fearnoevil (Stranger)
05-28-04 09:34
No 510026
      Str8 to E, TCE/JD or Tetra Trap - What's Best???     

OK, Swif can't decide which is best to extract his redhots - keeps reading posts on each, different folks think each is better, but what's a noob to do shocked?

Swif realizes that some of these opinions are subjective and people tend to stick to what works for them. But he also wonders if anyone has done a side-by-side using these methods on identical pill stocks to determine which is best, best being based on yield, ease/cost of extraction, etc. 

Not trying to be anal here, but Swif's just trying to clarify the random thoughts and information bouncing around in his skull cuz it's starting to give him a headache, LOL. TIA for any help.
(Of Counsel)
05-28-04 20:05
No 510076
      Different formulations     

The last time I did any serious extracting from red hots, there were five different formulations of the pills. I extracted with three different methods. Straight to E worked with two of the formulations (after deredding); two I believe I extracted with straight to Bee, and one I extracted after deredding with methonal and precipitated the pseudo in xylene, then did some post extraction cleaning. 

I also recall that three of them were great for the full cure approach, and that two of them really didn't need that much cleaning. I recall one had a dull red coat that was as friendly as cement to the extraction process.

I don't remember which ones are which these days, or whether the formulation has changed.

My point is to make you realize that all red hots are not alike, and they may not all extract with the same facility by the same method. 

I recommend white 60's, frankly.

mostly harmless
05-28-04 23:33
No 510100
      Swim can attest     

Swim has done the JD routine twice.  First time the dumbfuck got a ball of slightly orange jello. (QUAINT WHITE 60's) FLUSH!  Second, he did very cheap  60's, things were looking good till the dipshit thought he would get cute and run the" Idea" after the JD.  Just eyeballed the measurements for the "Idea" juice.  He used too much iso and denat.  Whoosh-- the sue flew down the funnel through the filter in to the catch.  He saved the Idea jucie and evaped.  Lost half of the sue somewhere, could have been the humidity.  Needles appeared but so did big piles of oily flem. Flushed and viewed the situation as a learning experience. 

swim had a grab bag of sinus meds left, 3 boxes of dollar type reds, 2 boxes of generic 120 and 10 boxes of the Name brand 120's.  The little genius cracked the shell on the 120's and removed the red via the usual methods and just let his white powder sit in a tuppoware dish till he figured out what he was gonna do.  These pills are bout 3-4 months old btw, or so he said.

Found the hive, read about the tetra trap.  So this is what swim did:  Swim has never boiled solvents, so he did a test run.   Boiled an inch of Vm&P Naptha in his homemade beaker.  (A candle jar that he melted a lip into using a propane torch. )  Swim wishes he could find a local lab supply but the nearest is three hours away, and he's leary about the internet.  So the brain improvised.  Things proceded well, heated the naptha, saw that he wouldn't blow himself up if he was careful.  Set up outside with a wet towel and a 5 gallon bucket of h2o.  He then weighed the total pill mass=50g's.  Weighed out 50g's of Sodium carbonate.  Mixed in blender for a little past a minute.  Let settle.  While the pill mass settled in the blender, he got everything ready.  Poured the settled pill mass into his "beaker" and added the tce till it was a mass and mixed with a stick.  He would add tce, put it on the heat and stir till he was satisfied with the consistency.  Then added Vm&P straight from the can to the beaker.   Bout an inch and a half's worth.  Put it back on the heat and added 5 tablespoons of Distilled H2o.  Let it boil slightly and backed off the heat all while gently stirring with his wood dowl rod.  Heated for 6 or 7 mins.  Probabally a little long as swim tells me that the bottom of the pill mass got brown.  He insits he kept stirring the whole damn time.  Anyhoo, took the beaker off and let the contents settle, poured off the naptha through a cotton ball into a visionware pan and observed something happening in the pan as he poured.  Next time swim's gonna set up a funnel with a cotton ball and a brown coffee filter as pouring through the cotton ball was slow and tedious.  Put the pan in the freezer for 2 hours, removed and pre wet a brown coffee filter with vm&P.  Poured the contents of the visionware pan through the prewet filter and funnel.  The Naptha had bits of stuff floating through it that swim said looked like loogies.  Sqeezed the excess from the filter and set to dry.  Poured the Vm&P back in the pan and swirled to get the last of the stubborn saturated sue.  30 mins later (fastest dry time swim had seen in his rather limited experience) opened the filter and smiled  laugh So this is what it looks like!!!  Sparkly fluffy shit that doesnt goop to the razor when chopped.  Yield was crap, but that was just one pull.  Swim saved the Vm&p and put it back in the freezer.  Kept the pill mass and will do the other two pulls tomorrow. 

Swim just want's it pretty clean, as he will dance with anne when the time comes.

Hope swim's experiece helped somebee.  He is very excitedshocked
If any of the bee's see some errors  in swim's process, or have a suggestion for improvement please contribute.
05-29-04 06:16
No 510138
      Just wondering why     

you are so intent on using the red coated pills in the first place? my experience has shown me to avoid the red coated pills at all costs simply because they have a red coating.The 120's give me a plaster of paris like solution that you can patch drywall with or make a nice vase or ashtray with.The white 60's & 30's work quite well but have antihistimines in them and you have to ask a store employee to get them out of the "fort knox high security vault" for you which 95% of the time they are sold out.The 240's work best for me, they break down well in :ISO alc.,heet,everclear,denateured alc. etc. etc.... and they have no antihistimines in them.But they are hard to find in generic so the name brand sudafed are a little on the expensive side.

...It's fairly safe...for the most part
05-29-04 10:02
No 510158
      Nope, 60's in Swif's local are shit!     

Swif's last extract was on a batch of 60's and he ended up with blue gooey pseudo, a bitch to clean and, OF COURSE, he didn't get it clean enuf and ended up with highly gakked meth that he tried to very hard to clean but to no avail. Course Swif's new at this and so had a limited arsenal he could throw at it - other's more xp'd probably could have licked it, but not Swif.

So having done 120's and 60's, he's down to trying the 30's hoping they don't have the latest gakk that caused his last fiasco, with any luck and his slowly improving skills (OK, Swif will be leaning heavily on the luck part, lol).
(Of Counsel)
05-29-04 19:25
No 510183
      Gassing for the HCl form     

Bigblue: you can harvest freebase pseudo if you want. I would still recommend that you dry the naptha and gas it as you will have more pseudo salt out. Freezing the naptha will not get all the pseudo out of it.

mostly harmless
06-02-04 03:17
No 510799

Thanks geez, swim was thinking that the resultant pseudo was free base. Wasn't sure.  Swim said it looked different and seemed lighter.  I told him he was a dumbfuck but I guess he was right.  Swim likes to understand the why.  Innovation can be had if one understands what is going on.  So set swim straight on this.  Tetra helps to break the bonds of the binders,   the sodium carbonate is a weak acid that also aids in seperation.  The pseudo migrates to the water/naptha layer because of solubility and the applied heat.  What would be the purpose of drying the naptha if swim adds distilled water?  And why is it a freebase if sodium carbonate is a weak acid?  As soon as swim filters the Naptha he  starts to see the freebase congeal.  But swim will give the naptha some gas and see what he see's.
(Hive Bee)
06-02-04 09:34
No 510874
      i dunno who told you sodium carbonate is an...     

i dunno who told you sodium carbonate is an acid, acids are down below the 7 mark on the PH scale. Sodium carbonate has a PH of like 13 or something.
(Hive Bee)
06-02-04 15:16
No 510941
      Sodium Carbonate is a base.     

Sodium Carbonate is a  base.  Na2CO3, soluble in water and slightly in alcohol.

Sodium carbonate decahydrate, Na 2 CO 3 ·10H 2 O, is a colorless, transparent crystalline compound commonly called sal soda or washing soda

Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2004

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
06-02-04 15:51
No 510943
      google confusion     

Swim googled Sodium carbonate and the first two entries mentioned a weak acid.  So thanks, that clarifies things. That stupid dipshit had better learn to read properlylaugh.
(Of Counsel)
06-02-04 15:52
No 510944
      naptha is dry     

Naptha will absorb so little water it is not neccessary to predry it. If you wash it with water, you may have fine droplets of water that have not settled out of the naptha, and drying with a drying agent will quickly clear these. You can just let naptha sit and the water will settle out. Same with xylene.

Adding water when you do a tetra trap does not make naptha or xylene "wet." They just don't hold water. Neither will the TCE. The gups and sodium carbonate grab the water, and this is when the pseudo that didn't dry base gets based.

mostly harmless
(Hive Addict)
06-02-04 17:21
No 510960

Sodium carbonate has a ph of 11.6.  For a list of chemicals and their ph's.....Post 449231 (SHORTY: "PH", Stimulants)

It wasn't Me!
(Chief Bee)
06-02-04 18:05
No 510968
      Base Basics: pH, Normality & Molarity     

Sodium carbonate has a ph of 11.6.

That's incorrect. The table you are referring to says that a 0.1 N solution of sodium carbonate has a pH of 11.6.

To review the meaning of N (normality) in regards to the concentration of a solution, see the following:

Molarity, molality, or normality? (A quick review) (http://www.carolina.com/chemistry/experiments/review.htm)
Post 401321 (terbium: "Normal (N), Molar (M) and Molal (m)", Newbee Forum)

Compare with the pH of different concentrations of NaOH:

Sodium hydroxide    1.00 N    pH 14.0
Sodium hydroxide    0.10 N    pH 13.0
Sodium hydroxide    0.01 N    pH 12.0

[sup]This table and more at http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/24_402.html%5B/sup]

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Addict)
06-04-04 02:49
No 511323
      Sorry, didn't realize that....     

But maybee this is better...

pH Value of sodium carbonate 11.4 (1%); 11.6 (5%); 11.7 (10%) at 25 deg C

It wasn't Me!