3     

1. Chiral carbons are those which have four different groups attached. Hence, the methyl group is not chiral (as it has three identical hydrogens), but rather the carbon both the amine and the methyl group is attached to. The way the functional groups are arranged on that carbon will make them point in different directions, but it is still the chiral center which makes the difference - Discussing whether it is the methyl or amine group which changes position is like arguing about if it is your left or right hand that is different from the other.

2. Yes, chiral meth can be racemized with Raney-Ni.

3. Theoretically it probably can, but it would probably be much work optimizing all reaction parameters so that the one-pot procedure would be preferable over a two-step one.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders