m29t (Stranger)
05-26-04 04:16
No 509635
      hydrochloride and sulfate     

Hi... me again I found some other kind of pills that have 120mg and 60mg of pseudoephedrine but some of them are pseudoephedrine hydrochloride and pseudoephedrine sulfate
does that make a diference or can I use either.Thanks...[blue]

"emancipate yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds"
(Of Counsel)
05-26-04 04:57
No 509648
      convert the sulfate     

Don't react the pseudo sulfate. Freebase it and gas or titrate with HCl to make the pseudoHCl. The sulfate form does not react well.

mostly harmless
05-29-04 02:28
No 510117
      Will try it...     

I will try it and see how it goes, thanks alot...This has been very helpfull.

"emancipate yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds"
(Hive Bee)
05-29-04 02:52
No 510120
      Don't try it!     

By 'will try it' I hope you don't mean you'll try reacting the sulfate salt in an HI/P reduction.

Geeze is almost correct; in fact, the sulfate reacts a little too well, as the sulfate (SO42-) ion is reduced to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by HI (as well as by many other reagents, including formic acid). The chloride ion cannot be reduced by HI so - as Geeze said - the hydrochloride salt is the better choice. Causing avoidable side reactions is never wise.

According to an article in the journal C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., 152 (1911), 441-441, a 99% yield of H2S is obtained when reacting sulfuric acid with aqueous HI in the presence of phosphorous acid, H3PO3. These are the exact conditions you'll be exposing the salt to in your reaction.
05-29-04 05:59
      the hydrogen sulfide
(Rated as: Yes, it's toxic - UTFSE!)