the_wasper (Stranger)
05-19-04 22:41
No 508367
      Extra Crystal     

Swim recently was at a loss.... the shelves at all the usual dollar and wally marts were empty (for days) of the well known and beloved cold/sinus pills that work so well for our intended reductions.Ibee decided to clean some of his used red phos and make some Iodine crystals to get ready for the stocking of the shelves. Getting to the point..... swim boiled the used reds (only used once) in some 70% iso alchocol in the microwave.The resulting liquid that sat on top of the reds had that familar beautiful smell and color that makes you want to ..... well you all know what I'm talkin bout.Anyway Ibee had 2 cooks worth of filter plugs and coffee filters ( 6 plugs and about 7 filters ) you know where you are filtering out the red phos from the post reaction fluid.The filtering media was rinsed with boiling dh20 and the iso alcohol from the "cleaning" were added together, based, pulled, then the coleman fuel was washed with dh20, PH'ed down to my usual 7 (ish). When Ibee turned the 20 oz Pepsi bottle upside down and loosened the lid to release the dope water from the bottle the destinctive odor of iso alchocol was detected, no problem the alch will evap before the water.... the resulting evap yeilded nearly 7 grams of the most beautiful crystals ,as good as if not better than my normal "raw product" . My question is:
1)How did Ibee get so much from so little ?
2)What, if any, part did the iso alch play in this result?
3)Should hot iso alch be used for the  last rinse of the red phos in a normal synth?
4)What would (or was) the drawbacks/side affects or by-products of using the iso alch ?

...It's fairly safe...for the most part
(Hive Bee)
05-20-04 01:09
No 508377
      Re: 1)How did Ibee get so much from so little...     

1)How did Ibee get so much from so little ?

You'd be surprised how much those filters soak up.  Esp. as the solution containing the meth begins to cool off, as the meth becomes less soluable.  The filters you used can all be saved until a rainy day and extracted with the boiling H2O as you did.  The rp however, should always be washed thoroughly after all reactions.  A whole lot of you yeild can get stuck in the rp, esp. if it wasn't as clean and some glues and shit got into the rxn.  SWIM always squeezes the last bit of H2O out of the filter used to filter the post reaction solution, as much as he can without breaking the filter.  Then, the filter is opened up and set on a dish.  The rp is scraped out with a scoopula and plopped into a beaker.  Some water is heated in a pan until boiling, the poured over the rp.  The is stirred well, and any clumps of rp are broken.  The it is filtered, and the rp left in the filter to dry out for to be thrown in another run.  The water from the rp rinse is always added to the main solution. SWIM has noticed a noticeable improvment in yeilds of the rp/I2 after he started doing this.

2)What, if any, part did the iso alch play in this result?

The same part boiling water would play, just a polar solvent to dissolve the polar meth stuck in the rp.  SWIM reccomends to just use boiling H2O, cuase it'll save you a step.  If you use alcohol, then extract an alcoholic H2O/NaOH with xylene, your gonna pull over some uneccessary garbage into the xylene (or whatever non-polar you use).  The alc is miscible with water, and is also miscible with most non-polars, so a lot of crap will be transferred.  If you pulled from alc, heat the non-polar gently until no more alc smell is detected.  Sometimes, esp. if gaks are present, a precipitate will form which should be filtered.  Then wash with water, then titrate.  Obviously if the gear you received was pretty clean fresh out, then that wasn't too much of a prob.  But SWIM garuntees it would be so much cleaner fresh from titration if you got rid of the alc.  Also, since meth freebase is soluable in alc, since alc is miscible with water, when you wash the non-polar some alc will move to the water, hence some yeild will go to.

3)Should hot iso alch be used for the  last rinse of the red phos in a normal synth?

Again just use hot water, see above.

4)What would (or was) the drawbacks/side affects or by-products of using the iso alch ?

I beleive I already inadvertently answered this above.

(Hive Addict)
05-20-04 01:33
No 508379
      Save those filters     

Swim's buddy's got a bunch of heavy duty of giant sized ziploc baggies stuffed with them (the ones from go-go filtering) that are kept carefully stowed away. When times get tough he just runs a bottle of warm alc through a few of the baggies and wrings out the lot while still in the bag. SOmething good always comes out and they've all had this done to them multiple times.

Hot water works fine too but if your alc supply is good it dries a faster but with some fire danger and possibly suspicious smell.

Those filters just keep on giving.

she showed me her immense menagerie of damaged sex toys, all of which she'd burned out from overuse
(Hive Bee)
05-20-04 02:55
No 508401
      Re: Hot water works fine too but if your alc...     

Hot water works fine too but if your alc supply is good it dries a faster but with some fire danger and possibly suspicious smell.

You mean from the filters used to filter out rp in a post rxn workup?  If so, just extracting with alcohol and evaporating will leave meth HI.  Probably ok, but SWIM prefers the HCl salt.  Plus SWIM would advise to be cautious using acetone to crystallize, as SWIM has heard that it is soluable to some degree in acetone (but doesn't know for sure).  If you were in a pinch and was feinding, SWIM would then advise using some alcohol to pull it, as like ChemoSabe said it'll evaporate quicker, so you can scrape out a line or two.  Then SWIM would dissolve in water and basify.  Then extract with non-polar, wash, then titrate.

(Hive Addict)
05-20-04 08:03
No 508439
      After Titration & Gassing     

The filtert I was referring to are from post titration or gassing acetone rinses. But for sure there are other goods in the RP filters. Swims buddy has a load of those saved too but had never thought to mine from them. Another rainy day resource.

Anyone know if there might bee anything worth mining from old and duct tape sealed 20' vinyl venting-to-the-outdoors tubes which got too brown to see through? At the very least there's gotta be some recyclable I in those.

Another lazy boy trick is to colloect the small bit of water which eventually accumulates in the used xylene from post rxn washes and then just base it up, titrate or gas and there's a mini batch for you all without even doing a rxn.

In theory of

she showed me her immense menagerie of damaged sex toys, all of which she'd burned out from overuse